"The darkness failed and slipped like a falling cloak
From the reclining body of a god.
Then through the pallid rift that seemed at first
Hardly enough for a trickle from the suns,
Outpoured the revelation and the flame.
The brief perpetual sign recurred above."
A theosophical meditation:
Near the radiant leaning body of an Divine Avatar (God), the dark shadow of ignorance slides like a falling robe. The vanishing darkness initially is faint as if a drizzle but then comes a pouring of revelation through her Divine flame although it seems short-lived. In theosophy, it reminds us of those initiates that were sent forth in last two centuries starting with Blavatsky (amanuensis for M. and K.H.) when the first revelation and impulse was given while the second came forth through Alice Bailey (amanuensis for D.K.). Theosophists are told that a third is yet to come before the new age of Leo-Aquarius gets firmly established provided they play their parts in the Whole sufficiently. Huta portrays the radiant reclining body of an initiate like Savitri resembling a Divine Avatar.
Image: Meditations on Savitri paintings no. 8 depicting above lines from the Book 1, Canto 1.
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