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Showing posts from October, 2021

Foundational cornerstones of New Age of Synthesis and New Civilization

 This post is a summary of the synthesis of all knowledge that humanity has worked upon so far as my intuition is slowly making me realize. 1. Synthesis of Astrology and Pyschology - Dane Rudhyar 2. Synthesis of Yogas - Integral Yoga (Sri Aurobindo and Mother), Agni Yoga (Nicholas and Helena Roerich under Morya and Maitreya) 3. Synthesis of Religions - Theosophy (Helena Blavatsky under Morya and Koothoomi) 4. Synthesis in Agriculture - Biodynamic Permaculture (Fukuoka and Rudolf Steiner) 5. Synthesis in Psychology - Psychosynthesis (Roberto Asssagioli under DK and with Bailey) 6. Synthesis in Mathematics - Category theory (Alexander Grothendieck under Jesus ?) 7. Synthesis in Signal Processing and Machine learning - Functorial Signal Representation (Salil Samant thesis) I will post more synthesis of fields as my intuition guides me in the future.

Synthesis in Natural Agriculture: Permaculture (Masanobu Fukuoka) and Biodynamic Agriculture (Rudolf Steiner)

Since July this year, I have been visiting (and sometimes volunteering) a few farms or forests to be able to start a small permaculture farm myself. The goal is to transform some fair share of land back into a forest the way nature meant it to be and live a non material sustainable life. Renewable energy technologies cannot offset the highly materialistic lives we have been living. If we are serious about climate change then the most practical and effective way is to shift to a farm living (with ofcourse renewable energy) There is a deep underlying connection between the terms permaculture and biodynamic agriculture. In fact the term biodynamic agriculture term was coined by a theosophist and alludes to the occult side of nature underlying the transformation of a seed to a plant. Permaculture is a starting step towards biodynamic agriculture I am myself trying to intuitively understand the philosophy and experiment alongside well-known permaculture techniques. The experiences and infor...