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Showing posts from October, 2023

Eternal insecurity is the basis of liberation

 For some time I had been contemplating upon the life of a friend and one of my teachers, who has dedicated this life in service to Master Saint Germain. What was beyond the logic of my rational mind was his natural way of remaining in sync with his Master's wish and will. This has also been the case with my other gurus including Blavatsky, Bailey, Sri Aurobindo, Cedercrans and a few more.  A partial answer to this enigma was intuitively recognized in that aha moment when I read a profound message of another initiate, Vicente Beltrán Anglada (whose secret diary I recently read as recommended to me by another friend who warned me that not every initiate is anglo-saxon and he was correct): "Eternal insecurity is the basis of liberation !" A. Security and Selfishness (Remember Djwal Khul's statement ? - Unselfish people are not rare. Unselfish groups are very rare.)  The lower self (consciousness of mental, emotional and physical bodies) is always eager for security. Whe...

Aphorisms as seed-thoughts

 Subsequent to our discussion on seed-thoughts, another great example of seed-thouht I think is an aphorism. The complete agni-yoga series of books by Roerichs are aphorisms of Ethical living (and give Ray 1 flavour of fiery will to the yoga of synthesis). Similarly the temple aphorisms of Francia A. La Due give a Ray 5 flavour of occult science to the works of H.P. Blavatsky and William Q. Judge. We quote those aphorims (as seed-thoughts) from temple teachings of Master H. (with his image):  "Days come and days go, but if thou watchest thou shalt see: THE LOAD thou hast laid on the heart of a friend will God transfer to thine own heart; heavy as it presses on the heart of thy friend, heavier will it press on thine own heart in the days to come. THE STONE thou hast cast from the path of the blind will smite the adder lying in wait for thee. THE WEIGHT thou hast clamped on the feet of another will drag thine own feet into Hadean desolation. THE SHELTER thou hast given the wayfa...

What is a seed-thought ?

 One of my friends questioned me: What is a seed-thought ? This post attempts to throw some light with example, on the concept of a seed-thought. Here is how we define it: "A seed-thought is simply a thought-form or a phrase or symbolic words which conceal a fundamental truth and acts as a seed that sprouts in a contemplative meditation (meditation with a seed) revealing that truth." A Seed-thought being a (thought-)form, we need to look also the broader concept of "form as a symbol", of which a seed-thought is just an example. Earlier we tabulated so many example of trinities. "Purpose - Idea - Form" is one such trinity of symbol. What this means is that every symbol has three interpretations - as a from it is an expression of some underlying idea. This idea has behind it, in its turn, a deeper underlying purpose. These three interpretations of a symbol can be summarized as: 1. Exoteric interpretation:  Based on its objective utility and upon the nature o...

Ilustrations of Synthesis Triangle

 Today we take a step further in our comprehension of synthesis. Reconciling Assagioli's depiction of synthesis with our notion of synthesis underlying the esoteric literature and mathematics, we can somewhat establish it's distinctive and precise nature again with a triangle.   A. The difference between synthesis (vertex S) and a mere compromise (vertex C) is fundamental and clearly distinguished. One is realized on the same level; it can be called “the middle way” of compromise, the blending of the two poles. The other is achieved at a higher level: it is the fusion of the poles into a higher synthesis.  In other words from the higher unifying perspective of vertex S, the opposite side AB (expressing duality through vertices A,B) is an illusion or relatively less true. B. Synthesis, brought about by a higher element or principle which transforms, sublimates and reabsorbs the two poles into a higher reality. The two polarities are absorbed into a higher unity endowe...

Occultist versus Mystic

 A contemplative meditation on yesterday's post regarding Assagioli's journal synthesis suddenly connected a few dots in my mind on the spiritual line of Assagioli (which was of course AAB's line).  It seems he was on the line of mystics (in contrast to occultist) and his deep reverence for Sri Aurobindo's mystical poem displaying harmony. To illustrate the finding, I compiled a small comparative table of occultist versus mystic. I hope brooding over this table will also serve the dual task of assisting one of my friend to overcome his guilt and frustrations, who is a mystic but is surrounded by occultists (the table gives typical vices of both mystics and occultists). To quickly illustrate the point, Djwal Khul gave Assagioli his rays (F.C.D in Discipleship in New Age I,II):   1. The soul or egoic ray—the second Ray of Love-Wisdom. 2. The personality ray—the fourth Ray of Harmony through Conflict. 3. The ray of the mind—the first Ray of Power or Will. 4. The ray of ...

Synthesis in Psychology I

 Following our three introductory posts on the comparative philosophy pointing towards a synthesis in philosophy, this post shifts study of synthesis in the domain of (academic) psychology examining the essence in the works of Roberto Assagioli. We studied some illumining personal instructions of DK to Assagioli. He contributed towards a thesis of synthesis and integration of personality (the lower self of a human constitution) by what he calls 'I' (the middle/higher or Soul in esoteric philosophies). The principles and techniques of transpersonal integration are collectively termed as "Psychosynthesis". In his talk with Evarts G. Loomis at Florence in 1973, Assagioli emphasizes synthesis saying: "... Meaning putting together simply a synthesis, that is combining into a harmonious whole of disparate elements, but it is organic unity that is not uniformity, not fitting into a system it is a organic unity in which each element keeps it own individuality and functio...