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The Yoga of Synthesis Diary Leaves 4

 Album The Yoga of Synthesis  Dated 22 January 2025 The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali give us four stages of meditation and when applied on symbols we find: 1. First, as the form is pondered upon, the realisation begins to dawn that it is but a symbol of an inner reality. 2. Second, there is a recognition of the quality or nature of the form—its subjective energy, the quality of the force that seems to flow through it, the emotion that the symbol arouses. 3. Third, as we concentrate on considering the quality, we arrive next at the purpose, the motive, and the idea that the symbol has held concealed. 4. Fourth, in the final stage of identification, one becomes at one with the symbol; one shares its quality; one participates in its purpose, and through these stages one arrives at a unity with the creator of the form. When applied to the four symbols (of Helena Blavatsky, Sri Aurobindo and The Mother, Alice Bailey, and the category-theoretic model of Cause-Meaning/Quality-Effect), we...
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Theosophical Society Adyar Diary Leaves 2

 Album TS Adyar Dated 8 December 2024 A reconciling 'Yoga of Synthesis' perspective on JK's quote and its connection with theosophy (HPB & DK-AAB) - Warning: We are not denigrating devotion (and the value of Ray 6). Most of us have ray 6 sheaths and see ourselves as a devotee of all true gurus (on various rays). And personally I do not endorse the western criticism of other people’s thoughts, calling devotion foolish (note the other side of HPB's prophetic words). In fact, Damodar (the only golden child to pass the probation in those days) touched the blessed feet of HPB in devotion (a tradition in India) before leaving Adyar.   I saw some recent questions and photos from my admin friends on the BBR and Wisdom Retreat groups regarding JK. I felt an inner calling to make this post summarizing my understanding (so far) of his works and mission (based on direct experience and evolving through the path of Advaitee Vedantist). Interestingly I had been in TS@Adyar just la...

The Yoga of Synthesis Diary Leaves 3

 Album The Goal - Yoga of Synthesis Dated 3 December 2024 Some more words of wisdom on the yoga of synthesis. When Helena Petrovna Blavatsky proclaimed, ʺAll the old worships indicate the existence of a single Theosophy anterior to them. The key that is to open one must open  all, she pointed her finger to "Theo (relating to God) - Sophia (Wisdom) - The Wisdom Religion Esoteric in All Ages," indicating a synthesis of exoteric religions.  That is precisely what Sri Aurobindo (from the lineage of yogi Swami Vivekananda) said on the synthesis of yogas: "The synthesis we propose cannot, then, be arrived at either by combination in mass or by successive practice. It must therefore be effected by neglecting the forms and outsides of the Yogic disciplines and seizing rather on some central principle common to all, which will include and utilise in the right place and proportion their particular principles, and on some central dynamic force, which is the common secret of their d...

The Yoga of Synthesis Diary Leaves 2

Album The Goal - Yoga of Synthesis Dated 25 November 2024 Greetings to all seeker friends from TS@Adyar once again. This year the practice of the yoga of synthesis revealed an intuitive connection between theosophy and Savitri. The synthesis of a mystic poetry (rays 2, 4, 6) with an occult philosophy (rays 1, 3, 5, 7) takes a bold new step towards restoring the whole of ageless wisdom, imparting a secret grandiose meaning to our lives. Deep gratitude to Shraddhavan (especially The English of Savitri books...find the links below), Huta, and other Aurovillian and Ashram friends. In my close and narrow thinking, the vanity of shut mortal philosophical scientific mind, for some time I had failed to feel the mystic heart and lived in fragments. "Only the fringe of a wide surge we see; Our instruments have not that greater light, Our will tunes not with the eternal Will, Our heart’s sight is too blind and passionate. Impotent to share in Nature’s mystic tact, Inapt to feel the pulse and...

Theosophical Society Adyar Diary Leaves 1

 Album TS Adyar Dated 20 November 2024 In honour of his legacy, today's post is dedicated with deep gratitude to one of my most beloved friends and an Aurovillian elder brother of light (and a true companion of Ruud Lohman, consecrating himself to building a living physical garment of the Divine Mother—the Matrimandir since 1974.) on the occasion of his birthday.  Greetings to all friends from TS @ Adyar.  Sharing a magic of a changing eternity (a memory in the heart of time); At an ongoing course on TSD in the SOW as a member of the Adyar Lodge of the Theosophical Society, two days back I met an old German theosophist friend. He brought good news, saying, "The original 'Messenger' painting on the tempera (gifted by Nicholas Roerich while he was staying here for three days in 1925) that had faded is restored just two weeks ago. It is now waiting in the Adyar archives and library building to find a new spot for permanent exhibition once again."  The persistent thri...

The Yoga of Synthesis Diary Leaves 1

Album The Goal - Yoga of Synthesis Dated 15 November 2024 "Let me tell you this—this group now in process of becoming, will in time develop its own 'yoga' and school of training which will gradually supersede that of the raja yoga and bhakti yoga schools. The method of training will only be given to those who have trained the mind and learnt to control the emotions. Hence the key to what is now going on. The mode of training will be no easy short cut to the goal. Only the intelligent can attain it and only coordinated personalities will be eligible to the teaching. The keynote of the new yoga will be synthesis; its objective will be conscious development of the intuitive faculty. This development will fall into two categories: first, the development of the intuition and of true spiritual perception, and secondly, the trained utilisation of the mind as an interpreting agent. In the book Agni Yoga, some of the teaching to be given has filtered through but only from the angle...

The Mother of the World - Yoga of Synthesis

 Today while contemplating on the painting Mother of the world, I had an intuitive revelation which I am sharing for the love of truth - Nicholas Roerich enters in his diary on January 27th 1926: "And again a page from the true East apostrophizes the Mother of the World: “Thou, Who hast covered Thy Face! Thou, Who hast woven the texture of the far-off worlds, Messenger of the Untold! Ruler of the Elusive! Bestower of the Unrepeatable!" “By Thy command the ocean becomes silent and the whirlwinds trace the outlines of invisible signs. . . And She who covered her face will stand on guard alone in the glory of the signs. And none will ascend to the summit, none will perceive the glory of the twelve-signed symbol of her power. From the spirals of light she herself has woven the sign in silence. She is the Leader of those who go toward attainment. Four corners, the sign of affirmation, are manifested by her as a benediction to those who have made their decision. . . . Then he paint...