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Penning my Reflections on the year 2023


Having spent last three weeks of this year in Sri Aurobindo ashram and as the year 2023 comes to an end, let me recollect some of those small achievements of the year 2023 -

1. A precise concrete mathematical expression (Ray 5) for synthesis ! (one leg of formula was recognized by rigorous category theoretic quantum physicist Prof. Bob Coecke in 2019, yet he recommends me to give concrete applications of law of cause and effect. Let's see how it evolves as per the inner voice of ashram !)

2. Personal discovery of Savitri: Recovering lost symbolic meaning of the epic (of first subrace of the fifth rootrace) as a supreme revelation (a ray 4 and 6 expression of ageless wisdom) of Sri Aurobindo. (personally for me it was a soothing harmonizing experience; especially having too long experienced a fragmented view of a concrete mind)

3. Discovering new friends (from the other end of globe especially from Morya federation of our beloved Micheal D Robbins, molecular group of our beloved Joseph Dewey and many other mystic who are unfortunately separated from occultists inspite of being students of the same World Teacher/Christ/Kalki/Maitreya) through facebook who are on the same adventure of a new age consciousness.  

4. Reaching greater levels of peace and harmony through the practice of yoga of synthesis (and trying to express that which is being directly experienced which is more than a mental understanding) and trying to root it.

Having stayed in Auroville for about a year earlier in 2021-2022, it was the mystic light of Savitri my soul was yearning for it seems to complement the over powering of occultist rays ! Anyways as I sit back in my chair to read the book "And Long and Dark shall be the Night: The Karma of Tibet" by 'Cluade Arpi' I can intuit some similar situation developing for the larger free democratic world as we move into the new age (although we have greater access to knowledge now because of internet) - 

a. "We do not have any special knowledge the Law of Karma"- We have formulated a mathematical expression for it.

b. "The fact that Tibet obstinately to share its knowledge and wisdom with outer world"- compare that with, 'India hides the light and that light, when released upon the world and revealed to humanity, will bring about harmony in the form aspect; things will then be clearly seen as they are and will be freed from glamour and illusion'- The Destiny of Nations by AAB. 'I hide the Light' the keyphrase for India as taught by Tibetan (Djwal Khul) explains its influence on Tibet. The theosophical masters did make a serious efforts starting from 1875 through HPB and AAB to share that knowledge with West.

c. "Tibet was divided by what could be described as 'family disputes'"- compare that with 'Many British people are subjectively linked with India, by past incarnations and association; the quarrel between Great Britain and India is largely a family affair in the deepest sense of the term and hence its bitterness. As you know, there is a close link between the fourth and second rays and this again emerges in the relationship between England and India; a destiny is there which must be jointly worked out.' - The Destiny of Nations by AAB. Democracies today are still divided by their selfish concerns while the danger of communism rises that might lead today's free world into dark night sharing the fate of Tibet as written by Lucille cedercrans. 

d. In his vision or wisdom The Thirteenth Dalai prophesized that the Red wave of communism would invade Asia and steamroll Tibet. At the end of his Testament, he warned his people of the forthcoming ‘dark days’:

"In my lifetime conditions will be as they are now, peaceful and quiet. But the future holds darkness and misery. I have warned you of these things because of my experience and other important reasons. More I cannot say or advise. ...The institutions of the Dalai Lama, venerable incarnates and those who protect the Teachings shall be wipe out completely. Monasteries shall be looted, properties shall be confiscated and all living beings shall be destroyed. The memorable rule of the Three Guardian Kings of Tibet, the very institutions of the State and religion shall be banned and forgotten. The properties of the officials shall be confiscated; they shall be slaves of the conquerors roam land in bondage. All souls shall be immersed in suffering and the night shall be long and dark..."

Compare this to that same crisis much earlier known by masters of theosophical society, specifically to quote from fourth letter (5th November, 1880):

"The conventionalities of the weary world, outside our secluded "Ashrums," trouble us but little at any time; least of all now, when it is men not ceremony-masters, we seek, devotion, not mere observances. More and more a dead formalism is gaining ground, and I am truly happy to find so unexpected an ally in a quarter where, hitherto there have not been too many — among the highly educated classes of English Society. A crisis, in a certain sense, is upon us now, and must be met. I might say two crises — one, the Society's, the other for Tibet. For, I may tell you in confidence, that Russia is gradually massing her forces for a future invasion of that country under the pretext of a Chinese War. If she does not succeed it will be due to us; and herein, at least we will deserve your gratitude. You see then, that we have weightier matters than small societies to think about; yet, the T.S. must not be neglected. The affair has taken an impulse, which, if not well guided, might beget very evil issues. Recall to mind the avalanches of your admired Alps, that you have often thought about, and remember that at first their mass is small and their momentum little. A trite comparison you may say, but I cannot think of a better illustration, when viewing the gradual aggregation of trifling events, growing into a menacing destiny for the Theos. Soc."

Therefore to conclude, the same wave of communism that steamrolled Tibet might steamroll democratic nations of today with dark age for humanity (as warned by Master Racozi in Cedercrans writings or the third world war wiping off the race as a dire prophecy of Djwal Khul) if democracies continue as usual with their family disputes and dead formalism. Let's hope for the best playing our parts most faithfully towards greater synthesis in 2024 and onwards.

I close by two paintings of ashram and its main gate in 1930s' from a collection by artist disciples such as Krishnalal Bhatt, Chinmayee etc.  


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