Today we continue to contemplate on the remaining lines from Page 5 of the Symbol Dawn of Savitri.
"Here too the vision and prophetic gleam
Lit into miracles common meaningless shapes;
Then the divine afflatus, spent, withdrew,
Unwanted, fading from the mortal’s range.
A sacred yearning lingered in its trace,
The worship of a Presence and a Power
Too perfect to be held by death-bound hearts,
The prescience of a marvellous birth to come."
'Here' stands for our ordinary human world where the vision and prophetic brief light of Goddess lit the ordinary shapes miraculously into divine meaning for few moments. But then the divine creative impulse or inspiration was spent and feeling unwanted withdrew and faded from the range of mortal men. Once gone it left behind a sacred yearning in the hearts of those later realized what had happened. The presence and Power of Divine Goddess was too perfect to be worshipped to be held steady by death-bound hearts of ordinary mortals. The Dawn-Goddess carried the foreknowledge of a Divine Avatar or Saviour (Savitri) to come in the future on her divine mission to sacrifice herself in order to save the soul of humanity (Satyavan).
"Only a little the god-light can stay:
Spiritual beauty illumining human sight
Lines with its passion and mystery Matter’s mask
And squanders eternity on a beat of Time."
Again only a little light of the divine presence can stay with men for a little time. The beauty of divinity casts light upon the mask of Matter and reveals for a moment the mysteriousness of the marvel of indwelling divinity hiding beneath the veil of matter. The riches of the eternity are all spent in one short moment of revelation.
"As when a soul draws near the sill of birth,
Adjoining mortal time to Timelessness,
A spark of deity lost in Matter’s crypt
Its lustre vanishes in the inconscient planes,
That transitory glow of magic fire
So now dissolved in bright accustomed air."
In these lines, a picture of soul descending from the psychic planes (more accurately from the devachan of theosophists) is being painted. It is coming near the threshold of birth where a transition from Timelessness to mortal time is being made. As this transition is made, its fire of divinity is forgotten in the tomb of material world hiding the light of higher planes. It has entered lower planes of matter where its shining light vanishes. With this transition the passing glow of magic fire cannot last long and gets dissolved in the ordinary air of the human world.
"The message ceased and waned the messenger.
The single Call, the uncompanioned Power,
Drew back into some far-off secret world
The hue and marvel of the supernal beam:
She looked no more on our mortality."
The Goddess delivered her message, and now the message ends with the messenger like a waxing moon fades away. Her Call to evolve into a higher state of consciousness and Power that works alone unaccompanied withdrew into some secret far-off world. The astonishing heavenly tone of celestial dawn is drawn away from our mortal world.
"The excess of beauty natural to God-kind
Could not uphold its claim on time-born eyes;
Too mystic-real for space-tenancy
Her body of glory was expunged from heaven:
The rarity and wonder lived no more.
There was the common light of earthly day."
The eyes of ordinary mortal men were blinded by worldly material glamour and the native beauty of Divine-Goddess could not be imposed on them for long. Her unrestrained glorious body was too real in a mystic sense to dwell on the earthly space and was wiped out into the common light of an every-day light. The unique awe unfortunately vanished from the daily earth scene.
The Mother guides Huta with a sketch of the vision of the feet of Divine-Goddess vanishing into the sky from a common earth scene underneath and then Huta paints it in her studio.
A theosophical synthetic perspective:
The picture of Dawn-Goddess could be symbolic of those divine messengers of the Brotherhood of Masters (starting with Blavatsky, followed by Sri Aurobindo, Alice Bailey and many more) who were born on earth renewing the ageless wisdom at the dawn of an aquarian age. Their message is essentially same as that of the Dawn-Goddess regarding the prescience of future coming the Christ-Kalki-Boddhisatva Maitreya or World-Teacher to assist the souls ready for next stage of evolution into the sixth race (of Blavatsky), or supermind race (of Sri Aurobindo) or new age synthetic man (of Alice Bailey and Cedercrans) or agni-yogis (of Roerichs and Vicente Beltran Anglada) in order to master the lesson of synthesis. This is symbolic of the coming of Savitri to save Satyavan as portrayed by Sri Aurobindo in his epic mantric poem.
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