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A Seer was born, a shining Guest of Time

 A Presence wrought behind the ambiguous screen:

It beat his soil to bear a Titan’s weight,

Refining half-hewn blocks of natural strength

It built his soul into a statued god.

The Craftsman of the magic stuff of self

Who labours at his high and difficult plan

In the wide workshop of the wonderful world,

Modelled in inward Time his rhythmic parts.

Then came the abrupt transcendent miracle:

The masked immaculate Grandeur could outline,

At travail in the occult womb of life,

His dreamed magnificence of things to be.

A crown of the architecture of the worlds,

A mystery of married Earth and Heaven

Annexed divinity to the mortal scheme.

A Seer was born, a shining Guest of Time.

A Divine 'Presence' that dwells within the entire manifestation and 'In which we live, move and have our being' was at work behind the ambiguous screen of material world. It was laboring behind the screen on Aswapati. It battered the soil of his physical self to make it strong and bear a gigantic superman weight. Refining the roughly cut blocks of Aswapati's natural strength, it chiseled, polished and perfected them and built his soul into a statue of God. The Presence was a sculptor of the subtle stuff of self who toiled at his Divine plan in this wide wonderful workshop of his world. It patiently took all his inward time and molded Aswapti's parts into a rythmic harmony transforming him into a magnificent God. When that work was completed, a transcendent miracle occured abrubtly. The hidden flawless beauty became gradually visible in Aswapati who could be suddenly seen as the inhabitant of future world. At labor pains in the occult womb of life about to give birth to a new superhuman forms for future age, a model could be seen in the form of Aswapati. A supreme crowning moment came in worlds architecture, as if the mystery of immortal spirit had been revealed in mortal matter. A Seer no longer bound by Time was born in Aswapati connecting divinity to the mortal world.

Painting : Krishna (Spring in Kullu, India) 1930 by Nicholas Roerich

The Divine Presence and Plan in Theosophy

Corresponding to these lines of Sri Aurobindo, we find precisely in Theosophy, The Divine Presence:

"All manifestation is of a septenary nature, and the Central Light which we call Deity, the one Ray of Divinity, manifests first as a Triplicity, and then as a Septenary. The One God shines forth as God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, and these three are again reflected through the Seven Spirits before the Throne, or the seven Planetary Logoi. The students of occultism of non-Christian origin may call these Beings the One Ray, demonstrating through the three major Rays and the four minor, making a divine Septenary. The Synthetic Ray which blends them all is the great Love-Wisdom Ray, for verily and indeed "God is Love." This Ray is the indigo Ray, and is the blending Ray. It is the one which will, at the end of the greater cycle, absorb the others in the achievement of synthetic perfection. It is the manifestation of the second aspect of Logoic life. It is this aspect, that of the Form-Builder, that makes this solar system of ours the most concrete of the three major systems. The Love or Wisdom aspect demonstrates through the building of the form, for "God is Love," and in that God of Love we 'live and move and have our being,' and will to the end of aeonian manifestation.


Suffice it for our purpose to say that in the middle of the Lemurian epoch, approximately eighteen million years ago, occurred a great event which signified, among other things, the following developments:—The Planetary Logos of our earth scheme, one of the Seven Spirits before the throne, took physical incarnation, and, under the form of Sanat Kumara, the Ancient of Days, and the Lord of the World, came down to this dense physical planet and has remained with us ever since. Owing to the extreme purity of His nature, and the fact that He is (from the human standpoint) relatively sinless, and hence incapable of response to aught on the dense physical plane, He was unable to take a dense physical body such as ours, and has to function in His etheric body. He is the greatest of all the Avatars, or Coming Ones, for He is a direct reflection of that great Entity who lives, and breathes, and functions through all the evolutions on this planet, holding all within His aura or magnetic sphere of influence. In Him we live and move and have our being, and none of us can pass beyond the radius of His aura. He is the Great Sacrifice, Who left the glory of the high places and for the sake of the evolving sons of men took upon Himself a physical form and was made in the likeness of man. He is the Silent Watcher, as far as our immediate humanity is concerned, although literally the Planetary Logos Himself, on the higher plane of consciousness whereon He functions, is the true Silent Watcher where the planetary scheme is concerned. Perhaps it might be stated thus:—That the Lord of the World, the One Initiator, holds the same place in connection with the Planetary Logos as the physical manifestation of a Master holds to that Master's Monad on the monadic plane. In both cases the intermediate state of consciousness has been superseded, that of the Ego or higher self, and that which we see and know is the direct self-created manifestation of pure spirit itself. Hence the sacrifice. It must here be borne in mind that in the case of Sanat Kumara there is a tremendous difference in degree, for His point in evolution is as far in advance of that of an adept as that adept's is in advance of animal man." - INITIATION, HUMAN AND SOLAR

The Divine Plan and Man's role in its fulfillment:

"On the surface, the beauty and the strength of this Invocation lies in its simplicity, and in its expression of certain central truths which all men, innately and normally, accept—the truth of the existence of a basic Intelligence to Whom we vaguely give the name of God; the truth that, behind all outer seeming, the motivating power of the universe is Love; the truth that a great Individuality came to Earth, called by Christians the Christ, and embodied that love so that we could understand; the truth that both love and intelligence are effects of what is called the Will of God, and finally the self-evident truth that only through Humanity itself can the divine Plan work out.

This Plan calls mankind to the expression of Love and challenges men to "let their light shine." Then comes the final solemn demand that this Plan of Love and Light, working through mankind, may "seal the door where evil dwells." The final line then contains the idea of restoration, indicating the keynote for the future and that the day will come when God's original idea and His initial intention will no longer be frustrated by human freewill and evil—pure materialism and selfishness; the divine purpose will then, through the changed hearts and goals of humanity, be achieved." - Discipleship in the New Age Volume 2.

"In meditation the man takes some ideal, some part of the divine plan, some phase of beauty and of art, some scientific or racial problem, and by brooding over it and by the employment of lower mind, finds out all that can be known and sensed. Then, having done all that, he seeks to raise the consciousness still higher till he taps the source of illumination, and gains the light and information required. He mounts likewise by entering into the consciousness of those greater than himself, not so much from the point of view of love (as in the second line) as from admiration and joy in their achievement, and gratitude for what they have given to the world, and devotion to the same idea that impels them to action." - A Treatise on White Magic.


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