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Wisdom Sat uncompanioned in the eternal Calm

 There unity is too close for search and clasp

And love is a yearning of the One for the One,

And beauty is a sweet difference of the Same

And oneness is the soul of multitude.

There all the truths unite in a single Truth,

And all ideas rejoin Reality.

There knowing herself by her own termless self,

Wisdom supernal, wordless, absolute

Sat uncompanioned in the eternal Calm,

All-seeing, motionless, sovereign and alone.

Here are a few lines of overmind poetry capturing the experience of synthesis as Ashwapati passes into the higher planes of consciousness (especially the intuitive and overmind planes of consciousness). He says: On these planes, unity is so close that there is no need for Ashwapati to go out to hunt for it or even grasp it. In the lower planes of the contemporary world, we are all struggling for human unity, and it is so rare that if we are fortunate enough to find it, it's worth embracing and holding very close to our hearts, never to lose it again. This is due to the greater density of matter here. In duality, we experience love as reaching out to a separate object, while beauty is something external to our own selves. How are love and beauty there? Love is the crying or longing of the one single being for his own oneness, while beauty is the sweet, delightful differentiation of that same single being. Individual souls are all infinite possible expressions of that one. Here, there are conflicts and fights between seemingly different truths. There, they are all recognised as partial expressions of a single absolute truth. There, many independent ideas harmoniously respond to the same reality.  The next four lines describe Ashwapati seeing the Divine Mother in her form of "Wisdom of Synthesis."  Her wisdom is heavenly, silent, and absolutely perfect beyond words. As the supreme giver of wisdom, she is all alone in her eternal calm, all-seeing, motionless, liberated, and knows herself by her own unconditioned, boundless self.

Figure: The Divine Mother Sat uncompanioned in the eternal Calm. Source: Mother of the World by Nicholas Roerich, 1937 in Public Domain.

Synthesis of Seven Rays in Theosophy

The lines "And beauty is a sweet difference of the same, and oneness is the soul of multitude. There all the truths unite in a single truth, and all ideas rejoin reality," points to the septenary expressions of truth in the five volumes of "The Treatise on Seven Rays" by Djwal Khul and Alice Bailey. The truth is multi-dimensional yet one. Theosophy studies seven major dimensions, rays, or psychological types of truth. Furthermore, its evidential experience is relative to the evolutionary development of the seven major bodies of man. There is a deeper esoteric reason why truth in this scheme of the universe is considered septenary, and this number is not arbitrary. To summarise in simple language: 

Through Ray One: Truth expressed as Willful Purpose
Through Ray Two: Truth expressed as Love-Wisdom
Through Ray Three: Truth expressed as Intelligent Action
Through Ray Four: Truth expressed as Creativity and Harmony
Through Ray Five: Truth expressed as Concrete Science
Through Ray Six: Truth expressed as Idealism and Devotion
Through Ray Seven: Truth expressed as a physical ceremonial magical manifestion

1. Physical body experience: truth objectively experienced as physical (using the senses of hearing, touch, sight, taste, and smell)
2. Emotional (astral or vital) body experience: Truth felt as emotions 
3. Lower mental body experience: Truth analysed using concrete mind
4. Higher mental body experience: Truth abstracted through the abstract mind
5. Intuitional body experience: Truth synthesised (of all physical, emotional, and mental body experiences) through intuition
6. Atmic body experience: Truth as higher devic experience (as all pervading bliss)
7. Logoic body experience: Truth as the highest ensouling experience (the experience of the One or Sanat Kumara in whom we live, move, and have our being)


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