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Showing posts from September, 2021

Grothendieck, Bohm, Sheldrake, Leyton and Theosophy - 3

 Let us continue our of recognition - a recognition that some of the best and most controversial mathematician (Grothendieck), physicist (Bohm), biologist cum chemist (Sheldrake), artist (Leyton), psychologist (Weiss) and mystic or esoteric philosopher (Blavatsky) of past two centuries were all pointing to a sort of unified Knowledge (which was termed as Theosophy by mystics which unified western esotericism especially neoplatonism with Hinduism and Buddhism) through their works giving a broader perspective on most of the widely studied fields under modern science and medicine. The knowledge whose five foundational cornerstones as per my intuitive grasp of their works are as below : 1. Holistic  transcending limited modern reductionist approach 2. Interconnected rather than limited view of fragmentation 3. Creative and Intelligent  rather than simply mechanistic 4. Having a purpose or goal-oriented rather than simply random with no seeming rational purpose 5. Evolution...