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Why this blog ?

What is this blog about ?

This blog is an outward expression of my inner experiences on a journey upon a path onto which I had consciously decided to walk starting sometime in 2005. After earning a bachelors degree from a local university in engineering I had frustration of not having learnt anything substantial or rather having learnt only superficially. So I made a decision to go into the very depths of everything (today after many years it can be termed as examining the causes underlying the situations rather than just addressing them at the effects level). It was a decision not to accept any body of so called knowledge (therefore I used to keep it only as a working hypotheses) from any source without understanding it (today I consciously recognize that the very faculty that made it possible is termed as intuition and the Knowledge obtained through it is what Sri Aurobindo says as "The Knowledge by Identity") and being convinced after a thorough consideration.

The feeling of having learnt superficially was somewhat placated after studying more intuitively during masters degree. However having gone into the depth of one of the subjects (Signal Processing and Pattern Recognition in Electronics and Communications Engineering) I was still not totally satisfied regarding some of the fundamental questions in the field regarding why certain things are happening the way they are. In fact the answers being proposed by the entire community (IEEE Signal Processing Community) in published papers made me feel intuitively that it was incorrect. However inwardly a small voice inside me was not letting me sit peacefully as there has to be cause and effect beyond randomness of information and signals. Also the urge to get into the cause-effect relationships to satisfy my innate prompting that nothing in the universe can be ultimately random and there needs to have a meaning and cause underlying the outward phenomena made me go into the depths and question everything I could lay my eyes upon. This was how my PhD. started. Meanwhile I was reading all the classic spiritual material I could lay my eyes upon in a scientific questioning manner. After an epic inward struggle to go against the contemporary knowledge and dare to trust my intuition (or that small inner voice which could be heard in silence) I could finally feel the peace of having succeeded against the conventional belief. Of-course the outer confirmation of this came after a year of struggle to get the thesis reviewed and the reviewer confirmed the intuition using three phrases in different lines for the work - timely, truly interdisciplinary, original in a non-incremental fashion.

Naturally the joy and curiosity to further experiment with this small voice (or in other words what is this intuition which didn't err?) and share this inward journey with others so that it may inspire them to find and trust their own inner voice has resulted into this blog.  

Briefly, Trying to seek a deeper meaning of life and universe not provided by todays materialistic education system, I started with a peculiar website called by Kim Micheals back in 2007. Since then using "intuition", I read and experimented with many teachings listed in aother post. Through these teachings I was able to solve one of the most fundamental question in Signal processing in my doctoral years. This sparked my curiosity helped resolve my inner crisis through the synthesis of teachings of certain mystics and esotericists such as Blavatsky, Alice Bailey, Dane Rudhyar, Godfre Ray King, Lucille Cedercrans, Sri Aurobindo, Cyril Scott, Micheal D Robbins, Henry T Laurency, Rudolf Steiner, Nicholas and Helena Roerich, Alexander Grothendieck, M Gandhi, Damodar Mavalankar, Brian Weiss, J J Dewey, Vicente Beltran Anglada. This blog is an ongoing journey of synthesis of all above works as a service to those seeking a meaning and solution for the planetary crisis through which humanity is passing into the new age of Aquarius.


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