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Lectures on Intuitive Category Theory : Synthesis through Symmetry

This week I delivered two lectures on Category Theory to quantum physics students in Indian Institute of Technology Tirupati.

I designed the lectures in an intuitive fashion where abstract is experienced deeply using higher or innermost consciousness (Manas-Buddhi principle of Theosophy corresponding to  Intuitive and Ilumined mind principle of Integral yoga of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother). 

I started from a group since its the most abstract and familiar mathematical object known to physics and Engineering students. As far as I know to this date category axioms are never generalized in this way.

The lectures slides are here (the videos I will post on YouTube shortly) - 

Presentation_Intuitive Category Theory

I am working on combining and designing materials on something called Wisdom of Synthesis (a term coined by Lucille Cedercrans). Synthesis i have intuited after searching since 2007, is how the new coming race (sixth root race of Blavatsky, New age race of Bailey and Grothendieck, Supramental race by Sri Aurobindo) will look at the universe. Note that currently we see everything as disconnected parts and its at the root of our conflicts and disconnection from the Nature.

It will comprise of following pillars as drawn on my board -

1. Theosophy - Synthesis of Esoteric Religions

2. Integral Yoga (of Sri Aurobindo) - Synthesis of Yoga

3. Category Theory - Synthesis of Mathematics

4. Permaculture - Synthesis of Agriculture

5. Psychosynthesis - Synthesis of Psychology

6. Functorial Signal Rep - Synthesis of Signal Processing

Welcome to the Supramental Age of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother proceeding slowly to manifest !!


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