Today's post will be on on Ray 2 from the writings of Lucille Cedercrans who translated the seed-thoughts of Saint Germain into her own words.
Recall that every true messenger or teacher has stated "Spirit and Matter are the two polarities of one energy." Spirit is matter vibrating at its highest frequency; matter is Spirit vibrating at its lowest frequency. These two polarities, plus the consciousness aspect or magnetic field created by the interplay or intertwining between them, is the basic cause of all manifestation. The polarities and their correspondence is:
1. Positive Pole -- Spirit -- Divine Will
2. Magnetic Field -- Consciousness -- Divine Love
3. Negative Pole -- Matter -- Divine Intelligence
Thus three aspects, manifest as three frequencies or qualities of energy which are defined as the rays of aspect:
1. Divine Will & Power
2. Divine Love-Wisdom
3. Divine Intelligence
These in turn are differentiated into four minor frequencies which are defined as the rays of attribute:
4. Harmony
5. Cosmic Definition or equation
6. Ideation
7. Divine Law and Order
Contemplate on this (to relate the three aspects) : "When Positive Will is impressed upon Negative Intelligence, the expression of Love is born. The continuing interplay between Will and Intelligence produces an evolution of that Love, according to a Divine Purpose which is inherent in the Will, via a Divine activity which is inherent in the Intelligence."
For the fundamental or holy trinity of aspect rays, we have the following correspondence -
Ray 1 ----- Ray 2 ------ Ray 3
Divine Will -----Divine Love-Wisdom ----- Divine Intelligence
Father Aspect ----- Son Aspect ------ Mother Aspect
Monad ----- Soul ----- Man
Spirit----- Consciousness ------ Matter
I Will to Be ---- I am ---- I create
Purpose ------ Evolution ----- Activity
Positive Pole (First Logos) ----- Magnetic Field (Second Logos) ------ Negative Pole (Third Logos).
Shamballa ----- Hierarchy ----- Humanity
1. The Ray 2 is the life-energy of Divine Love-Wisdom. Second Ray is Magnetic Field, is Image of God, is Consciousness. In Relation to the Astral Body it manifests as Desire and Aspiration. The Nature of Divine Love-Wisdom is Perfect Reason, Perfect Understanding and Right Relationship. Second Ray is emobdied in terms of Harmlessness and Relating to Others as Soul and Detachment
Second Ray in the Mental Body is Reason or Comprehension as hinted in statements to follow.
2. The Impulse of Divine Love-Wisdom emanating from the Heart of God (Christ) impacts the heart of man (Soul). Divine Love-Wisdom or Pure Reason is the perfect consciousness. When man is conscious of Being, sound goes forth as the "I Am" which is essentially Divine, since it is the word of the Son or Christ, the Second Person in the Holy Trinity. Then man identifies himself, or expresses or asserts of that degree of Son, Soul, or Love which is realized.
3. In the Soul-infused personality, Divine Love-Wisdom manifests as quality, the quality of his relationships, that which determines the activity resulting from any two or more being related.
Where the quality of a relationship is characterized by Divine Love, there is perfect understanding, and where there is perfect understanding, there is perfect application of knowledge. Wisdom is the ability to put concrete knowledge into intelligent activity, the knowing how to apply that which you know to the highest good of all concerned.
4. Divine Love manifests first in the consciousness of the beginner on the path, as right aspiration. He has become, over a long period of time on the path of experience, discontented with the kind of life he is living. He longs for something else to give Purpose to his life, and not knowing what that something else might be, is driven from place to place, from religion to religion, from philosophy to philosophy in search of Truth.
5. The aspirant finds Divine Love-Wisdom manifesting next as a recognition of others as Souls. This is the first step toward the attainment of the common goal of man; the manifestation of brotherhood. He recognizes, first, those of his immediate group, as his brothers in Christ, and gradually all of the connotations of this relationship seep into his consciousness. He experiences the greatest of all gifts, the richness and fullness of the Love of God in man.
6. He also develops attitude of detachment of Buddha. As an effect of Divine Love, it is actually an attachment to the Soul of all life which results in a detachment from the form. Indeed Love in deepest meaning cannot be separated from Wisdom and vice-versa.
7. Divine Love-Wisdom, which is the basic energy and the basic Law of our Solar system, is actually the very essence of consciousness itself, and is usually found predominating somewhere in the disciple's equipment. Even those disciples who work along first or Third Ray lines of force do so in an approach to the final embodiment of Love.
8. After a man consciously enters the path of initiation, he becomes more apparently intelligent, because he is becoming more aware of Love. That so- called intelligence grows until it becomes Wisdom and hence we define Love-Wisdom in its highest aspect as Pure Reason. Such reason is all comprehensive, or all knowing, because it is instantaneous. It supersedes the reasoning process of the average man, which sees and can only relate, then, to the form aspect, because it goes beyond the form, to the triadal reality or cause of form to relate all factors into one harmonious whole. Nothing is left out, but everything is included through the Power of Love to perceive and to relate. Thus, we say Perfect Love produces perfect understanding.
9. The alignment (vertical), with Love, or the Heart of God, for man is as follows:
A. The Spiritual Hierarchy
B. The individual Soul
C. The mental body
D. The astral-emotional body (feeling aspect of consciousness)
E. The brain consciousness
10. Consider the polar opposite of Love, as it is manifested within the human nature. What is that polar opposite? It often comes as a shock to the Second Ray probationer to realize that the opposite of Love is hate. Negative Second Ray manifests as hate in its various tones and colors. The normal Love aspect of the individual is either turned inward toward himself, which automatically excludes others from its expression, or in extreme cases, it is choked off completely and the individual hates even himself.
11. Since Love is the energy which perceives and relates, we find that its negative manifestations negate and distort the reasoning faculty of the consciousness so that right use of even the lower mind is impossible. Such a one experiences extreme difficulty in learning. He is not lacking in basic intelligence, but his consciousness is unable to properly relate data in mental substance in such a way as to produce knowledge. He is without the necessary quality of Love to use his mind properly.
12. When a child is unloved, when his natural expression of Love is negated by the environment, his normal reasoning faculty is hampered, and for him the educational process becomes a serious problem. If the adults who are primarily concerned with the growth and development of such a child could but realize this lack, either within himself or his environment, a solution of his problems could be readily found.
13. In the student's approach to an understanding of this particular energy, he examines it from the perspective which sees the pairs of opposites as they are made manifest by the Second Ray. Thus, he comes to understand in illumining flashes of perception his own inner psyche, and this, of course, renders loving understanding of another's problems possible.
14. The First Ray is more often expressed via its stepped-down or differentiated expression of Ceremony and Order, than as Pure Will and Power. The Second Ray is more often expressed as Harmony and Devotion, than as Divine Love-Wisdom or Pure Reason, and the Third Ray finds its expression more often in Concrete Science and Knowledge rather than pure Creativity.
15. Relating to Hierarchy - The heart center where the Love, or Pure Reason of our Logos is known. Here a group of Lives headed by The Christ, step down the Will of God and the larger Plan itself into a relationship with Humanity. Via the energy of Love, the Logoic Purpose is worked out for humanity as the Evolutionary Process, or Divine Plan of the Soul. This inner governing body we refer to as the Hierarchy of Masters, each Master being an individualized focal point within the consciousness of The Christ.
16. Relating to Second Initiation (The Baptism) - In this initiation the individual willingly undergoes a purification process. Through self-initiated disciplinary training, which usually covers a period of several incarnations, he subjects his emotional nature to the Divine Law and energy of Love. Thus he purifies his lower desire nature, transmuting it into aspiration to God via a fixed ideal which he identifies as The Christ.
17 Relating to Chakras - The Heart center is located between the shoulder blades and finds its point of entry into the physical in the spinal column. This center feeds the physical with vital life energy via the physical heart and the blood stream. It also relates the individual to his higher astral body, and puts him in first touch with the Love of God. Energies pouring in via this center impel the individual to seek, to establish relationships, and to aspire.
17. From the moment of the birth of an individual Soul, a self conscious unit within the greater consciousness of the Second Logos, the process of human evolution begins. The new birth of awareness is swept into activity by the Divine Impulses of the Will, Intelligence, and Love which are inherent within it. These, working under the Divine Laws of Evolution, Reincarnation, and Karma, build the first cycle of vehicles for the incarnating Soul, with little attention being given the building process by the consciousness itself. In the beginning, the process automatically proceeds according to Divine Law, and the inherent Plan.
18. Divine Impulses of Will, Love, and Intelligence impacting upon the incarnate consciousness produce three inherent characteristics within the evolving persona. These characteristics themselves are evolved within and with the personality until they are expressed as a synthesis of Soul-planned activity. Thus is the evolution of the man concluded in the human sense, and the conscious Soul incarnated into form.
19. The ideal of the Soul is qualified by Divine Love-Wisdom. It is the consciousness of Divine Love in which Wisdom is inherent. Thus is Its quality derived from the heart (consciousness or Soul aspect) of our Planetary Logos. This links humanity both individually and collectively to The Christ and His Spiritual Hierarchy, Who Embody the Heart of our God. Man is related to the Masters of the Wisdom, those Divine Beings Who have fully realized and grown into Their Sonship via this Identity in Christ. These are the Elder Brothers of the human race, the guides and watchers of our civilization, the Teachers and Saviors of our Souls.
20. Second Ray Seed Thought - "I stand receptive to that Love which is my Soul, and Truth is made known to me."
21. The greatest need of the world today is for Wisdom. This civilization has been created by the West with its Christian religion. Jesus brought to the West the concept of love. His teaching is simple and direct. Yet the Western brother who claims Jesus as the savior of humanity prays for peace and goodwill, on the one hand, and advocates war and disaster upon the other, via his action. The seeker can learn all he will of Truth, but this will not give him Wisdom until he applies it. Love is Truth. Its forms are obvious. The Will to Love is a force which, when directed into and through the etheric network of humanity, will manifest each detail of the Plan in Divine Law and Order.
22. Wisdom is more than knowledge. It is more than the contemplation of Truth. Wisdom is "Love in Action," the application of all that is known for the love of humanity. In the Hall of Wisdom, the student becomes the accepted disciple. His school now becomes the school of service, the new school for humanity, and his teacher is The Christ. His heart is filled to overflowing with the love Christ knows for humankind; and as it spills out into the world, it brings healing, life and restoration to an ailing humanity. Such a one becomes the custodian of the Law of Grace, wielding that law with an exactitude which surpasses even the exacting nature of karma. He is a giver of peace in the midst of conflict; he is food for the hungry, pure water for the thirsty, and ease for every pain.
23.The Soul spends eons developing within the womb of matter, and is born forth into the world of Spirit after the pain of labour has subsided. Love gives birth after pain has done its work, and Love is born. The Soul who stands ready upon the brink of the chasm, fearful for himself, trembling before the awe he senses, but cannot yet see, receives this encouragement: "Dare to drop your conflict. Dare to become filled with Love. Dare to stop all thought and receive the Spirit of God. Dare to take the step with the eye lifted away from the chasm, fastened upon the Light."
Some Strengths Characteristic (from MDR) of Those upon the Second Ray
Power to understand through love
Empathy, sympathy and compassion, Exquisite sensitivity
Love of pure truth, Intuitive love
Clear perception and intelligence
Inclusiveness and aspiration for a completed point of view
Power to teach and illumine
Patience,Tact, Serenity, Faithfulness, Tolerance
Power to salvage and redeem
Power to heal through love
Some Weaknesses Characteristic (from MDR) of Those upon the Second Ray
Tendency towards an inferiority complex
Fearfulness, Self-pity, Oversensitivity
Overattachment, Overprotectiveness, Overguarding
Love of being loved
Overabsorption in study
Insufficient rapidity of action
Coldness and indifference to others
Contempt for mental limitations in others
Later (having intuitively synthesized all the ageless wisdom teachings) I will show you how to know which of yours bodies might be on this ray. In 1948, when tired and sitting on a rocking chair Lucille Cedercrans felt a Presence later known as R or Master R who offered her the choice to bring forth these wisdom teachings of this post. Attached image is of this beautiful soul and a true messenger of R.
I will end this post with Invocation of Personal Limiting Karma (from Cedercrans) -
"I stand willing to serve the Divine Plan. Make of me a whole consciousness and a whole instrument so that Light may pour through me to light the way of men. Whatsoever karma I may have engendered in the past which stands between myself and my presently potential service, precipitate in that order which will, under Divine Accommodation, open my eye to the way of the Disciple. Guide me that I might adjust whatsoever karma is precipitated according to the greatest good of the greatest number. Give me knowledge of the Law of Love. I stand willing to serve the Divine Plan."
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