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Showing posts from April, 2023

Some words on Second Ray of Love-Wisdom

 Today's post will be on on Ray 2 from the writings of Lucille Cedercrans who translated the seed-thoughts of Saint Germain into her own words. Recall that every true messenger or teacher has stated "Spirit and Matter are the two polarities of one energy." Spirit is matter vibrating at its highest frequency; matter is Spirit vibrating at its lowest frequency. These two polarities, plus the consciousness aspect or magnetic field created by the interplay or intertwining between them, is the  basic cause of all manifestation. The polarities and their correspondence is: 1. Positive Pole -- Spirit --  Divine Will 2. Magnetic Field -- Consciousness -- Divine Love 3. Negative Pole -- Matter -- Divine Intelligence Thus three aspects, manifest as three frequencies or qualities of energy which are defined as the rays of aspect: 1. Divine Will & Power 2. Divine Love-Wisdom 3. Divine Intelligence These in turn are differentiated into four minor frequencies which are defined as th...

Few Statements on First Ray

 Today's post is on a few statements of some profound intuitive statements from the three books on Ray 1 (Destiny of Nations, Externalization of Hierarchy, Discipleship in the New Age I) First let us recall those seven rays (life energies or Seven rivers of life of Vedas as per Sri Aurobindo) - 1. The first ray of Will or Power. Many great world rulers are found on this ray, such as Julius Caesar, Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi... 2. The second Ray of Love-Wisdom. The Christ and the Buddha are to be found on this ray. It is the great teaching ray. 3. The third Ray of Active Intelligence. The mass of intelligent humanity are found on this ray. 4. The fourth Ray of Harmony through Conflict. Aspirants. Struggling, well-meaning people. Workers for unity emerge along this line. 5. The fifth Ray of Concrete Knowledge or Science. Scientists and people who are purely mental and governed only by the mind. 6. The sixth Ray of Devotion or Idealism. Many Christian people. Fanatics. Numbers of...

Hints on Seventh Ray Physical Body

 Yesterday one of my friends had a doubt if his physical body was on Seventh Ray. In this post I am providing major hints (from Discipleship in New Age volumes 1 and 2) for him so that he will be able to intuit his ray if he ponders on them for days or weeks. Let us recollect that on the The seventh Ray of Ceremonial Order or Magic are Masons. Financiers. Great businessmen and organisers of all kinds. Executives are found with these energies in their equipment. Here are the hints (Most of these I have kept in the first person as DKs words to his disciples) 1. If your physical body is on the seventh ray, it will give you a sense of the relationship between spirit and matter, between soul and body and enable you, if so you will, to be a constructive agent in magical work. 2. Even when the physical body is of the seventh ray type but if it is so controlled by your fourth ray personality that—in a most peculiar sense—it has little life of its own. 3. When your physical body is on the s...

Savitri - Glimpses of "Maitreya's The Divine Mother's Mission"

 Few glimpses of the oriental (Upanishadic and Kalidasian) version of "The World Saviour's Mission" complementing the occidental mystical version (through the eyes of Djwal Khul in an earlier post) from Savitri.   What is Savtri (a legend and a symbol) ? The tale of Satyavan and Savitri is recited in the Mahabharata as a story of conjugal love conquering death. But this legend is, as shown by many features of the human tale, one of the many symbolic myths of the Vedic cycle. Satyavan is the soul carrying the divine truth of being within itself but descended into the grip of death and ignorance (the lower quaternary as per Blavatsky or lower triad of mind, astral and physical body as per Djwal Khul); Savitri is the Divine Word, daughter of the Sun, goddess of the supreme Truth who comes down and is born to save (Savitri is symbolic of Avatar Krishna/Maitreya/Christ/World Teacher representing the Divine Mother) ; Aswapati, the Lord of the Horse, her human father, is the Lor...

Complementarity and Synthesis

 Today main tradition of thinking in the West has concentrated attention on distinct things of fixed nature which are separable from each other. From this, basic science has grown. But there has been a less well-recognised philosophical tradition which has concentrated on the relations between things, and how these relations produce changes in things and in their relations which I will term as synthesis approach to human knowledge. One of the earliest manifestations of the influence of synthesis appeared in the brilliant circle associated with the Medici court in Florence where what is known as Renaissance neoplatonism was developed. This was a synthetic product of ancient wisdom and modern insight which incorporated both hermetic and Kabalistic teaching. The great German humanist, Johannes Reuchlin (1455-1522), also known as Capnion, travelled in Italy as a young man and absorbed this teaching, developing it in his most famous work, De arte cabalistica (1517), the first full cabal...

Djwal Khul on Law of Synthesis

 The Laws influencing Molecular Relationships (Group Synthesis and Group Service) are majorly the Law of Synthesis (governing Monad/Spirit/Evolving Jiva) and Law of Attraction (governing Soul/Consciousness).    "A man is governed by the Law of Attraction, is evolved through the Law of Economy, and is coming under the Law of Synthesis. Economy governs the material process with which he is not so much consciously concerned; attraction governs his connection with other units or groups, and synthesis is the law of his inner Self, of the life within the form."  Since past couple of days we took a brief overview of the Law of Economy which deals with matter. Note that the Law of Economy has for one of its branches a subsidiary Law of marked development called the Law of Repulsion. As DK says - "The cosmic Laws of Attraction and Economy are therefore the raison d'ĂȘtre (viewed from one angle) of the eternal repulsion that goes on as Spirit seeks ever to liberate itself from ...

Emerging from "The Dark Night of the Soul"

  Today's quote of JJ - "Seekers complain of loneliness and dark night of the soul. Both are illusions. You are never alone and the inner light is ever shining bright to those who look" inspired me to write this post on the phrase in Christian and Occidental mysticism - "dark night of the soul" when the man stands pendant between heaven and earth and then cries: "Where is the one God Who has forsaken me?  He is nowhere to be seen and all other gods have gone.  I stand alone, bereft yet unafraid. I see the dark of form;  I see the dark of distant spirit. And all the light of soul seems gone."  Then comes the cry triumphant: "I know I am the Light of God. There is naught else." We shall look at this phrase from 3 viewpoints - A. Initiations B. Astrology C. Personal instructions of DK to his group. A. First viewpoint : Rule I (for those ready for group initiation - For Disciples and Initiates who have taken their 1st Initiation): Within the fire...