This post is a summary of the synthesis of all knowledge that humanity has worked upon so far as my intuition is slowly making me realize. 1. Synthesis of Astrology and Pyschology - Dane Rudhyar 2. Synthesis of Yogas - Integral Yoga (Sri Aurobindo and Mother), Agni Yoga (Nicholas and Helena Roerich under Morya and Maitreya) 3. Synthesis of Religions - Theosophy (Helena Blavatsky under Morya and Koothoomi) 4. Synthesis in Agriculture - Biodynamic Permaculture (Fukuoka and Rudolf Steiner) 5. Synthesis in Psychology - Psychosynthesis (Roberto Asssagioli under DK and with Bailey) 6. Synthesis in Mathematics - Category theory (Alexander Grothendieck under Jesus ?) 7. Synthesis in Signal Processing and Machine learning - Functorial Signal Representation (Salil Samant thesis) I will post more synthesis of fields as my intuition guides me in the future.