The purpose of this post is to put forth theosophy (or Brahma Vidya in ancient India) as a branch of metaphysical and moral philosophy: not as fairy tales or conjectures of exceptional individuals popularly known as initiates in theosophical circles, but as purely divine universal ethics, the exercise of which in daily living unfolds the latent divine powers in man. In its practical bearing, it inculcates certain great moral truths upon its followers, and all those who are true to their own conscience or lovers of the truth. Following some arguments of Bertrand Russell a modern philosopher, the way in which he proposes and defends analytic philosophy, I shall attempt to briefly exhibit theosophy a.k.a ageless wisdom as the perennial source of modern academic philosophy. Humanity ever since the dawn of civilised races has been challenged with problems of two major types: The first problem has everything to do with the nature especially mastering of natural phenomena and...