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Showing posts from June, 2023

Stilling the Mind - Similarity of Assagioli and Sri Aurobindo's Prison Experiences

In an earlier post of April 1 on Freedom in Jail, we studied Roberto Assagioli's experience of "The Stilling of the Mind". (Roberto Assagioli intended that his “prison diary” might become an autobiographical account of the time he spent in Regina Coeli prison).  Today from his prison tales of Alipore jail (which he wrote in an Indian Bengali language) we study how Sri Aurobindo stilled his mind and note how similar were their experiences -   "I have already described my mental state on the first day of solitary confinement. The first few days in solitary confinement were spent without books or any external aids for passing time.  This period provided adequate opportunity to appreciate the effects of solitary confinement. I gained an insight into the causes leading to the degeneration of even strong and firm intellects in such conditions and the rapid loss of sanity that occurs subsequently. I realized Gods Infinite Compassion in such a state and the rare opening it c...

Study and Commentaries on New Age Discipleship - 5

 On the lesson of divine indifference (and the related impersonality and spiritual detachment) we compile and study few more hints (a continuation of the last post especially for those who had Detachment(D) such as BSD,FCD,DRS,DAO,WDB,DLR,DPR,DHB,DIJ,HSD,O-LRD,SRD,LDO,WDS,PDW in their abbreviated names) given by DK -  1. I wonder, my brother, if it is possible for me to indicate to you the life of spiritual insulation which is in no way the life of personal isolation? In this state of "insulated being" lies, for you, the solution of many of your problems. This insulation is brought about by emotional indifference to your environment and to people, but it is a spiritual indifference, founded on spiritual detachment and dispassion. When it is present, there comes the fulfilment of obligation and the performance of duty, but no identification with people or circumstance. The soul stands free, unattached, unafraid, and is not controlled by that which exists in the three worlds. T...

Study and Commentaries on New Age Discipleship - 4

 The following statement of DK frequently worries me, when at times I intuitively sense the impending apocalypse to which we as a race are headed due to our greed, selfishness, glamor and interia.   "The pressure of the work upon me (DK) has been very heavy lately. Much work has rested upon my shoulders, incident to the world situation. This has involved much effort on the part of the Hierarchy to prevent a complete collapse of the structure of human civilisation, as it exists at this time. The sound foundations of part of the structure must be saved; all else may have to go." There are some qualities which DK has emphasized above all else to be cultivated and practiced daily by disciples such as "divine indifference (and impersonality)", "visualization", "humility" etc. We shall collect those wise words of DK on one of these today - divine indifference which is the hallmark of the true initiate. 1. "You must learn to view what is said or su...

Study and Commentaries on New Age Discipleship - 3

 Lets continue our study of DINA books - 1. I, your Tibetan Brother, am supposing upon the part of each of my disciples, one basic essential at least and that is a persevering earnestness which nothing will deter.  - DK asks his diciples to persevere and do the best they can fully aware of their deterrents and handicaps ! 2. I will teach you. Whether or not you profit by the teaching is entirely your own affair; that is something that the disciples of the New Age need to learn. There is no such thing as occult obedience as usually taught by the current occult schools. In the olden days in the East, the Master exacted from His disciple that implicit obedience which actually made the Master responsible and placed upon His shoulders the destiny or the karma of the disciple. That condition no longer holds good. The intellectual principle in the individual is now too much developed to warrant this type of expectancy. Therefore, this condition no longer holds good. In the coming New...

Study and Commentaries on New Age Discipleship - 2

 We continue our study of DINA books. The points are phrases taken from Vol 1 while my own understanding follows with -. 1. Each person's instructions are given in their ordered sequence, year by year, so that a real picture of the person concerned, of his problems and his achievement or lack of achievement, emerges clearly. This book is encouraging in that it offsets the idea that to be a pledged disciple one is, therefore, set apart by perfection of character and isolated by the aspiration which inspires the life. These are people with problems, struggling to solve them; with character limitations which they are endeavouring to overcome; they are true instances of any man or woman who turns his back upon the usual approach to the world of material affairs and takes up his cross in order to find his way back to the Father's home; they picture for us the man who, having "put his hand to the plough," turns not back but presses forward "towards the prize of his hig...

Study and Commentaries on New Age Discipleship - 1

 I was on vacation for a few weeks. I/We continue the journey of discipleship as well as true unbiased assessment of ourselves on that path. We took notes on the first two initiations. Before we take notes on third initiation and higher ones, it will benifit us to take notes on discipleship in the Aquarian age and how it will combine the old methods along with the new ones (such as working in groups). I shall comment (express why that point is so interesting at this time to my viewpoint) on the notes (enumerated in each of the posts) taken from the Blue Book "Discipleship in the new age volume one". The books (Vol 1 and 2) contain talks by one of the Masters of the Wisdom (DK/D.K./Djwal Khul/The Tibetan) to some members of His inner group, and also a series of personal instructions, given by Him to a group of His disciples.  1. "Many of these people were unknown to me when they were brought to my notice; some of them I have since met; others I have never met; some I knew...