In this post I will share authors whose works made a deep impact on my consciousness, sharpened my intuition and helped me to find deeper meaning within everything around me.
Back them I always used to have a feeling of running on a treadmill with no one telling me about (inner) life beyond earning a livelihood and completing material desires and pleasures. There was intense fear that things were not moving in a right direction for me and I will have crisis of epic proportion. I had started reading some of these books from 2004 (in this lifetime). They have helped me to navigate my way towards peace and freedom in this dark (Kaliyuga) material age especially I can see chaos and depression at the start of 2021 all around me.
Based on these books and my own independent intuitive understanding, I have realized that some of us are facing the challenge of creating a totally new culture (Blavatsky calls the fifth sub-race leading to sixth root race while others term it differently) where we have to take a quantum leap into developing our cognitive abilities and by leaving behind selfishness be exclusively at the service of creation.
I will try to give a short summary of the material from my perspective and what I gained the most out of it.
I wish those who are struggling take the next step forward in the evolution and experience peace.
2. Authors on Functional (Natural Foods as Medicine) and Preventive Medicine
Dr. Datis Kharrazian (DHSc, PhD, MSc, MT) - Why do I still have thyroid symptoms ? When my lab tests are normal (A revolutionary breakthrough in understanding Hashimoto's disease and hypothyroidism)
The autoimmune Solution (Prevent and reverse the full spectrum of inflammatory symptoms and diseases) Amy Meyers - This book has become New York Best seller and its language is much easier for general public. Most of the material is taken from the research of Dr. Datis Kharrazian whose material is more academic I believe.
Anthony William - Medical Medium Life-Changing Foods-Hay House Publishing
These books are some modern examples of what D.K. has mentioned as functional medicine in the Alice Bailey Volumes. It also gives some hints on the manifestation of modern diseases (yes Cancer and Corona virus) and the direction for their possible elimination.
3. Authors on Philosophy, Metaphysics, Parapsychology, Occult Science
The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett and A.O. Hume - Inner wisdom and realizations of masters Morya and Koothoomi (Pythagoras was one of his previous lives it is said) who were the real hidden founders motivating their worldly disciples Blavatsky, Judge and Olcott, close to ascension living in physical bodies in then British ruled Northern India and Shigatse Tibet around 1875.
Helena Blavatsky - Key to Theosophy, The Secret Doctrine: English translation of the Book of Dhyan (Meditation). Trying to express in English language the deeper realisations of greatest yogis of Tibet and earlier exalted beings since Atlantean civilizations through meditation.
Alice A. Bailey - A Treatise on the Seven Rays (5 volumes), Discipleship in the new Age, Education in the new Age. Teachings of Master D.K (Djwal Khul) giving guidelines for chelas (disciples) and their work for the incoming modern Aquarian age.
Michael D. Robbins - This Disciple working with the Ashram of Djwal Khul has expanded further on Alice Bailey teachings. His works Rayology I,II describes the seven rays of Djwal Khul in a thorough way. The Volume VII – Infinitization of Selfhood is old Indian Advaidta Vedanta for the New Age.
Nicholas and Helena Roerich - Agni Yoga or combining four different Yogas of East especially for the Aquarian Age.
Kim Micheals - The Mystical Teachings of Jesus (The Ego-games of Personality). The ego-games channeled from Jesus helps to discern the pattern of these games in the whole of mankind on earth. The central message of this author was that Jesus was and is an example to follow, and it is a tragedy that mainstream Christianity has turned him into an idol to worship. If this Jesus was to guide modern disciples today what would he teach. My thesis is inwardly dedicated to real Jesus as I am not born in West so have no idea of the Jesus represented by mainstream Christianity.
M.K. Gandhi - My experiments with Truth. Inner wisdom and realizations of the one whom Yogananda described as a political saint and Albert Einstein's famously said: 'Generations to come will scarce believe that such a one as this ever in flesh and blood walked upon this earth. '
Henry Steel Olcott - Olcott Diary Leaves - The true practical Story of Theosophical Movement directly from the heart of one of the founders and his challenges and failings to find way through attacks from forces of materialism.
Damodar Malavankar - Collected Writings. The inner thoughts of one of the chelas who succeeded amongst theosophist to be admitted into mystery school during that period as per Blavatsky.
Cyril Scott - The viewpoint of a chela and his group around Justin Moreward Haig in physical embodiment staying in London and Boston and their work for the future of British and American races.
David Anrias - The viewpoint of another chela and the group around Moreward Haig who also spent 7 years in the Nilgiris of India learning esoteric astrology with a rishi (saint or Master Jupiter) who was referred to as the old man of Nilgiris by Blavatsky.
Carlos Cardoso Aveline - A theosophist in Israel An independent lodge of Theosophists operating online. Very helpful for critical analysis of theosophy apart from worship of personalities if we leave out hatred for theosophists who made mistakes (for we all are in earth school !)Wayne Peterson and Benjamin Creme - Experiences of an American Diplomat with Maitreya and masters of wisdom and other related works. Life story, struggles and experiences of two chelas who were guided at times by the world teacher.
Brian Weiss - Miracles Happen. A thrilling story of how past life regression can heal some of the deep phobias of present lifetime by one of the mainstream psychatrist.
Peter Mt Shasta - Life story of a chela of Master Saint Germain (Roger Bacon was one of his lives) and his struggles and experiences with Saint Germain and the work of trying to unite European races (What is today known as European Union).
Dolores Cannon - Her past life regression experiences with her clients corroborates some of the findings of Brian Weiss.
Sri Aurobindo - His complete works and his writings on the mother and integral yoga revives the mystical way of Sri Krishna and old vendatism of Ancient India. His supramental consciousness is precisely the new intuitional race to manifest. Auroville was outward attempt of Mirra Alfassa to manifest human unity and sysnthesis for the new age.
Roberto Assagioli - The inventer of Psychosynthesis and taking transpersonal psychology forward. He was guided by DK, more of which can be found on Kenneth Sorensen website.
Zingdad, Dr. Suzzan Lie and Suzy Hansen - Their work with the extra terrestrials silently assisting in the evolution of the human race.
Godfrey Ray King - ATMF (Ascended Master Foundation), Another chela of Saint Germain and his life experiences.
J J Dewey : His encounters with John the Apostle in embodiment today.
Mark and Elizabeth Propepth - ". . . When capitalism is unjust it is the surest way to play into the hands of the Communists . . ." what better way than the above quote channelled from K-17 master on February 19, 1960, to know these disciples who were founders of the summit lighthouse.
Manly P. Hall - The secret teachings of all Ages. Interpretation of secret systems of philosophy existing in the ancient world, but forming the ageless truths of life and linking many of the earth's greatest thinkers.
P.D. OUSPENSKY - The Psychology of Man's possible evolution. The content combines teachings from Gurdjieff and Theosophy which the author calls fourth way to discuss the various fundamental states of consciousness along with associated centers of vibrations and how some of these teachings were taught in detail in various mystery schools of the ancient ages now lost to common masses after materialism and fragmentation set in through gradual degradation.(To be expanded after more research in solitude)
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