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A pristine sense of order, wholeness and synthesis

Some Excerpts from Vicente Beltran Anglada :

"There is, then, from this angle of view, a potential Artist in every spirit soul in Nature, from the tiny soul that informs the delicately perfumed flower to the resplendent Angel who cares for the preservation of the pristine forms which from the most hidden levels attempt to substantiate or materialise. Beauty, the innate sense of approach to the hidden Archetypes which are constantly seeking to manifest themselves, is the peculiar and characteristic Note of Nature, being Man, the being endowed with reason and sensibility and therefore with the greatest capacity for fulfilment, the only being within this magnificent Nature who alters the innate sense of Beauty and fills the vast field of his individual and communal realisations with hideous ugliness. Its work is thus desired, but at the same time feared, by the familiar Angels who watch over the evolution of the social environments of Humanity and whose special mission is to introduce the delicate Logoic Archetypes into the minds and hearts of human beings. It may be said that great streams of angelic Life destined for Humanity are detained in their path, in expectant waiting and suspension, due to the pernicious habits contracted by men from very remote ages, and which have very dangerously degenerated into the inordinate eagerness of comfort, in the Maya of the senses and in the thousand mirages of the astral nature. It can also be assured that certain definite spiritual Archetypes which should long ago have been substantiated by the familiar Angels, are virtually paralysed or stopped in their downward flow, constituting vortices of energy which are very active in the occult world, but which cannot be introduced into the life of humanity because of the thick veil created by the existing contradictions. Human technology, which in many respects has succeeded in overcoming the inertia of terrestrial gravity and has sent spacecrafts in the direction of other worlds, has unfortunately neglected to take care of its innate sense of Beauty and synthesis, which has unwittingly allowed terrestrial gravity to take possession of its high spiritual essence and keep it bound, compressed or substantiated like material things, with no apparent possibility of redemption or approach to the great Archetypes which the Lord has programmed as the essential Goals of man's life here on Earth. There is a thick etheric and astral cloud, placed between the human vision of redemption and those redeeming Archetypes of the new social order, which prevents the coordination of human attitudes with the divine Plan, a breakdown of communication between man and Divinity because of human deviation from the great Plans of social organisation being carried out by the planetary Hierarchy.

Some of the great ruling aspects of Truth have been lost for this world of contradiction and incessant conflict, which should have already produced a new social order in accordance with those magnificent Archetypes of realisation. It cannot be navigated, so to speak, this space so altered by the powerful concentrations of negative energy floating in the planetary atmosphere and filling with shadows those rich zones of the ether which should express the light of God in its most pristine sense of order, wholeness and synthesis. We could say that environmental, mental, astral and physical POLLUTION has been elevated to such a degree that it has come to affect even the subtle ethers of the planet where the Angels, these individualised energies of Nature, tirelessly carry out their mission of adjusting the archetypal plan of the Divine to the life and needs of human beings, to the point that many of Them have decided temporarily, but compelled by their tremendous need for immortal purity, to withdraw to higher levels of spiritual organisation, patiently waiting for the "Hour of Opportunity," or the invocative cry of the sons of men, to sound again for Them, to resume the work begun and to bring to successful fulfilment the Law of the Archetypes in force for this planetary Age of great universal promise.

In the previous chapter we referred to Beauty and Harmony as an expression of the highest faculties to which human beings could attain in accordance with the evolution of the great Archetypes which constitute the Goals of human evolution. There is a centre of irradiation or expansion of such Archetypes on every Plane of Nature and on every psychological level of humanity. It is only necessary to realise this and to try to understand as fully as possible that, when we referred to the Fourth Ray as the direct promoter of the streams of Harmony and Beauty which affect the life of Humanity and the hearts of all human beings, we were doing so in a very particular sense and bearing in mind that the Artist, as a peculiar exemplification of how those Archetypes of Beauty and Harmony are to be realised, is not only confined to the specific field of Art, but the man who creates the social canons of harmony, beauty and fulfilment can be found at every expressive level of human life, in every astrological sign and in each of the Seven Rays. It is in reality an innate feeling of Synthesis in the human heart, and in its long pilgrimage in search of its immortal Sources of spiritual origin it has passed many times through the streams of energy which qualify the activity of the Seven Rays and the Twelve Signs of the Zodiac. What is important for man is to be genuinely creative within a natural sense of beauty and harmony in each of the obligatory phases of his social life. The natural order of events will perhaps one day conform to the law of the great spiritual Archetypes "in warm suspension" - as it is said in esoteric language - in etheric regions of high and refined vibratory subtlety. The attention devoted by the familiar Angels to certain children of men endowed with sensitivity to the unseen world and determined lovers of Beauty, slowly but relentlessly introduces into the social order of humanity the promising and fruitful seeds of the planetary Beauty which God has imagined for man, and which forms the solemn basis of man's possible and desired redemption as a true creator and a perfect Artist."

- The Hidden Forces of Nature, Vicente Beltran Anglada.


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