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Showing posts from May, 2023

Group Initiation II : Djwal Khul & Alice Bailey

 Today (the post is a long one and they are not meant to be read in one go rather to contemplate on) we shall continue taking a look upon the personal statements (disciple name: Lessons Rays S-P-M-A-P) of the tibetan on the ongoing topic of initiation from blue book DINA I. 1. The first three major initiations have always to be taken when in a physical body and upon the physical plane, thus demonstrating initiate consciousness through both mind and brain. 2. True humility is based on fact, on vision and on time pressures. Here I give you a hint and would ask you to think deeply on these three foundations of a major personality attitude which must be held and demonstrated before each initiation. I would remind you that there must always be humility in the presence of true vision. 3. Attend to your own life and your own business. Speculate not as to the status of the other disciples in my group who are your close cooperators and co-sharers in my experiment. Cultivate the humility whi...

Group Initiation I : Djwal Khul and Alice Bailey

 Before moving on to the third initiation, in this post (and may be next few) we shall ponder on the phrases from DINA volumes by the tibetan pertaining to the experiment of group initiation of his disciples. Initiation might be defined as the moment of crisis wherein the consciousness hovers on the very border-line of revelation. The demands of the soul and the suggestions of the Master might be regarded as in conflict with the demands of time and space, focussed in the personality or the lower man. You will have, therefore, in this situation a tremendous pull between the pairs of opposites; the field of tension or the focus of the effort is to be found in the disciple "standing at the midway point." Will he respond and react consciously to the higher pull and pass on to new and higher areas of spiritual experience? Or will he fall back into the glamour of time and space and into the thraldom of the personal life? Will he stand in a static quiescent condition in which neithe...

Group Initiation II - Lucille Cedercrans

 We continue where from where we left yesterday, also touching upon the leadership (and teacher) and finance related to group initiation.  1. The senior disciple will always attract to himself those accepted disciples who are either in process of training for initiation or who are recapitulating past growth and development or those (and this would always remain a relative few) aspirants or probationers who had specific relationship to him as a result of past karmic association. 2. A disciple never receives more wisdom than he can embody. He is never given a greater responsibility than he can fulfill. The ideal which is placed before him is, at that very moment, possible of embodiment in the actual meaning of the transformation or the transfiguration. How much to embody, when, where, this is really the only free will that the incarnate consciousness is ever given. By the use of it is how he determines the path which he shall manifest moment by moment, hour by hour, day by day. ...

Group Initiation I : Lucille Cedercrans

 Continuing our study on initiation, today's post will be on some of Lucille’s practical words on initiation related to groups (and ashrams), providing training for the inner group-work (and group initiation) of the Synthetic Ashram which she initiated in her life-time. This ashram will continue to evolve in the consciousness of those who will participate in its practice for the whole Aquarian age (2500 or 2160 years both are correct depending upon the transition period included). 1. Since the major keynote of this new era is Synthesis, it is much more radical an effort than might be supposed, requiring, as it does, a blending of three “notes” or ray frequencies into One. The following quote from Group Initiation, in Ashramic Projections, describes the movement of this new evolutionary path. “Now, before I bring this instruction, or step it down to you, I would have you consider the new goal, the new initiatory goal being focused by your Synthetic Ashram into the body of humanity. ...

Second Initiation and Human Principles from IHS

 Today's post is the continuation of the key phrases on the second initiation explicitly from the blue book IHS and I summarize the study with my own diagram roughly equating initiations with the seven principles (or bodies) of a man (see the phrase no. 8).    1. At the first initiation, that of the birth of the Christ, the heart centre is the one usually vivified, with the aim in view of the more effective controlling of the astral vehicle, and the rendering of greater service to humanity. After this initiation the initiate is taught principally the facts of the astral plane; he has to stabilise his emotional vehicle and learn to work on the astral plane with the same facility and ease as he does on the physical plane; he is brought in contact with the astral devas; he learns to control the astral elementals; he must function with facility on the lower sub-planes, and the value and quality of his work on the physical plane becomes of increased worth. He passes, at this i...

Second Initiation : A Blue Books Viewpoint

 Today's post is recompilation of a post on the second initiation which I had posted in the molecular group a couple of months back. These are some selected quotes from the blue books.  Just as the first initiation was associated with first (or lower most) physical body, the second initiation (aka Baptism of Jordan) is related to the second (emotional/astral) body of a man. We now know that Initiation is simply "illumination through revelation" and it is another name of Revelation. An initiation is a blaze of illumination thrown upon the river of existence, and it is in the nature of a whole experience. There is no indefiniteness in it, and the initiate is never quite the same again in his consciousness. There is a sequence of consequences or of the results of spiritual attainment which are as follows: 1. Factual Ceremonials, based on externalization. Initiation 1 - The Birth. Initiation 2 - The Baptism. 2. Symbolic Representation, based on spiritual visualization. Initia...

First Initiation : A Cedercran's Viewpoint

 Today's post is again on the first initiation from the perspective of Cedercrans and her masters especially Red Books AP and NOS.  1. When a man travels from one place to another he prefers a path of least resistance. The Path of Initiation is then the Path or Way of least resistance for the birth of the Soul within the conscious awareness of man. 2. After the personality has reached a certain place in the evolutionary process, his growth becomes a conscious, self- initiated activity. In cooperation with the Plan of Evolution, the incarnating entity initiates those experiences which will expand the awareness of the personal self to include the awareness of the Spiritual Soul. This expansion covers five states of consciousness, sometimes referred to as the five initiations.   3. First Initiation or The Birth of The Christ : In this stage the personality has discovered his Spiritual Soul, and has been born again in Christ Consciousness. Christ Consciousness is that hi...