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First Initiation : A Cedercran's Viewpoint

 Today's post is again on the first initiation from the perspective of Cedercrans and her masters especially Red Books AP and NOS. 

1. When a man travels from one place to another he prefers a path of least resistance. The Path of Initiation is then the Path or Way of least resistance for the birth of the Soul within the conscious awareness of man.

2. After the personality has reached a certain place in the evolutionary process, his growth becomes a conscious, self-

initiated activity. In cooperation with the Plan of Evolution, the incarnating entity initiates those experiences which

will expand the awareness of the personal self to include the awareness of the Spiritual Soul. This expansion covers five states of consciousness, sometimes referred to as the five initiations.  

3. First Initiation or The Birth of The Christ : In this stage the personality has discovered his Spiritual Soul, and has been born again in Christ Consciousness. Christ Consciousness is that higher state of being overshadowing humanity. It is That to which all men aspire. The initiation means, then, that the individ- ual has finally discovered his True Self and the reason for his being. He lives, stands, and walks in the Light of The Christ, sharing that Light with all whom he contacts. It is at this point that brotherhood, for him, becomes a fact in nature.

4. That phase of the path which we call probationary discipleship is characterized by three motivations of the Will.

A.The will toward individual and personal liberation from pain. This is the beginning of self-initiated growth.

B.The will toward union with the One Life. This is the advance toward a known spiritual attainment.

C.The will toward humanity's liberation from pain. This is the real beginning of active discipleship, and finally places the probationer within his own ashram.

Thus, we see that the first statement "I will arise and go unto the Father" is but the beginning, and that it is necessarily selfish. It concerns the separated self, and his suddenly realized necessity to escape pain. We find the mass of humanity today approaching this stage, which is the completion of the first initiation, (the realized son-ship which can will to arise and go unto the Father) and the approach toward the second initiation.

5. Man today is undergoing a difficult transition of which he knows little. As a race, he is completing the first initiation and approaching the second, fluctuating between the emotional aspect of his nature and the mental. He is learning to react to life intelligently rather than with just his emotions. As he becomes more and more polarized in the mental aspect, he comes closer to the revelation of his own Soul. Still man does have the freedom of choice, and should he decide to continue along his selfish path of separativeness, he will undergo another period of dark ages in which the Spiritual Soul will be unrealized, and the completion of the first initiation awaiting yet another opportunity.

6. The path of service is part of the Path of Initiation, which, you will remember, is the way of least resistance for the realization of the Spiritual Soul.

7. This path consists in a way of thinking which automatically results in a way of speaking and acting. The individual learns to identify himself as a Soul, rather than as the personality. He realizes, or attempts to realize, that the form is not the entity, but merely the vehicle of expression for the true entity. As he grasps this concept with his mind and allows it to grow, he begins to see a whole new world of meaning underlying that which he has always known or thought he knew. Gradually the concept is absorbed, and finally the fact that he is a Soul sinks into the subconscious as reality. The moment this occurs, the individual has passed the First Initiation. 

8. He has been born again in Christ Consciousness— the consciousness of the Spiritual Soul, the true Son of God. Remember that at this stage he is an infant in the new state of being. He must grow into the full realization of who and what he is and just what that means approaching the second initiation.

9. Before he can take any step, however, he must put into right use that which he has. What do I mean by putting to right use all he has? Simply that he must apply that which he believes to his daily living. Then will he know it. There are very few people in the world today who have not grasped some concept of Truth. All have entertained something of Truth, many on an intellectual basis only, and that, my brother, is not enough. Truth must be wrought out in experience; it must be proven to be of use in the physical world in which man lives. It is of no use to him so long as it remains an intangible belief, which may or may not be Truth. It must be demonstrated so that others may see, and you yourselves may know.

10. Unless humanity wakes up to the fact of brotherhood and completes the first initiation, that power that creates wars, hunger, hatred, fear, sickness, etc., cannot be balanced. Humanity, to live in peace, must learn to practice the Law of Love as taught by every great Savior of the race.

11. Before he can take any step, however, he must put into right use that which he has. As he does this, he initiates an activity. He serves his fellow men and passes the First Initiation. What do I mean by putting to right use all he has? Simply that he must apply that which he believes to his daily living. Then will he know it. There are very few people in the world today, who have not grasped some concept of Truth. All have entertained something of Truth; many on an intellectual basis only, and that, is not enough.

12. When I say demonstrate Truth or the Soul, I mean put into right use that which you already have.

First. What do you think you believe? What are those intangible somethings which you swear you believe? Do you

believe there is a God? That you are His Son? Do you believe in the teaching of Christ? Then, My brother, prove it. Put

into right use those so-called beliefs and let us see a living example of them. Love your neighbor, forgive your enemy,

and practice the Christianity which you profess. That, My brothers, is discipleship.

13. When will man learn to accept his brother’s God, without confining him within the limitations of our inadequate and confusing terminologies? When will he learn that the scientist is seeking the same Truth as he? The barriers which separate groups within the human family from other groups are manmade barriers, consisting largely of terminology and down-right conceit. If two men view the color green and one calls it red and the other calls it purple, does that change the color itself? Are they speaking of the same object, or do their descriptions separate it into little pieces of red and purple? No, it still remains a certain color, wherever it is found and regardless of the terminologies used to describe it. This is one of the most important concepts for the student to grasp, for it leads to tolerance and brotherhood. Brotherhood is the miracle medicine the human race needs today, for it will heal the ills of our civilization. It will sew up the wounds in our relationships, transmute fear into faith, bring harmony out of the conflicts which threaten to tear us to pieces, and lead us into understanding.

14. A disciple is one who is a brother to the Christ. He recognizes the Christ within each man, and accepts him as his brother, realizing that they are both endowed with the same heritage and have, therefore, the same rights. He endeavors to work with, not against his brother, and lets Love direct that work. His will is the will to good, his love the Love of God, and his activities become the living example of Truth, the fruits by which he is known.

Image is of " GRETCHEN ANN GROTH with CEDERCRANS" from her Dakini Wisdom website.


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