Last year we had discovered the mathematical expression of Synthesis while contemplating and meditating on the philosophy and psychology of Synthesis as taught by some advanced mystics and occultists (the messengers of the hierarchy or the disciples in the inner ashrams of masters). So we explicitly summarise that discovery in the attached image for application in future posts and humbly remind ourselves the words of our beloved teacher Djwal Khul ! Being geometric it fits in the definition of an occult symbol - "The forms built by the man of an occult trend of thought, and who is more dominated by mind, will be of a geometrical type. The outlines will be clear, and will be apt to be rigid. The form will be more painstakingly built and the man, during meditation, will proceed with greater care and accuracy. He will (if I may so express it) take a pride in the manipulation of the material that goes to the building of the form. Matter of the mental plane will be more apparent and—t...