This post is simply redirection of material which was posted earlier in part 1. I have deleted the material from there to form this post since the earlier post was getting too long. I have tried collecting the intuitive experiences of mathematicians, philosophers, artists, psychologists, scientists and mystics. Now it might be useful for me to recall the origin and academic definition of the word intuition. Origin of the word intuition is from the Latin "intuitio": the act of contemplation and "intueri": to look at. Webster's defines the word as it is used today: 1 a: immediate apprehension or cognition; b: knowledge or conviction gained by intuition; c: the power or faculty of attaining to direct knowledge or cognition without rational thought or inference. 2. quick and ready insight. Since ancient times the concept of intuition has always had a mystical status as being ultra-experiential beyond senses. The concept is revived in the modern Theosophical litera...