Album The Yoga of Synthesis
Dated 22 January 2025
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali give us four stages of meditation and when applied on symbols we find:
1. First, as the form is pondered upon, the realisation begins to dawn that it is but a symbol of an inner reality.
2. Second, there is a recognition of the quality or nature of the form—its subjective energy, the quality of the force that seems to flow through it, the emotion that the symbol arouses.
3. Third, as we concentrate on considering the quality, we arrive next at the purpose, the motive, and the idea that the symbol has held concealed.
4. Fourth, in the final stage of identification, one becomes at one with the symbol; one shares its quality; one participates in its purpose, and through these stages one arrives at a unity with the creator of the form.
When applied to the four symbols (of Helena Blavatsky, Sri Aurobindo and The Mother, Alice Bailey, and the category-theoretic model of Cause-Meaning/Quality-Effect), we can intuit that through different subjective energies (or technically rays), they are revealing the teaching of Boddhisattva Maitreya/Krishna-Kalki/Christ, which is Spirit-Soul-Matter, and becoming one with them, we arrive at the unity of the new message of the future Wisdom Scientific Religion.
To quote an example (through my own direct experience—contemplating in the Himalayas overlooking the mountains where Nicholas and Helena Roerich resided for 20 years, experiencing the old building and her room where Blavatasky worked from 1883-1885, and doing dishes in the dining hall of Sri Aurobindo and living in Auroville)—in the first two symbols we find the upward and downward triangles and a centre in their intersection. In H.P.B.'s symbol, the upward-pointing triangle is spirit, while the downward-pointing one is matter, while in Sri Aurobindo's symbol it is reversed, and in the centre the first one denotes energies of control versus the second natural blossoming of the lotus without clamour. This reveals the complementary nature of those two approaches. The first is purely occult (1,3) and second is mystic (4,6) synthesised on 2 (A with B). Indeed, the first is the heroic (1), philosophic (3), and active upper pull of spirit that is evolving the soul in control through the driving of the matter. The second is the zealous, fiery, devotional, aspiring (6) matter that surrenders and brings down the descent of the Spirit, and this is expressed in the ray 4 mantra of Savitri. Similarly for other symbols (such as the twelves of The Mother, which is also the Egoic Lotus of Alice Bailey and Om Mani Padme Hum of the Buddhists). Thus the secret of the symbols is revealed according to the qualities latent in the perceiving consciousness.
For more details on Individual Symbols here are the links -
4. OR
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