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Theosophy following arguments of Bertrand Russell

 The purpose of this post is to put forth theosophy (or Brahma Vidya in ancient India) as a branch of metaphysical and moral philosophy: not as fairy tales or conjectures of exceptional individuals popularly known as initiates in theosophical circles, but as purely divine universal ethics, the exercise of which in daily living unfolds the latent divine powers in man. In its practical bearing, it inculcates certain great moral truths upon its followers, and all those who are true to their own conscience or lovers of the truth.  

Following some arguments of Bertrand Russell a modern philosopher, the way in which he proposes and defends analytic philosophy, I shall attempt to briefly exhibit theosophy a.k.a ageless wisdom as the perennial source of modern academic philosophy.

Humanity ever since the dawn of civilised races has been challenged with problems of two major types:

The first problem has everything to do with the nature especially mastering of natural phenomena and forces governing matter. In the modern times this problem is dealt with by Science (also known as natural philosophy) through its branches such as physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy, cosmology etc. Indeed science has aptly concerned itself with gathering of the knowledge and skills required to produce machinery, tools and also maximising the production of useful plants, animals and their byproducts. Consequently this has resulted into the training of a large number of modern day specialists such as scientists, doctors, engineers etc.  

Yet there is a second more general problem, often regarded erroneously as less significant or even neglected by majority of men. It is the problem of conscientiously using the machines and tools produced through science without harming the race. It leads to the study of human character and other related abstract subjects such as causation, existence etc. Thus this problem is dealt with by moral and metaphysical philosophy including its branches such as psychology, social sciences, ethics, politics, logic, mathematics, epistemology etc. On the burning issues such as global warming, nuclear proliferation, democracy versus dictatorship, degrading religious superstition versus brutal materialism and global pandemics such as coronavirus; human experience shows that a closed laboratory is failing to give causal conclusive knowledge.

That the world is in such a morally dialipated condition is a conclusive evidence that none of the current theologies, religions and philosophies are in possession of complete truth. It is time that theosophy must be justly recognized as a philosophy dealing with hypotheses concerning the common esoteric truth underlying the various exoteric religions as shown in the following figure;

I shall now try to reason why Theosophy is mother of modern moral and metaphysical philosophy waiting to be discovered as such. Analogous to philosophy which means love of wisdom, theosophy essentially is love of divine wisdom. Indeed the word is derived from Greek word Theosophia which is theos (or God) and sophia (or wisdom) combined. The term is as far as known, first used in the modern sense of the word by Ammonius Saccas which was adopted by the founders of modern Theosophical Society.

Like philosophy, theosophy is characterized by the presence of two factors viz. one inherited ethical and moral conceptions from the adepts or initiates of long gone past ages and other scientific investigation (hence also termed as occult science). In other words, it is potentially the missing link between modern academic disciplines Theology and Science. Like theology it consists of speculations by the so called adepts on matters related to divine intelligence which is yet to be completely ascertained into definite knowledge. Yet on the other hand like science, it is appealing to human reason, instinct and intuition rather than to authority. Being in the intermediate between theology and science its hypotheses can arrest the extremes of both blind faith of theology as well as materialistic skepticism of modern science.    

(albeit some of its most abstruse hypotheses of reincarnation, soul, masters (or initaiates) are being verified by eminent psychiatrists like Brian L. Weiss MD and many more like him.)

Limitations of Science

Introspection will show that increase in scientific skills has made human life more comfortable by solving some major material problems yet increase in skill has not, of itself, assured any increase in human contentment and welfare. On the contrary we have created some dire global challenges in past few decades through rapid urbanization. Many current challenges indicate that more of wisdom is required than simply the skillset of science. In-fact on a personal level I think it is more essential now than ever before. 

Limitations of Theology

Theology at times leads to dogmatic belief giving rise to illusion of knowledge where in truth there is ignorance. This leads to an irrelevant hostility towards world challenging such beliefs. In waging a fierce battle against science its adherents revert to some ancient and pernicious superstitions that they remain blind to the service science has delivered towards increase in material human welfare. Dogmatism is an enemy of peace, greatest obstacle to happiness and an invincible barrier to democracy. The need for certainty is naturally ingrained in humans; yet if they are not taught to withhold judgements in the absence of proof, they are sure to be led astray by their so called leaders who are either unaware extremists or misleading charlatans. 

Theosophy as an esoteric moral and metaphysical philosophy

Nearly all wider questions pertaining to the second problem touched on earlier are such as science is incapable of answering, and the dogmatic answers of theologians no longer seem adequate as they did in earlier times. The knowledge that can give most help in answering these questions is a wide survey of human life in past ages along with the present, as well as recognition of the sources of hardships and sufferings.

Theosophy since ages has been investigating two interrelated questions. Esoterically it has been trying to understand the structure and purpose of life in Cosmos or the divine plan which one can term as cause; while exoterically it has tried discovering and inculcating an ideally suitable way of life to further that cause or plan. Hence it can be seen as keeping both ends of science and religion at the same time in view.

Venerated theosophists, make suggestions on basis of their experience for careful consideration without any obligation to obey whatsoever. Distinct from theology the focus is on self-motivated and self-managed effort, freedom in action and discernment in method and not by unquestioning acceptance of authority, and blind obedience or compliance. Aspirants are encouraged to accept fundamental concepts only as working hypothesis and then check and corroborate them carefully through experiments  

Some questions studied by Theosophy

In particular theosophy deals with questions such as:

Is world comprised of spirit and matter, and if so what is their inter-relationship ? 

Is spirit independent or subject to matter ?

Does universe exhibits unity and evolves towards some goal ? Are there any laws of nature governing its order ? Is there any particular way of living that can be termed noble ? Why is good worth seeking even if it seems that world is inevitably moving towards corruption and death ? Is there something such as wisdom objectively or is everything just a shade of human folly subjectively ?

Since studying of these kind of questions, if not answering of them, is also within the scope of philosophy. It follows both age-old theosophy and modern philosophy can benefit immensely from one another towards joint hypotheses for theology and science to consider and verify.  

Theosophy as a daily way of life

The maxim of philosophy that the circumstances of men's lives largely determine their philosophy and vice-versa cannot be more apt when applied to theosophy. How to live life without the certainty offered by science or the uncertainty in comforting fairly tales and belief systems of exoteric religions and yet without being paralyzed by the fear using reasoned faith which has to be corroborated through intuition and experience is what theosophy can do for its sincere students. Cultivating the virtue of deferring judgement is the least theosophy can teach in today's age where every one is over confidently delivering his or her opinion. It seeks to train intelligent and dedicated groups of world servers.

In conclusion, I consider it appropriate to classify Theosophy or often called as partial ageless divine wisdom as an authentic branch of modern age Philosophy. 


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