Let us establish (as it is progressively revealed to my intuition from the ashram of synthesis) much more accurate concrete mathematical model of synthesis (or harmony, brotherhood, unity, fusion etc) as taught and demonstrated by some of the initiates of the last two centuries (messengers of the World-Teacher) as follows: H.P. Blavatsky : A Synthesis of Philosophy, Religion and Science (The Secret Doctrine, Ageless Wisdom and Theosophy: an esoteric wisdom religion) (A Ray 1 and 2 impulse of synthesis) Djwal Khul and Alice Bailey : A Synthesis of the Seven Rays (The 24 synthetic Books on Esoteric Philosophy of Seven Rays) (A Ray 2 wisdom impulse of synthesis) Sri Aurobindo and The Mother : Integral and Synthesis of Yoga, Auroville - Experimental city of Synthesis (A Ray 4 and 6 artistic harmonizing impulse of synthesis) Nicholas and Helena Roerich and Vicente Beltran Anglada: Agni Yoga (A Ray 1,2,7 impulse fiery and magical impulse of synthesis) Alexander Grothendieck (with Saunde...