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Esoteric Astrology I

 In previous posts we briefly studied the nature of spiritual path of initiations along with the rays and inner human constitution. We also attempted to summarize many key points in various tables and diagrams. Continuing further, I intend to do a study of the book esoteric astrology in that series and summarize key features in tables. Later slowly we will combine and interpret those earlier tables along with astrology tables to be able to intuitively grasp an occult picture of an individual as he takes birth in a given incarnation along with the lessons that he is supposed to learn and his journey through many ages in various zodiac signs as he gets liberated from the wheel of rebirth and samsara (Fifth Initiation) standing free as a master of compassion and wisdom.

1. Djwal khul traces the progress of the man from sign to sign around the zodiacal way from sign to sign (not necessarily smooth and ordered). He says:

"As the ages slip away, the man passes into and out of all the signs, the particular sign being determined by the nature of the personality ray which itself changes, as you know, from life to life. In those signs he learns the needed lessons, broadens his horizon, integrates his personality, begins to sense the conditioning soul, and thus discovers his essential duality. When he is upon the Path of Discipleship (and here I include the Path of Initiation) occult rumour says that he then becomes conditioned by the tireless Watcher, the soul, and is subjected (during the final stages of the path) to exactly twelve incarnations, passing one in each of the twelve signs. In them he has to prove himself, attaining great moments of crisis in each of the constellations of the Fixed Cross in particular. From point to point, stage to stage, and finally Cross to Cross, he fights for his spiritual life, in all the twelve houses and all the twelve constellations, subjected to countless combinations of forces and energies— ray, planetary, zodiacal and cosmic—until he is "made anew," becomes the "new man," is sensitive to the entire range of spiritual vibrations in our solar system and has achieved that detachment which will enable him to escape from the wheel of rebirth.

He has accomplished this by mounting the three Crosses—the cross of the Personality or the changing form, the Cross of the Disciple or the eternal soul, and the Cross of the Spirit. This really means that he has passed through three momentous crises in his life cycle:

I. The Crisis of Incarnation . . . . . . . The Mutable Cross

The Mounting of the Wheel . . . . . .Personality and form life

The Cycle of Rebirth in Form . . . . Experience culminating in the Manifestation of Manhood

II. The Crisis of Reorientation . . . . . . The Fixed Cross

The Changing to the 2nd Cross . . . The life of the soul

Preparation for the 2nd Birth . . . . . Consciousness culminating in the Manifestation of Christhood

III. The Crisis of Initiation . . . . . . . . . The Cardinal Cross

The Transfiguration . . . . . . . . . . . The Life of the Spirit resulting in the Manifestation of Divinity "

2. In his work Astrology as Spiritual Path, Bruno Huber describes study of traditional or lesser zodiacal astrology through the five levels of the horoscope (as seen in the image)

Level 1 Center (The soul and the relationship with the transcendental.)

Level 2 Aspects (Motivation in life, original purpose, basic attitude towards life.)

Level 3 Planets (Vital organs, abilities that allow you to experience your own identity.)

Level 4 Signs (The genetic and archetypal imprint, the innate behavior.)

Level 5 Houses (The relationship with the reality of the environment, learned behavior.)

The art of interpreting horoscopes requires, not only defining the individual elements of each level, but also to intuitively relate and understand the interaction between the different levels.

3. We shall then start at the most basic level 5 of houses, briefly covering the first house (both traditional and esoteric) in this post.

4. Traditionally charts are set up on the basis of the personality condition or of the personality ray if intuitively estimated by a synthetic esoteric astrologer. However if, the individual is a disciple, the the chart will be incorrect as the planets which govern in the case of ordinary, undeveloped man cease to influence the spiritual man and the disciple. Ordinary man is primarily conditioned in the events of his physical plane life by the planetary positions in the twelve houses and they are, in their turn, karmically conditioned which the advanced man has overcome, or is in the process of overcoming. 

5. The horoscope for advanced man must be cast on the basis of the soul ray, since zodiacal signs which govern the activities and the influence of the present planetary rulers is considerably lessened. New planetary forces (conveying zodiacal energies) will control and take precedence of the old ones, thus putting the man in touch with different forces. Finally the time will come when the disciples and initiates will be sensitive to the whole range of vibrations; charts should then be set up as "charts of the crosses" and not simply indications of planetary influences in the twelve houses.

6. The new esoteric astrologer must lay the emphasis upon: a. The Science of Triangles. b. The rising sign, as it indicates the way of the soul. c. The place of the three Crosses (the Cardinal Cross, the Fixed Cross and the Mutable Cross) in the life of the soul. This will eventually supersede the houses in the horoscope and the 12 arms of the three crosses will take the place of the 12 houses when casting the horoscope of the soul.

7. Each changing personality in every incarnation sees a different ray force enter and each ray governs or transmits its forces through one or other of the seven centres; the Sun sign in each incarnation will be different, leading necessarily to a different rising sign and therefore to a complete new set of planetary influences. Thus the centres in the etheric body come under varying pressures and stimulation. In one life, the stimulation applied may tend to vivify the solar plexus or to drive its energies upward into its higher point of transference, the heart centre. In another, it may be seen to be focussed in the throat centre, and by indirect activity affecting the sacral centre and - under the major Law of Attraction - producing a raising of the force to the higher creative focus.

8. Some key differences between personality and soul-centred astrology:

a. Ordinary humanity is ruled by the exoteric planets; advanced humanity, disciples and initiates by the esoteric planets.

b. The Sun sign with the exoteric planetary rulers, rules the personality.

c. The Rising sign (Ascendant), with the esoteric planetary rulers, indicates soul purpose and points the way to the future, offering opportunity. The disciple will later be responding to the influences of the twelve arms of the three Crosses as they pour their influences through the esoteric planetary rulers via the twelve houses.

d. The horoscope, built around the Sun sign, is adequate for ordinary humanity. The exoteric planets rule and the man lives within the karmic limitations of the twelve houses. 

e. When the Sun sign, with the exoteric rulers, is worked out in a chart, and the rising sign with the esoteric rulers is also worked out and when two are superimposed upon each other, the problem of the disciple in any one incarnation will be revealed.

Image: Five Levels of Traditional Personality based Horoscope and Wheel of Houses.

Table: Comparison of The higher correspondences (of Disciple or Initiate) to the material realities (of Personality) for which the First house stands.


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