Today's post will be on on Ray 2 from the writings of Lucille Cedercrans who translated the seed-thoughts of Saint Germain into her own words. Recall that every true messenger or teacher has stated "Spirit and Matter are the two polarities of one energy." Spirit is matter vibrating at its highest frequency; matter is Spirit vibrating at its lowest frequency. These two polarities, plus the consciousness aspect or magnetic field created by the interplay or intertwining between them, is the basic cause of all manifestation. The polarities and their correspondence is: 1. Positive Pole -- Spirit -- Divine Will 2. Magnetic Field -- Consciousness -- Divine Love 3. Negative Pole -- Matter -- Divine Intelligence Thus three aspects, manifest as three frequencies or qualities of energy which are defined as the rays of aspect: 1. Divine Will & Power 2. Divine Love-Wisdom 3. Divine Intelligence These in turn are differentiated into four minor frequencies which are defined as th...