A Synthesis of the heart (mystic way of Krishna, Maitreya or Christ) and head (occult path of Buddha as explained in Theosophy and Seven Rays) paths fusing into Love-Wisdom (Ray 2 Lesson we are mastering here).
Savitri an epic, is a mantric expression of Seer-sage’s Sri Aurobindo's inner findings and conquests, leading to his vision of an supramental age of truth-consciousness and immortality (or the new age of Bailey or the sixth race of Blavatsky). He presents it in 12 books with their themes as below:
1. Beginnings
2. The Traveller of the Worlds
3. The Divine Mother
4. Birth and Quest
5. Love
6. Fate
7. Yoga
8. Death
9. Eternal Night
10.The Double Twilight
11.Everlasting Day
It is an epic poem of high spiritual challenge in the Yoga or Divine Union or Goal of Self-Realisation it presents. It portrays in living drama the daring climb within (that which DK calls initiations) of a king-soul (spiritual triad) through progressive states of consciousness to Nirvanic heights (reaching the Monad at later initiations) and beyond to summits never reached before. Briefly the theme is that Savitri (The coming Saviour Christ or Maitreya with his team of Masters on 7 Rays) has accepted the mortal birth in response to the ardent prayer of Aswapati the Yogi, at his insistence (which is our inner cry and spiritual endeavour to the greatest height) With a disciple's spiritually prepared ground, she see a certain readiness and comes down to conquer Death. The love between Savitri and Satyavan is the love of Maitreya towards his disciples. The knowledge-glow and the warrior-strength of Savitri is tested in the occult battle of Kurukshetra and eventually, Death (depicting loss of Soul to the glamor and grip of lower self) stands defeated against her. Sri Aurobindo goes further describing how Savitri had asked for The Life Divine for men and earth (the new age), for the soul of this evolutionary creation, and she is assured that it shall be so, that the earthly life shall become The Life Divine.
My goal is to intuit the synthesis between these approaches and such kind of work has never been attempted as far as my knowledge goes.
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