Today while contemplating on the painting Mother of the world, I had an intuitive revelation which I am sharing for the love of truth -
Nicholas Roerich enters in his diary on January 27th 1926:
"And again a page from the true East apostrophizes the Mother of the World: “Thou, Who hast covered Thy Face! Thou, Who hast woven the texture of the far-off worlds, Messenger of the Untold! Ruler of the Elusive! Bestower of the Unrepeatable!"
“By Thy command the ocean becomes silent and the whirlwinds trace the outlines of invisible signs. . . And She who covered her face will stand on guard alone in the glory of the signs. And none will ascend to the summit, none will perceive the glory of the twelve-signed symbol of her power. From the spirals of light she herself has woven the sign in silence. She is the Leader of those who go toward attainment. Four corners, the sign of affirmation, are manifested by her as a benediction to those who have made their decision. . . .
Then he paints in 1937, The Mother of the World (She is the One who is described by Sri Aurobindo in Book 3 of The Divine Mother)
And she is the one 'The Mother' has manifested as Matrimandir her the twelve-signed symbol of her power with the four pillars that are the four corners noted by Roerich in his Diary and that reminds us from Gitanjali -
"It seemed there were knocks at the door and we said it was nothing but the wind. We put out the lamps and lay down to sleep. Only some said, “It is the messenger!” We laughed and said “No, it must be the wind!”
There came a sound in the dead of the night. We sleepily thought it was the distant thunder. The earth shook, the walls rocked, and it troubled us in our sleep. Only some said it was the sound of wheels. We said in a drowsy murmur, “No, it must be the rumbling of clouds!”
The night was still dark when the drum sounded. The voice came “Wake up! delay not!” We pressed our hands on our hearts and shuddered with fear. Some said, “Lo, there is the king’s flag!” We stood up on our feet and cried “There is no time for delay!”
The king has come—but where are lights, where are wreaths? Where is the throne to seat him? Oh, shame! Oh utter shame! Where is the hall, the decorations? Someone has said, “Vain is this cry! Greet him with empty hands, lead him into thy rooms all bare!”
Then Nicholas Roerich (and Helena Roerich) reply in some letters: In the painting: ‘She Who Leads,’ I wished to give the resplendent striving of the woman who leads the seeker of achievements to the glorious peaks.
She is the Mother of the World is not a symbol but a Great Manifestation of the Feminine Origin in which is revealed the spiritual Mother of Christ and Buddha —She Who taught and ordained Them to achievement.
From times immemorial the Mother ordained achievement. Through the history of humanity Her Hand traces the unbreakable thread.
A beautiful legend speaks about the coming Era of the Mother of the World. Under manifold garments human wisdom molds the very same image of Beauty, Self-sacrifice and Patience. And again must the woman ascend a new mountain, telling her dear ones about the eternal paths.
Thus, She who carries the Chalice of the Sacred Fire will give to the planet a fiery purification. Thus the creativeness of psycho-spirituality is implanted into the new step. When the force of the Cosmic Magnet will assert the manifestation of the fires, then will it be possible to say that the New Time draws near. I so affirm!
Having seen the Mother of the World (of the occultist/thesosohist Roerich and Blavatsky) who is same as the Divine Mother (of the mystic Sri Aurobindo) we see her giving two complementary forms of Yoga: Agni Yoga (of the occultist/theosophist) and Integral Yoga (of the mystic). Their Synthesis is the "Yoga of Synthesis of both occultist and mystics combined !"
However her manifestation as Savitri in Integral Yoga is a lover and Saviour (of Satyavan who is symbolic of humanity fallen into darkness) while in Agni Yoga she is the fiery commander/ordain-er and the world-teacher or leader (of Satyavan for whom the theosophists and occultists await).
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