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The Yoga of Synthesis Diary Leaves 2

Album The Goal - Yoga of Synthesis

Dated 25 November 2024

Greetings to all seeker friends from TS@Adyar once again. This year the practice of the yoga of synthesis revealed an intuitive connection between theosophy and Savitri. The synthesis of a mystic poetry (rays 2, 4, 6) with an occult philosophy (rays 1, 3, 5, 7) takes a bold new step towards restoring the whole of ageless wisdom, imparting a secret grandiose meaning to our lives. Deep gratitude to Shraddhavan (especially The English of Savitri books...find the links below), Huta, and other Aurovillian and Ashram friends. In my close and narrow thinking, the vanity of shut mortal philosophical scientific mind, for some time I had failed to feel the mystic heart and lived in fragments.

"Only the fringe of a wide surge we see;

Our instruments have not that greater light,

Our will tunes not with the eternal Will,

Our heart’s sight is too blind and passionate.

Impotent to share in Nature’s mystic tact,

Inapt to feel the pulse and core of things,

Our reason cannot sound life’s mighty sea

And only counts its waves and scans its foam;

It knows not whence these motions touch and pass,

It sees not whither sweeps the hurrying flood:

Only it strives to canalise its powers

And hopes to turn its course to human ends:

But all its means come from the Inconscient’s store."

- The Godheads of the Little Life, The Book of the Traveller of the Worlds, a mantric epic by Sri Aurobindo.

Next few lines portray my own (and may be of all sincere seekers') state as my soul made this new synthesis. In Master Djwal Khul's words—the secret of identification with the whole lies in the custody of a few in this integrating group of mystics and knowers and will be brought out into manifestation in the furnace of their individual experience and thus given to the world. But the time is not yet. The group must grow in strength and knowledge and in intuitive perception.

"Across the noise and multitudinous cry,

Across the rapt unknowable silences,

Through a strange mid-world under supernal skies,

Beyond earth’s longitudes and latitudes,

His goal is fixed outside all present maps.

But none learns whither through the unknown he sails

Or what secret mission the great Mother gave.

In the hidden strength of her omnipotent Will,

Driven by her breath across life’s tossing deep,

Through the thunder’s roar and through the windless hush,

Through fog and mist where nothing more is seen,

He carries her sealed orders in his breast.

Late will he know, opening the mystic script,

Whether to a blank port in the Unseen

He goes or, armed with her fiat, to discover

A new mind and body in the city of God

And enshrine the Immortal in his glory’s house

And make the finite one with Infinity.

Across the salt waste of the endless years

Her ocean winds impel his errant boat,

The cosmic waters plashing as he goes,

A rumour around him and danger and a call.

Always he follows in her force’s wake.

He sails through life and death and other life,

He travels on through waking and through sleep.

A power is on him from her occult force

That ties him to his own creation’s fate,

And never can the mighty Traveller rest

And never can the mystic voyage cease

Till the nescient dusk is lifted from man’s soul

And the morns of God have overtaken his night."

- The Secret Knowledge, The Book of Beginnings, Savitri, a mantric epic by Sri Aurobindo.

About Shraddhavan:

Shraddhavan is a Sanskrit name given in June 1972 by the Mother to an British woman (Maggie Stuttle) who joined Auroville in 1970. After studying English Language and Literature at Bristol University in the U.K., she traveled extensively in Europe, Asia and Australia before coming to Auroville, where she had lived ever since, until her passing away in 2022, she was in charge of “Savitri Bhavan”, a centre focusing on the study of Sri Aurobindo’s works, especially his revelatory epic poem Savitri. She has written 12 volumes on "The English of Savitri" that are based on every sunday gatherings in Auroville to read Savitri.

You could find more about her inner call by Sri Aurobindo to carry out her mission here (Reading "Bases of Yoga" by Sri Aurobindo revealed to her inwardly why she was born.)


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