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Meditation on Savitri - Sketch (1,3,5)

 Meditations on Savitri: Book 1: The Book of Beginnings,  Canto III: The Yoga of the Soul’s Release

"Lifting the heavy curtain of the flesh

He stood upon a threshold serpent-watched,

And peered into gleaming endless corridors,

Silent and listening in the silent heart

For the coming of the new and the unknown."

Meditative experience: The yogi (King Aswapati) rising through denser physical planes of flesh and matter now stands upon the threshold watched by the serpent (to me it appears as the Dweller or Guardian on the Threshold). He silently peers through the corridors of higher planes on which the evolutionary current will carry humanity and bring about the advent of new races (sixth and seventh as in The Secret Doctrine).

"He gazed across the empty stillnesses

And heard the footsteps of the undreamed Idea

In the far avenues of the Beyond.

He heard the secret Voice, the Word that knows,

And saw the secret face that is our own."

Meditative experience: These are the our own footsteps which will be left behind by the pioneers (King Aswapati symbolic of Sri Aurobindo)  of the new races. The yogi through his higher occult senses (of intuition, Comprehension, higher clairaudience, psychometry etc.) is able to hear those higher Voice and Word and see the face of evolved races. 

"The inner planes uncovered their crystal doors;

Strange powers and influences touched his life.

A vision came of higher realms than ours,

A consciousness of brighter fields and skies,

Of beings less circumscribed than brief-lived men

And subtler bodies than these passing frames,

Objects too fine for our material grasp,

Acts vibrant with a superhuman light

And movements pushed by a superconscient force,

And joys that never flowed through mortal limbs,

And lovelier scenes than earth’s and happier lives."

Meditative experience: The yogi is describing some of his visions and consciousness of the inner (higher) planes. The beings evolved enough to polarize themselves on such planes (who are none other than the initiates of various orders) are liberated and serve the Divine will of the planetary logos in contrast to less evolved selfish (brief-lived) men. They have subtler luminous bodies. A superhuman light, superconscient force and joys much exalted are common on these realms of life.   

"A consciousness of beauty and of bliss,

A knowledge which became what it perceived,

Replaced the separated sense and heart

And drew all Nature into its embrace."

Meditative experience: On these higher planes (atmic-buddhic-manasic) especially on the intuitional (buddhic) plane the yogi becomes synthetically blissful and all separative perception of lower faculties is serenely reconciled embracing the whole Nature. From this intuitional plane is practiced the "Yoga of fiery will to synthesize" or Agni Yoga which is equivalent to integral yoga (resulting from earlier yogas of synthesis) of Sri Aurobindo.

Images : Mother's Sketch and Huta's painting. 


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