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Showing posts from July, 2023

Third Initiation : Disciple and Mental Body

 We studied initiations until the second in our ealier posts. Today let us look at the third especially from the perspective of a disciple (rather than the ray as well as the external ceremonial aspect conferred during the wesak full moon which we will cover later). The third initiation marks the culmination of complete mastery of the mental (in the same way that the earlier two initiations resulted into the control of physical and astral planes). It is a distinct initiation, which marks a definite transition out of the form consciousness (lower personality of mental, emotional(astral) and physical planes), and the initiate can function at will on the plane of the intuition though soul (ego). Between the second and third initiation work is struggling with and mastering the energies of the mental world. What kind of work ? DK sums that for us (details found in TWM book) as -  "A. Work on the mental plane produces realisation of duality. The disciple seeks to blend and merge the...

A synthesis of Savitri and Seven Rays

 A Synthesis of the heart (mystic way of Krishna, Maitreya or Christ) and head (occult path of Buddha as explained in Theosophy and Seven Rays) paths fusing into Love-Wisdom (Ray 2 Lesson we are mastering here). Savitri an epic, is a mantric expression of Seer-sage’s Sri Aurobindo's inner findings and conquests, leading to his vision of an supramental age of truth-consciousness and immortality (or the new age of Bailey or the sixth race of Blavatsky). He presents it in 12 books with their themes as below: 1. Beginnings 2. The Traveller of the Worlds 3. The Divine Mother 4. Birth and Quest 5. Love 6. Fate 7. Yoga 8. Death 9. Eternal Night 10.The Double Twilight 11.Everlasting Day 12.Epilogue   It is an epic poem of high spiritual challenge in the Yoga or Divine Union or Goal of Self-Realisation it presents. It portrays in living drama the daring climb within (that which DK calls initiations) of a king-soul (spiritual triad) through progressive states of consciousness to Nirvani...

Few words on solitude in old age

 This weekend while visiting the ashram, we again got opportunity to have lunch with one of our dearest friends from the west who has sacrificed everything in his service to the divine mother. I cannot disclose his identity (just yet) for he dislikes fame and avoids talking anything praiseworthy about himself (a quality exhibited by those truly humble). Anyways while chatting he told us that one of his friends in the west asked him if he regrets choosing a path that very few can even think to walk. Today he appears to the outer world all alone and forgotten. And he answered with a calm smile regarding how blessed he was to have the grace of the mother and being chosen by the mother herself for this most difficult mission of his. It reminded me of Alexander Grothendieck who lived alone in solitude since 1991 until his death in the Pyrenees of France (some photos of his abode are herewith attached). No one in the scientific/mathematical community seems to have understood his state of...

More on Synthesis

 Again we shall contemplate on a few more words on the wisdom of synthesis (navigating the "narrow razor-edged Path" between duality or the "noble middle path" of Buddha) from our beloved DK. However I wish to emphasize that Djwal Khul and Alice Bailey demonstrated practical (not just theoretically) synthesis. For instance Alice Bailey being born in the west was open enough to acknowledge and bring forth teachings from a far wiser eastern/oriental master Djwal Khul. She could both surrender herself (a difficult quality to develop for the western concrete mind with its overemphasis on freedom) and at the same time was careful enough to guard herself against foolish blind devotion (a vice of oriental masses). Another disciple who demonstrated practical synthesis was Blavatsky (synthesis of religions). She established Theosophical society headquarters in the west and soon shifted it to the east although she worked and died for the cause of theosophy in the west. One mo...

On fear and pain (Dweller for those evolving on Ray 2)

 Today's post is on fear and pain (from TWM of DK) to which second ray people are peculiarly a prey. Thus for the majority of Second ray aspirants and disciples it constitutes the "dweller on the threshold". 1. Fear: This is one of the most usual of the manifestations of astral energy, and is put first because it constitutes, for the vast majority, the Dweller on the Threshold and also in the last analysis is the basic astral evil. Every human being knows fear and the range of the fear vibrations extends from the instinctual fears of the savage man based on his ignorance of the laws and forces of nature, and on his terror of the dark and the unknown, to the fears so prevalent today of loss of friends and loved ones, of health, of money, of popularity and on to the final fears of the aspirant—the fear of failure, the fear which has its roots in doubt, the fear of ultimate negation or of annihilation, the fear of death (which he shares equally with all humanity) the fear of...

Rules for White Magic of a Disciple

 We have been looking at some of the qualities needed to be cultivated. Today we gather "Rules for Disciples - (From TWM book)" given by DK for walking the path of a disciple. These rules may sound too simple for the learned aspirant but for those who are willing to become as little children they will be found to be a safe guide into truth and will eventually make them able to pass the tests for adeptship. Some are couched in terms symbolic, others are necessarily blinds, still others express the truth just as it is. 1. View the world of thought, and separate the false out of the true. 2. Learn the meaning of illusion, and in its midst locate the golden thread of truth. 3. Control the body of emotion for the waves that rise upon the stormy seas of life engulf the swimmer, shut out the sun and render all plans futile. 4. Discover that thou hast a mind and learn its dual use. 5. Concentrate the thinking principle, and be the master of thy mental world. 6. Learn that the thinker...

On Occult Obedience

 A few months ago in the molecular group of JJ, I had posted a summary of those traits of the disciples which lead to the failure of the group experiment of DK. Those were careful handling of intensified stimulation, control of the personality faults of pride, temper and an undisciplined nature, dislike of criticism and resentment, non-recognition and non-appreciation of the opportunity, treating obedience as infringement of their freewill, inertia and laziness. The personality faults of pride, temper can be addressed if we develop the quality of humility while the dislike of criticism and resentment can be tackled through divine indifference as we studied in the earlier posts. Today let us take a look at the "treating obedience as infringement of their freewill". Here are some of Tibetans direct words from DINA I on the theme of occult obedience -  1. The obedience required is obedience to the Plan. It is not obedience to the Master, no matter what many old-style occult scho...

On humility

 Another essential quality to be cultivated next to divine indifference and visualization is a true humility of heart, based on understanding and vision (a lack of it leads to pride and bombast, while in the other extreme it gives way to self-depreciation - always the balanced middle way of Beloved Buddha !). In this post we collect pertinent advice of the Tibetan to his disciples on the quality of humility - 1. I would like also to point out with all the clarity and power at my disposal, the very deep necessity for humility and its constantly recurring expression. I refer not to an inferiority complex but to that adjusted sense of right proportion which equips its possessor with a balanced point of view as to himself, his responsibilities and his life work. This, when present, will enable him to view himself dispassionately and his presented opportunities with equal dispassion.  2. Some of you are too humble in the personal sense and not in the sense of true humility. By that...