For those who have not yet experienced it (the white of synthesis), the masters speak in symbols, analogies and parables. One of these is the analogy of the reversal of a prism. Hold it in a certain poistion and the light is white, but turn it and light is broken up and reveals the whole color spectrum. This according to the Mother is exactly what happens in the change of consciousness: 'You restore the white'. In our normal consciousness the pure, original light has been broken up, and we function on one or more wavelengths of green, purple, blue or yellow. When the reversal of consciousness occues, the white is restored. And this is precisley what the Matrimandir does: it restores the white.
- To restore the White P. 69, Essays on Matrimandir, Ruud Lohman.
Those lines are from a man who practiced the "Yoga of Synthesis" as he fully devoted himself to the physical labour and construction of the Matrimandir.
We need to thank Gerard Jak and B from Auroville for introducing us to the works of Ruud Lohman, one of the early pioneers who arrived in Auroville from the Netherlands around 1969–70. In brief, he was a Dutch Franciscan priest for 15 years with a doctorate in sociology. When his superiors sent him, partly as a sociologist and partly as a missionary to India, his life was permanently transformed when he encountered 'The Mother'. He left everything behind, including his Franciscan robes, and moved to Auroville to help build the city of the future.
He also wrote meditations and dreams about the ancient sunken civilization of Lemuria in his legend Iniyan, telling the story of an elderly Tamil man who traces his lineage back to Lemuria, an ancient island civilization that sank beneath the Indian Ocean many thousands of years ago. Iniyan tells Ruud that he carries secrets from the past, awaiting a time when they can be linked to the future of humanity.
Some details could be found on
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