In an earlier post of April 1 on Freedom in Jail, we studied Roberto Assagioli's experience of "The Stilling of the Mind". (Roberto Assagioli intended that his “prison diary” might become an autobiographical account of the time he spent in Regina Coeli prison). Today from his prison tales of Alipore jail (which he wrote in an Indian Bengali language) we study how Sri Aurobindo stilled his mind and note how similar were their experiences - "I have already described my mental state on the first day of solitary confinement. The first few days in solitary confinement were spent without books or any external aids for passing time. This period provided adequate opportunity to appreciate the effects of solitary confinement. I gained an insight into the causes leading to the degeneration of even strong and firm intellects in such conditions and the rapid loss of sanity that occurs subsequently. I realized Gods Infinite Compassion in such a state and the rare opening it c...