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Showing posts from January, 2023

The seven (3 primary + 4 derived) rays (life-energies) of our universe

 The knowledge of seven rays, through first series of books (in a long sequel to follow later during first few centuries of the new age)  revived by Djwal Khul (DK) through Alice Bailey is a fundamental concept underlying the entire fields of esoteric sciences - Esoteric Astrology : This field deals with constellations and planets and other celestial bodies corresponding to these rays. Esoteric Psychology : This field deals with rays of human constitution such as those of physical body, emotional body, mental body, personality or aggregate lower self, soul and monad. Esoteric Philosophy: This field deals with the underlying philosophy and scientific structure of these rays. These rays were referred to by old sages in India as "the seven rivers of life"  in Vedas which is reviewed by Sri Aurobindo in formulating his Integral Yoga (synthesising various schools of yogas) and it has been the knowledge imparted throughout the ages through many mystery schools.   Figu...