With few preliminary posts on the three rays, today we shall directly jump to Seventh Ray (from Nature of Soul and Applied Wisdom) today the reason being the Ashram of Synthesis (on Rays 1,2B Buddha Wisdom, 7) through joint work of Master Morya, DK (who is on the Wisdom subray and therefore KH with his disciples including Alice Bailey who are on the 2A line with Christ will be involved with another aspect of the Divine Plan as I intuit), Saint Germain with their disciples (for next 2500 years) carries much responsibility of manifesting Wisdom through activity as we move into Aquarian Age. This is in line with DKs words where he had said that Alice Bailey was simply assisting him and later she was to move to KHs original ashram on subray 2A of the Christ/Maitreya.
Detailed posts on this ashram and how does one know if he belongs to it and its activities (for those who have ascertained that they do belong here and wish to serve) will be done in time to come. Plus We shall have a look at 4,5,6 Rays little latter.
1.The Seventh Ray of Ceremonial Magic or Divine Law and Order, which is derived from, and is a differentiated expression of, the First Ray of Will and Power.
2. Note that the philosopher of the past advocated a system of thought designed to escape the earth and its forms for an indefinable heaven elsewhere. Therefore eastern world responded with a rigid system of self-denial, which led to a decadence in the world of affairs leading to a sort of crystallization. The modern philosopher will advocate a system of thought which is designed to bring heaven to earth. The new truth to impact upon the consciousness of humanity, as the Seventh Ray comes into prominence, will be formulated as follows:
A. Truth is in the idea which is the Soul of form (Sixth Ray),
B. but that truth must be brought down into appearance in order to manifest perfection in form (Seventh Ray).
3. The New Age is. We have already entered into it, and its meaning is simply this: that new energies and forces are impacting upon the mass consciousness and its many forms of expression, which, as they impact, produce a condition of instability within the consciousness, the form, and hence the world of affairs. This condition of instability can be likened unto the first two years of a child's life, in which the mold is set for the directional flow of his energies throughout the life experience of this incarnation.
4. If the higher spiritual values are to be worked out in human affairs, if the path of return is to be taken which leads back to God, and if The Christ is to make His Reappearance during this cycle, it will have been because humanity seized the opportunity to build into this transitory period the mold of the long-awaited Golden Age. Thus is the new group of conscious, serving disciples faced with a tremendous challenge, for upon them falls the task of awakening, guiding, and inspiring humanity to the spiritual facts of life. The fact of the crossroads, the choices confronting them, and the way of Light has to be so clearly enunciated and placed before humanity that the mass consciousness can build in the necessary new response mechanism. The fluidic and unstable consciousness of the young child (New Age) will have been molded to a pattern, and his growth and development affected via that pattern. The new group of disciples can be likened unto the parents of the child who dictate the pattern of the mold according to their response to the environment (in this case the world of affairs) and their treatment of the child within that environment.
5. The energy of the Sixth Ray brought the philosopher, the man of God, into being during the past age. It also brought into being the fanatic, the devotee who would escape the form and hence his spiritual obligation for the sake of the separated self. The Sixth Ray necessitates attention to Spirit, while the seventh redirects that attention back into the world of matter. The Seventh Ray is the energy of Spirit, of Will, as that Will seeks manifestation via the curve from Spirit to matter. The Seventh Ray is, in its higher aspect, the reflection of Spirit in matter.
7. Right use of this energy, then, works out into manifestation via Divine Law and Order, and Ceremonial Magic, the Will of God. The result is perfection in form. The polar opposite of this, i.e., misuse of Seventh Ray, is the working out into manifestation via ceremonial magic of the personal will of the separated persona. The result is the manifestation of desired forms with no thought as to what God's Will might intend.
8. The discovery by humanity, which is rapidly developing, of mental substance as being the prime matter, and of the Will as the magical force which directs that matter into a specific appearance in form, will bring the forked path of decision out into the open. In addition to the above, discovery will immediately follow of the knowledge of techniques, i.e., the way in which Spirit and matter, or will and mind, are manipulated by the consciousness to produce a predetermined effect in the world of affairs. Hence, we are moving into an age of magic in which all effects will be consciously created via white or black magic.
9. The Seventh Ray as an attribute of the Soul is simply the ability of consciousness to precipitate its intent into form. This energy in its right use, i.e., when rightly motivated, invokes Divine Law into activity to produce Divine Order in manifestation. The probationer disciple is faced with one of the major trials of initiation (Dweller on the threshold or the tempting voice of separated self with its egoic ambitions and desires) as this energy begins to impact upon him. The very secrets of God, speaking occultly, become known to him, and the forces of creation are made available to him. To what use shall he put them?
10. The inflow of Seventh Ray always brings into manifestation such a crisis, which is the crisis of opportunity, for it offers the opportunity of initiation, initiation into the White or the Black Lodge. Every probationer faces this trial, and humanity en-masse faces it on a lower level of the spiral, as the Seventh Ray comes into incarnation as the predominating energy of the Age. The Hierarchy and its group of conscious, serving disciples have already made that choice, and the work is going forward (albeit slowly I believe) for them. But, for the probationer, and the mass, the energy of decision yet remains to be wielded and the work to be initiated. Between 1950s and the end of 20th century, Cedercrans wrote that humanity will invoke or reject the appearance of The Christ by its choice. As I write today in 2023 it appears that humanity has already made its choice.
11. Seventh Ray Seed Thought:
"I stand receptive to that precipitating Will from the level of the Overshadowing Spiritual Soul into my consciousness, and in turn a further precipitation of Divine Will into the substantial forces of my bodies via my mind."
12. As the Seventh Ray comes into predominance in the world of affairs, disciples will find themselves recipient of an energy so potent and so powerful that unless care is taken its impact will produce great disturbance within the inner psyche, the bodies, and the environment. The disciple must learn to direct this energy as a power potential into a force which is in perfect harmony with the Plan he seeks to serve.
13. Any appearance in form is constructed of the energy, force, and substance which characterize the frequency ranges upon which it (the form) is found. There are then within any form:
1. Energy or Potential . . . . . uninitiated cause
2. Force . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cause in expression
3. Substance . . . . . . . . . . . . appearance or effect.
14. It is interesting to note here that the ills of disciples are the result of three major causes:
1.Misappropriated energy as a result of wrong motivation, thus precipitating into the vehicles force which cannot be safely handled.
2.Appropriated, but not rightly directed energy, which creates an erroneous flow of force throughout the system, bringing imbalance into the center system, the glands, and finally the organic functions of the body.
3.The inability to complete the path of least resistance for the flow of force into final manifestation (due to an undeveloped third eye), thus creating what is erroneously referred to as energy blocks. They are actually force blocks which dam the flow of force in one or another of the bodies, producing congestion in time and space.
15. Consider the consciousness of the average probationer. It is filled with contradictions and conflicts. Forms exist within the subconscious which are in direct opposition to those truths the probationer is attempting to embody. Both are given the potential power of expression as the Seventh Ray makes its impact, and the result is a manifestation of both in conflict in the outer life and affairs. The poor, bewildered probationer is beset with every kind of a manifestation he has ever imagined, and many he is not consciously aware of having even considered. The more persistently he attempts to discipline his form-nature, the more violent its opposition as it receives the power to manifest its responses. The more persistently he attempts to manifest the Plan as he sees it, the more opposition to that Plan he sets into motion without consciously realizing that he does so. He manifests most of his own obstacles to successful service out of an ignorance of the Law.
16. A man thinks, and according to his thought, he directs those energies and forces which are his to control into a specific pattern which we call a thought- form. A man feels, and according to his feeling, he releases into the form he has created the power to manifest. A man speaks, and according to his spoken word, the empowered form is directed into time and space. When this three-fold activity is entered into consciously, with intent to manifest a specific effect in the world of affairs, it is called ceremonial magic. Whether it is white or black magic is dependent upon the man's motive, the reason why he creates.
17. This Seventh Ray activity is consciously initiated as a man becomes mentally polarized; as he realizes the positive and negative polarity of his constitution; and as he ascertains the purpose of his three-fold instrument. The purpose of the three-fold instrument is very easily seen once its polarity is understood. It constitutes the matter aspect and is negative to the Will in the following pattern:
Positive Negative
Will Mind or mental body
Will in the mind Astral-emotional
Etheric-physical Outer sphere of influence
Will in the mind then becomes: Force or Power in the astral, Life; activity; or the movement of force in the etheric and appearance in form.
18. Techniques of protection (these are given in detail across writings of Cedecrans) against Dark forces and his own weaknesses of confusion, glamour, and misinterpretation -
include Ashramic Protection and Harmlessness Within the Environment.
19. The Seventh Ray is, remember, the reflection of Spirit into matter. Here, then, is that great cycle of opportunity which not only renders the above readily attainable to all who are ready, but also renders it knowable as concrete knowledge to all of humanity. This shall be known as a part of the evolutionary development toward which mankind is moving. consciousness of present day humanity is concerned) holds for mankind. Contemplate that change, and soak up its meaning, for this is the Divine Plan with which you seek to relate. This is the Truth that shall make men free, the cause toward which you are dedicated, and the work of this wonderful new energy (new insofar as its present impact is concerned), which we call the Seventh Ray. This is its magic, the effect it shall create in substance via the consciousness who appropriates and puts into right use its meaning.
20. The Form's Role in the Soul's Use of Magic: The Brain as Necessary to Form Building. Meditation is an Alchemical Process of Altering the Brain's Cellular Construction. The Function of the Brain in Form Building and the Practice of Projection and The Science of Impression as Used by the Soul to Train the Response Mechanism of the Brain are described in the Nature of Soul. Here we summarize -
1.That the brain is necessary to the building of form in lower mental and astral planes, as well as the physical. This has been veiled heretofore to safeguard humanity from the works of premature magicians, but such safeguarding is no longer possible with the incoming Seventh Ray. The great occult secrets having to do with magic, and the brain as the instrument of it, are revealed as the Seventh Ray makes its influence felt.
2.That once the man has freed himself from the limitations of his own form (the brain) and stands within the cave in the center of the head, he is in the position of master, i.e., he can control substance.
3. That the way of becoming the magician is clearly defined as: 1. meditation 2. practice in form-building 3. practice in projection
I end todays post by an image of masters within whose auras lies the ashram of synthesis. A portrait of Master Morya by Hermann Schmiechen with The Tibetan Master, Djwhal Khul (D.K. or DK)
From a painting by Annie Gowland, 1931 alongwith Saint Germain from book "It Is What It Is Further Adventures of a Western Mystic" of Peter Mt. Shasta.
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