For some time I had been contemplating upon the life of a friend and one of my teachers, who has dedicated this life in service to Master Saint Germain. What was beyond the logic of my rational mind was his natural way of remaining in sync with his Master's wish and will. This has also been the case with my other gurus including Blavatsky, Bailey, Sri Aurobindo, Cedercrans and a few more. A partial answer to this enigma was intuitively recognized in that aha moment when I read a profound message of another initiate, Vicente Beltrán Anglada (whose secret diary I recently read as recommended to me by another friend who warned me that not every initiate is anglo-saxon and he was correct): "Eternal insecurity is the basis of liberation !" A. Security and Selfishness (Remember Djwal Khul's statement ? - Unselfish people are not rare. Unselfish groups are very rare.) The lower self (consciousness of mental, emotional and physical bodies) is always eager for security. Whe...