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Showing posts from September, 2024

From the Kingdoms and Godheads of the Little Life to Greater Life

Travelling  from the kingdoms and godheads of the little life to the Kingdoms and godheads of the greater life.  Adventuring once more in the natal mist Across the dangerous haze, the pregnant stir, He through the astral chaos shore a way Mid the grey faces of its demon gods, The watching opacity multiplied as he moved Its hostile mass of dead and staring eyes; The darkness glimmered like a dying torch. Around him an extinguished phantom glare Peopled with shadowy and misleading shapes The vague Inconscient’s dark and measureless cave. His only sunlight was his spirit’s flame. Now in the last section before he moves on to a greater life, Aswapati is once again for the last time experiencing the fog and the dangerous haze of vital dark emotions that are stirring. Sri Aurobindo says as Aswapati cut a way through the astral chaos that moves the little life, the grey faces of demons and the ambiguous dead staring eyes multiplied. The darkness flickered like a dying torch, like an extinguis

A Messenger of Synthesis in Art - "The Messenger, 1925"

  Almost 100 years ago, On 17th January, in the Jubilee year (1925) of the Theosophical Society, Nicholas Roerich came to Adyar.  A great Russian following, fifty years after, in the footsteps of a greater Russian, whom he also worshipped as a fearless apostle, a messenger from the Inner World of Light, known to us as H. P. Blavatsky.  Roerich left the Old World to take his message to the New and from America continued his pilgrimage—Eastward—to the goal of his dreams and the shrine of his hopes. India! what has that name meant for him! By his work you will know. In his hands he bears a gift and a torch. The gift is a painting in tempera, “The Messenger,” the work of his own hands, the creation of his own genius, the testimony of his faith, the witness of his love, the earnest of his dedication to the Great Cause and its Greatest Servants. The Torch is the torch of Beauty.   Roerich, in one beautiful and dignified sentence made his presentation:  “In this Home of Light, let me present