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Law of Cause & Effect: Synthetic Mathematical Expression (Doctoral Thesis)

 In esotericism and theosophy, there is much learned talk about the law of karma (in Sanskrit means an action, work, or deed, and its effect or consequences) which is, after all, just the Eastern name for the great Law of Cause and Effect known as such in the West.

A mathematical expression for the same was worked out in my thesis (Functorial Signal Representation in 2018) as shown below

with one of the several examples as 

As Master Djwal Khul says in one of the Bailey volumes - 

"It is only the activity of the intuition which will enable you to understand and move forward into the new impulsive causal area. it will steadily tend to facilitate their entry into the world of causes and their emergence from the world of effects."

What he means that when intuition is functioning one arrives at the inner cause from the outer form or effect.

This law is very intimately connected with various other laws of human evolution such as Law of Rebirth, The Law of Fixation, 

When contemplated from the angle of Law of Rebirth, we have three aspects of the law of karma, as it affects the principle of rebirth:

1. The Law of Karmic Liability, governing life in the three worlds of human evolution, and which is ended altogether at the fourth initiation.

2. The Law of Karmic Necessity. This governs the life of the advanced disciple and the initiate from the time of the second initiation until a certain initiation higher than the fourth; these initiations enable him to pass on to the Way of the Higher Evolution.

3. The Law of Karmic Transformation, a mysterious phrase governing the processes undergone upon the Higher Way.

While the The Law of Fixation is the governing law of the mental plane, finding its greater correspondence in the law of karma on cosmic mental levels. "As a man thinks, so is he;" according to his thoughts arehis desires and acts, and so results the future. He fixes for himself the resultant karma.

The law of karma is not the Law of Retribution (this is very common in Eastern circles especially in our upbringing in India where for most people the emphasis is ever upon evil karma and how to avoid it leading to inaction or intertia), as one would surmise as one reads the current books (such as the following words of St. Paul) upon the subject; that is but one aspect of the working of the Law of Karma. 

"Whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap" in these words, St. Paul phrases for us the ancient and true teaching of the Law of Cause and Effect called in the Orient, the law of karma. To that, he adds in another place the injunction to "work out your own salvation" and—as that contradicts the theological teaching and above all else is not possible to do in any one life—he implicitly endorses the Law of Rebirth, and makes the school of life a constantly recurring experience until man has fulfilled the command of the Christ (and this refers to every man)

In the book INITIATION, HUMAN AND SOLAR, we find -

At the second initiation "the secret of the sea" is unfolded to him, and through this revelation two subjects of profound [Page 170] interest become clarified to his inner vision. They are:—
a. The mystery of the astral light.
b. The law of karma.

He is, after this, in a position to do two things, without which he cannot work off that which hinders, and thus achieve liberation; he can read the akashic records and ascertain the past, thereby enabling himself to work intelligently in the present, and he can begin to balance his karma, to work off his obligations, and to understand how karma in the three worlds can be negated. The relation of that hierarchy of spiritual beings who are connected with the law of karma as it affects man is demonstrated to him, and he knows with first-hand knowledge that the lords of karma are no myth, or symbolical units, but are highly intelligent entities who wield the law for the benefit of humanity, and thus enable men to become fully self-
conscious and self -reliant in the occult sense, and to become creators through perfected knowledge. (IHS Page 169-170).

Thus it clearly means that this law is increasingly understood second intiation onwards only !! Before that its just a belief held by a human being. 

Before ending this post, I want to mention regarding the the law of karma also being interpreted as Quantum Entanglement over time @ 


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