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Showing posts from 2021

Foundational cornerstones of New Age of Synthesis and New Civilization

 This post is a summary of the synthesis of all knowledge that humanity has worked upon so far as my intuition is slowly making me realize. 1. Synthesis of Astrology and Pyschology - Dane Rudhyar 2. Synthesis of Yogas - Integral Yoga (Sri Aurobindo and Mother), Agni Yoga (Nicholas and Helena Roerich under Morya and Maitreya) 3. Synthesis of Religions - Theosophy (Helena Blavatsky under Morya and Koothoomi) 4. Synthesis in Agriculture - Biodynamic Permaculture (Fukuoka and Rudolf Steiner) 5. Synthesis in Psychology - Psychosynthesis (Roberto Asssagioli under DK and with Bailey) 6. Synthesis in Mathematics - Category theory (Alexander Grothendieck under Jesus ?) 7. Synthesis in Signal Processing and Machine learning - Functorial Signal Representation (Salil Samant thesis) I will post more synthesis of fields as my intuition guides me in the future.

Synthesis in Natural Agriculture: Permaculture (Masanobu Fukuoka) and Biodynamic Agriculture (Rudolf Steiner)

Since July this year, I have been visiting (and sometimes volunteering) a few farms or forests to be able to start a small permaculture farm myself. The goal is to transform some fair share of land back into a forest the way nature meant it to be and live a non material sustainable life. Renewable energy technologies cannot offset the highly materialistic lives we have been living. If we are serious about climate change then the most practical and effective way is to shift to a farm living (with ofcourse renewable energy) There is a deep underlying connection between the terms permaculture and biodynamic agriculture. In fact the term biodynamic agriculture term was coined by a theosophist and alludes to the occult side of nature underlying the transformation of a seed to a plant. Permaculture is a starting step towards biodynamic agriculture I am myself trying to intuitively understand the philosophy and experiment alongside well-known permaculture techniques. The experiences and infor...

Grothendieck, Bohm, Sheldrake, Leyton and Theosophy - 3

 Let us continue our of recognition - a recognition that some of the best and most controversial mathematician (Grothendieck), physicist (Bohm), biologist cum chemist (Sheldrake), artist (Leyton), psychologist (Weiss) and mystic or esoteric philosopher (Blavatsky) of past two centuries were all pointing to a sort of unified Knowledge (which was termed as Theosophy by mystics which unified western esotericism especially neoplatonism with Hinduism and Buddhism) through their works giving a broader perspective on most of the widely studied fields under modern science and medicine. The knowledge whose five foundational cornerstones as per my intuitive grasp of their works are as below : 1. Holistic  transcending limited modern reductionist approach 2. Interconnected rather than limited view of fragmentation 3. Creative and Intelligent  rather than simply mechanistic 4. Having a purpose or goal-oriented rather than simply random with no seeming rational purpose 5. Evolution...

Mathematics for a new civilisation of synthesis

When I stumbled upon category theory during my doctoral years (around 2015), I had sensed something extra-ordinary about it. But it was only in the last few months after glancing through works of Bohm, Sheldrake and others as mentioned in the Galileo commission report i suddenly had an aha moment (which are nothing but some sort of intuitive flashes of understanding) that Category theory potentially is the mathematics that underlies a Science with an enlarged or altered set of background assumptions and wider methodological principles.  It is what Galileo commission calls as a more enlightened or post-materialist or spiritually-informed Science 3 in its report.  By acknowledging consciousness in its own reality – without presuming any idealist or dualist ontology, but simply taking it as fundamental together with matter – one opens up a separate route to understanding through radical or direct introspection. It leads to a science where consciousness will have its own access...

Intuition : Faculty of Synthesis and Pure Integral Reason, Part 2

This post is simply redirection of material which was posted earlier in part 1. I have deleted the material from there to form this post since the earlier post was getting too long. I have tried collecting the intuitive experiences of mathematicians, philosophers, artists, psychologists, scientists and mystics. Now it might be useful for me to recall the origin and academic definition of the word intuition. Origin of the word intuition is from the Latin "intuitio": the act of contemplation and "intueri": to look at. Webster's defines the word as it is used today:  1 a: immediate apprehension or cognition; b: knowledge or conviction gained by intuition; c: the power or faculty of attaining to direct knowledge or cognition without rational thought or inference.  2. quick and ready insight. Since ancient times the concept of intuition has always had a mystical status as being ultra-experiential beyond senses. The concept is revived in the modern Theosophical litera...

Grothendieck, Bohm, Sheldrake, Leyton and Theosophy - 2

Today I shall dwelve into intuitive connections between my thesis and Sheldrake's hypothesis and his way of thinking. Ofcourse you already know that my thesis combines intuitions of Leyton and Grothendieck to solve the fundamental issue of redundancy by representing a signal in a novel functorial way.  Sheldrake observes that nature is habitual and cosmic evolution involves an interplay of habit and creativity. He challenges Terence McKenna's observation "Modern science is based on the principle: 'Give us one free miracle and we'll explain the rest' by saying that one free miracle is the appearance of all the mass and energy in the universe and all the laws that govern it in a single instant from nothing." A free miracle from my field of undergraduate (Electrical Engineering) is the basic charge creating free electromagnetic energy from nothing material (that's why they call it as source charge because its the source of free electromagnetic energy). Wh...

Grothendieck, Bohm, Sheldrake, Leyton and Theosophy - Part 1

 From today onwards I will be exhibiting the deeper connections between combined intuitions of mathematician Alexander Grothendieck, physicist David Bohm, biologist cum chemist Rupert Sheldrake, artist Micheal Leyton and the Theosophy.  In my thesis I have modelled  Leyton's transfer using the mathematical precision of Grothendieck's relativity . Rupert Sheldarke and David Bohm had intense discussions on the nature of consciousness with Krishnamurthy back in 1980s the videos of which are now freely available on youtube. Rupert Sheldrake proposed a theory of morphogenesis which showed that nature is niether static nor random but has formative cause and collectively evolving. This is exactly the way in which Leyton described generative theory of shape. His book " Shape as memory" has same intuition as that of Rupert Sheldrake in that he describes as  Memory is inherent in Nature and how biological and mineral forms develop their shape. It has connections with the imp...

Material for developing Intuition and Synthetic Understanding

In this post I will share authors whose works made a deep impact on my consciousness, sharpened my intuition and helped me to find deeper meaning within everything around me.  Back them I always used to have a feeling of running on a treadmill with no one telling me about (inner) life beyond earning a livelihood and completing material desires and pleasures. There was intense fear that things were not moving in a right direction for me and I will have crisis of epic proportion. I had started reading some of these books from 2004 (in this lifetime). They have helped me to navigate my way towards peace and freedom in this dark (Kaliyuga) material age especially I can see chaos and depression at the start of 2021 all around me. Based on these books and my own independent intuitive understanding, I have realized that some of us are facing the challenge of creating a totally new culture (Blavatsky calls the fifth sub-race leading to sixth root race while others term it differently) wher...

Some thoughts on Galileo Commission

 Just a couple of days back I had the opportunity to attend a talk by Prof. Ravi Ravindra (more information about him at at 145th Annual convention of TS. There he mentioned on his involvement in a project with many other scientists towards modeling consciousness as an alternative fundamental unit of reality as opposed to simply a matter particle pervading the current scientific approach and its challenges. Since I had tried looking through telescope way back during my studies and research I used to wonder if I am the only one to think in this way but looking at the report its now encouraging for me to have these scientists thinking on similar lines. The following arguments taken directly from the report point to a non materialistic way of approaching science itself. Summary of Arguments of Galileo Commission 1. No human intellectual activity, including science, can escape the fact that it has to make assumptions that cannot be proven using its own met...