Subsequent to our discussion on seed-thoughts, another great example of seed-thouht I think is an aphorism. The complete agni-yoga series of books by Roerichs are aphorisms of Ethical living (and give Ray 1 flavour of fiery will to the yoga of synthesis). Similarly the temple aphorisms of Francia A. La Due give a Ray 5 flavour of occult science to the works of H.P. Blavatsky and William Q. Judge. We quote those aphorims (as seed-thoughts) from temple teachings of Master H. (with his image):
"Days come and days go, but if thou watchest thou shalt see:
THE LOAD thou hast laid on the heart of a friend will God transfer to thine own heart; heavy as it presses on the heart of thy friend, heavier will it press on thine own heart in the days to come.
THE STONE thou hast cast from the path of the blind will smite the adder lying in wait for thee.
THE WEIGHT thou hast clamped on the feet of another will drag thine own feet into Hadean desolation.
THE SHELTER thou hast given the wayfarer will protect thee from the fiercest of life’s storms.
THE JEWEL thou hast stolen from the strong-box of another will burn and torture the breast wherein it is hid.
THE BREAD thou hast given the hungry holds the substance of many loaves for thee.
THE LIE whereby thou hast gained an end will eat out thine own vitals.
THE TEARS thou drawest from others’ eyes will mark deep furrows down thine own face.
THE SHOE-LATCH thou hast fastened for the halt and lame will bind the hands of thine enemies.
THE FIRE thou dost feed to scorch another will consume thee in its flames.
THE LAW of right can ne’er be thwarted long.
THAT WHICH thou hast sown, that shalt thou gather, whether it be in joy or sorrow, pain or peace.
THOU MAYEST plan the hour of planting — the hour of gathering must needs be struck by the hand of God.
I have said."
- Master Hilarion (Image of the Ray 5 Master attached)
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