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Showing posts from 2022

Esoteric astrology & psychology of Alexander Grothendieck part 1

A disciple from the inner ashram of Hilarion (Ray 5) I am trying to discern here energetic (seven rays) pattern in Grothendieck's esoterically challenging life through perspectives offered by Esoteric Astrology, Psychology and the Science of Seven Rays. The exoteric life details of this great disciple can be found on Grothendieck Circle Website, which will be the reference for the exoteric facts of this post. 1. Grothendieck (born in Germany) remained stateless throughout his life but choose to settle in a country (France) whose Soul Ray is fifth and Personality ray is Third reflecting his estimated ray profile through my research. 2. I hypothesize that Grothendieck subconsciously responded to energies from the Avatar of Synthesis by influencing the work of Saunders Maclane giving rise to a foundational branch (although he didn't give first definition of a category) of Mathematics called Category theory which is precisely the synthesis of entire mathematics (not yet fully ackno...

Esoteric Occult Schools - An Exposition

A Definition of Esotericism and School The words esoteric  and occult  signify that which is hidden; they indicate that which lies behind the outer seeming and point to the causes which produce appearance and effects; they are concerned with the subtler world of energies and forces which all outer forms veil and hide.  Distinguishing characteristics of an Esoteric School: 1. An esoteric school is one in which the relation of the soul, the spiritual man, to the personality is taught. 2. An esoteric school is an extension into the physical outer world of the inner group or Ashram of a Master. 3. A true esoteric school works on four levels of service and of experience as follows- 3a. That of the outer world. (Disciple is taught to live normally, practically, effectively and spiritually in the everyday world.) 3b. That of the world of meaning. (Disciple is taught the why and the wherefore of circumstances and happenings - both individual and universal.) 3c. That of...

Law of Cause & Effect: Synthetic Mathematical Expression (Doctoral Thesis)

 In esotericism and theosophy, there is much learned talk about the law of karma (in Sanskrit means an action, work, or deed, and its effect or consequences) which is, after all, just the Eastern name for the great Law of Cause and Effect known as such in the West. A mathematical expression for the same was worked out in my thesis (Functorial Signal Representation in 2018) as shown below with one of the several examples as  As Master Djwal Khul says in one of the Bailey volumes -  " It is only the activity of the intuition which will enable you to understand and move forward into the new impulsive causal area. it will steadily tend to facilitate their entry into the world of causes and their emergence from the world of effects." What he means that when intuition is functioning one arrives at the inner cause from the outer form or effect. This law is very intimately connected with various other laws of human evolution such as Law of Rebirth, The Law of ...

Lectures on Intuitive Category Theory : Synthesis through Symmetry

This week I delivered two lectures on Category Theory to quantum physics students in Indian Institute of Technology Tirupati. I designed the lectures in an intuitive fashion where abstract is experienced deeply using higher or innermost consciousness (Manas-Buddhi principle of Theosophy corresponding to  Intuitive and Ilumined mind principle of Integral yoga of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother).  I started from a group since its the most abstract and familiar mathematical object known to physics and Engineering students. As far as I know to this date category axioms are never generalized in this way. The lectures slides are here (the videos I will post on YouTube shortly) -  Presentation_Intuitive Category Theory I am working on combining and designing materials on something called Wisdom of Synthesis (a term coined by Lucille Cedercrans). Synthesis i have intuited after searching since 2007, is how the new coming race (sixth root race of Blavatsky, New age race of Bailey an...

Auroville - The Mother's experiment of manifesting synthesis

 It has almost been a year now that I have been residing in and out of Auroville as a volunteer. There is no place like this on the whole planet as far as I know where The Mother dreamt of human unity for the incarnating souls who will be faced with the onslaught of the forces of darkness (which always are looking to create separation). The Brotherhood envisioned and taught in Theosophy was one step taken further in this century amidst forces of darkness, chaos, hatred and divisiveness.  The barren land of 1960s has been transformed into a dry tropical evergreen forest through permaculture patiently practiced over half a century. Today Matrimandir (An inner temple of the Divine Mother physically manifested and treated as soul of AUROVILLE ) is seen from above as shown below The book Auroville: Sun-Word Rising by Savitra (Alan Shasha Lithman) aptly captures the battle being fought to manifest Auroville soon after physical passing away of The Mother in 1973. An image of this boo...

Synthesis of occult human constitution: Theosophy (Blavatsky) and Integral Yoga (Sri Aurobindo and The Mother)

Since last few weeks I have been reading the esoteric psychology hidden in Sri Aurobindo and Mother's Integral Yoga. Suddenly I realized that Alexander Grothendieck was doing mathematics from his overmind (this is a topic to be explained fully in other post) while all of his peers were stuck at higher mind. Anyways Category theory is mathematics as seen from overmind (or Buddhi) while set theory is a view of mathematics from the level of higher mind. The unified human constitution as given in Theosophy and Integral yoga are combined in the following figure