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From the Sixth Ray of Devotion to Ceremonial Magic

 Today we shall have a look upon the outgoing Sixth Ray through the eyes of Saint Germain (Mahachohan) as brought forth by Cedercrans who gave the term "The New Thought-form presentation of Wisdom" to her translation -

1. Recall that the Sixth Ray of Devotion, is derived from and is a differentiated expression of Second Ray of Love-Wisdom.

2. This energy, while it is no longer the major impacting influence, since other energies have overshadowed it, is none the less the major substance and frequency within which humanity moves. This energy, that of the Sixth Ray of Devotion, can almost be called the substantial stuff of which all things in the present period have been made.

3. The so-called passing of the Sixth Ray from the position of major impacting influence does not mean the death of its activity, nor the elimination of it from today's scene. It means only that this energy has created its major effect, both in consciousness and in substance, and can then be added to by other influences as humanity proceeds along the evolutionary way.

4. The Sixth Ray of Devotion is in its highest aspect the energy of the idea, or ideal of Divinity which is conceived in the consciousness of the Soul. Thus is the Soul endowed with the ability to ideate, i.e., to create a form in consciousness which is an expression of Divine Being.

5. In its distorted lower expression it produces a kind of religious fanaticism, and lower astralism.

6. That pure truth can be found only in the idea, cannot be denied by the earnest seeker after it. Beauty is really perceived in the idea of beauty; the truth of the rose is found in the idea of the rose, because that idea is its Soul, the very essence of its form. Thus, all seekers are advised to seek within, if they would truly enter into the Kingdom of God.

7. We have defined the Soul in many terms in an effort to understand what it is. We have called it the Second Logos, the consciousness aspect, the magnetic field created between the polar opposites of Divinity, etc. Now we say that the Soul is the idea of Spirit conceived within the womb of matter and born forth into the world of form as the consciousness of God, in seven stages of growth as shown below. Thus, the Sixth Ray is concerned with that which can only be defined as the idea of wisdom. Here is wisdom in its essence, a differentiated expression of the Second Ray of Divine Love-Wisdom.

1. Infancy ... animal man ... individualization

2. Childhood ... astral man ... completely emotional in nature

3. Puberty ... mental man ... the partially integrated self- conscious unit 

4. Adolescence ... devotional aspirational man ... Soul-infused persona

5. Youth ... group conscious ... mastery - Christ

6. Middle Age ... Planetary and Solar consciousness ... Logoic

7. Spiritual maturity ... Solar and Cosmic Consciousness ... Centered Logoic

8. Here also is the great philosopher, the seeker after truth, who, perceiving the idea, moves into a world so vastly different from that of form that he is truly in, but not of, the form.

9. The very idea of God, and Gods, of beauty, harmony, and truth itself, is basically an expression of the Sixth Ray. Humanity has perceived the idea of the good, the true, and the beautiful, and has responded to that idea. God help us to maintain it during this next era of logic and reason, of magic and order. Let it be the foundation from which our logic, reason, magic, and order may proceed.

10. Many old forms are disintegrating, disappearing before our very eyes. As we watch all of this, we tend to react in one of two ways:

1. to mourn the lost form, seeking solace in grief,

2. or to scorn it as being old and outworn, a false thing of the past.

Either way is a manifestation of personal attachment to the form, and in both the idea is lost. 

11. A probationer can understand, he can observe the truths which were the motivations behind the present religious structure, and which are again the same motivations behind the new era of science. He can see these truths in their essential reality and make his peace with both energy expressions of them. Thus, he becomes a peacemaker in an era of conflict; a custodian of Light, of Wisdom. His thoughts, his feelings, and his words can carry the energy of healing, which again is the energy of Wisdom, and so seal the cleavage, heal the breach between Science and Religion.

12. The disciple who is wise never speaks out against a religious form truth has taken, but rather he breathes forth that truth in such purity that the old form is not mourned. He points out and reveals that synthesis which is the same truth in both the old and the new and so points the way of progress.

13. Jesus, the Lord of the Sixth Ray, brought the idea of love down into a focus within the body of humanity, where it could be seized upon and consciously wielded for the betterment of mankind. He translated the idea into a doctrine of love, which, if rightly interpreted and applied, would take the self- conscious personality unit up to the portals of initiation. The consciousness of humanity has been given both the energy and the technique which will expand it from a separated self, into an all-inclusive, conscious part of the One Life.

14. Cedercarns writes that Christianity, the great advocate and follower of Master Jesus, has done very little actually, to further true goal of Master Jesus. It has pursued a course of devotion to the ideal which it translated from the idea, but that ideal has been largely a misinterpretation, producing the polar opposite of love in the minds and hearts of its persons. The pairs of opposites, as we see them manifest in the world today, are largely the result of this perversion of the Sixth Ray.

15. It is little wonder that the world, and even the bodies, have been neglected by seekers of the past age. The influence of the Sixth Ray was such as to give man the perfect way of, and justification for, his desire to escape. The form was seen as a prison which must be left behind before truth could really be known.

16. This religious form will not, and is not meant to, break up and disintegrate before our eyes. It yet has a mission to fulfill, and must right the wrongs it has committed before that mission can even be realized. Many of its antiquated forms will disappear, but Christianity itself is destined for a rebirth which will manifest the doctrine of Love as the Master Jesus gave it.

17. The Sixth Ray produces a devotion to an ideal, which in its positive manifestation is a one-pointed direction toward spiritual enlightenment and embodiment.

18. As the energy of the Sixth Ray, the attribute of ideation on Soul levels, impacts upon the probationer disciple, his devotional nature is stimulated and he begins to build his ideal of the Soul. Looking about for a pattern after which to fashion his ideal, he will usually discover some individual who personifies his subconscious picture of that ideal. This individual, as a personality, then becomes the object of his devotion and he wants more than anything else in the world to be like the idealized one. Incidentally, he also desires, with great intensity, to be accepted by the individual and will do all that is in his power to bring about such acceptance.

19. The modern probationer must learn to direct his devotion to the Plan, rather than the focal points through which the Plan is brought into relation with humanity. Therefore, do not make the mistake of becoming devoted to a teacher, a member of the Hierarchy, or even one of the Great Ones, but rather devote yourself to the manifestation of the Divine Plan. The energy of the Sixth Ray brought the philosopher, the man of God, into being during the past age. It also brought into being the fanatic, the devotee who would escape the form and hence his spiritual obligation for the sake of the separated self.

20. The Sixth Ray necessitates attention to Spirit, while the seventh redirects that attention back into the world of matter.

21. Sixth Ray Seed Thought- Let your new seed-thought for meditation be: 

"I stand receptive to the Divine Ideas of the overshadowing Soul, before they have taken form."

During the past age the sixth Ray ashram carried the emphasis of responsibility for bringing into incarnation (focusing) the ideal toward which humanity, its energy, force, and substance, could be attracted into aspiration and therefore into an alignment. The ideal held before the eyes of humanity as an unattainable yet most desirable development, this ideal is to be shifted from the realm of the unattainable, to be brought down into the heart and mind of every human being as his goal. Instead of being worshiped, instead of being prayed to, it is to be brought into the heart, mind, and true ordered activity through ceremonial magic. It is to be embodied and expressed in the daily life and affairs of every member of humanity. The new synthetic ashram of First,Second,Seventh Rays carries most of this responsibility for the manifestation of the Divine Plan for humanity for the next 2500-year period.

As I close this post, I will say that to my gaze of intuition, Auroville (image attached is the bonfire near Matrimandir or Soul of Auroville, I had attended staying as a long-term volunteer for a year) is one of the foremost example that comes to my mind as the kind of synthesis city, the world will duplicate (through perfecting this concept). Sri Aurobindo and The Mother demonstrated that perfect sixth ray energy of devotion to the ideal (which the Christ/Maitreya/Krishna taught) and towards the end of her physical embodiment, The Mother transformed this energy into the Seventh Ray through the ceremonial magic of Auroville.


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