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The Divine Plan for humanity in its economic aspect - Master R.


Yesterday we looked at law of economy in brief as given by DK and its connection with parable of virgin as JJ has interpreted. Today I will synthesise it with the viewpoint of Master R as Lucille Cedercrans translated his frequency of meaning of law of economy into her own words. Excerpts from her book "The Disciple and Economy" for such a synthesis follow. This post and a few to follow together outline "The Divine Plan for humanity in its economic aspect". They shows those new economic forms upon which the new civilization can be safely constructed, and by which the Purpose of God can be demonstrated through Humanity.

"Every disciple who stands upon the threshold of world service, regardless of how small may be the part he will play in that activity, is faced with the necessity to know, to understand, and to wield the Economy of the One Life. He must grasp it as a Divine Plan in itself. 

What stand does the disciple take in the conflict between the two major ideologies of our time? And more important, why does he take that stand? What are his views regarding cartels, monopolies, cooperatives, small business, socialism, free trade, coexistence; and from what perspective are these views formulated? Does he understand the laws which govern the circulation of the world’s resources, and in that understanding can he see the network of relationships necessary to the working out of The Plan of Love and Light for humanity? What does right use, right activity, and right planning mean to him in relationship to economy? What does economy itself mean to him?

These are questions which the trainee disciple can seldom answer clearly without giving way to emotionalism. He reacts to them from the persona level rather than formulating a response from the level of Soul ideation.  Yet before the disciple can play even a small part in a world service activity, he must have resolved the problems of understanding which these questions arouse within him, so that he is clear in his vision and able to discriminate between the important and the lesser important.

The Economy of the One Life is an organization of the energy, force, and substance of Its many parts into that divine activity which serves the evolution of the total In Its highest aspect as a Cosmic Law, It establishes and maintains that relativity of interchange and exchange which is the circulatory Life of the ordered Cosmos.

This great Cosmic Law works out within our Solar system via three subsidiary laws -

1. The Law of Free Circulation

2. The Law of Harmonious Placement 

3. The Law of Formulation

These Solar Laws are stepped down upon our planet into three basic laws of Economy which have to be worked out and applied by humanity (the brain of the Planetary Logos) within its life and affairs. The three Planetary Laws relate specifically with three aspects or phases of intelligent activity: the first having to do with the intelligent activity of purpose or direction, the second having to do with the intelligent activity of consciousness, and the third having to do with the intelligent activity of substance.

1. The Law of Right Use

a. The Principle of Sharing

b. The Principle of Supply and Demand

c. The Principle of Democratic Participation in the One Life

2. The Law of Right Activity

a. The Principle of Individuality

b. The Principle of Equality

c. The Principle of Grace

3. The Law of Right Planning

a. The Principle of Divine Prototype

b. The Principle of Relative Appearance

c. The Principle of Sequential Change


This is the first phase of intelligent activity having to do with the directional Will of God in substance and the invocation of the Power aspect of Deity. It brings the following occult principles into active play in the three worlds of human endeavor.

1. The occult Principle of Sharing which is based upon the Fatherhood of God and the Brother- hood of Man. This great principle is born out of the fact in nature that all Life is a One Life, and that the part has equal share in the energy, force, and substance of that Life.

If one looks fearlessly at this great Principle of Sharing and is able to grasp its meaning with clarity, the follow- ing Truth emerges: that right use of that which we have, which is a basic law of economy, and without which a healthy economy is impossible, demands that every human being has the divine right to an equal share, according to his need, of the world’s resources (its energy, force, and substance), the world’s productivity (its forms), and the world’s work (its activity).

2. The occult principle that an abundant supply precipitates demand, and must therefore follow that formulated demand into outer appearance. 

This principle, when brought into related activity with the occult Principle of Sharing, establishes the basis of that sharing: Who shall have what and when? ‘The answer is, of course, that the individual and the group shall have the supply which fulfills their need at the time of that need, and thus we come again to right use. Is it right use of the world’s resources, and the world’s productivity for one group of men to have more to eat than is good for the health and welfare of their bodies, while others go hungry?  There is a solution, a divine activity into which disciples can enter, which will manifest The Divine Plan for humanity with a minimum of human suffering, Furthermore, that minimum will not be caused by armed forces, but by the individual's own insight into his share of cause for the world’s problems. In other words, the only pain karmically necessary to him is that of seeing himself as a contributing part of humanity's criminal past. This burden of guilt will be expiated as the individual sets his affairs in order, i.e., as he helps to restore The Divine Plan on earth.

All men and women then “should need” freedom — equality of opportunity insofar as education, culture, creativity, beauty, and harmony are concerned — in order to achieve the greatest growth and development of their divine potential. Every human being, regardless of his point of development, “should need” to make his conscious contribution to a better world. Without the above equality of opportunity, he has little chance of do- ing so. Every man spiritually needs the security of Love, that Love which gave his Soul birth, and his humanity dominion over the earth and all of the Kingdoms below him in nature. Right use of such dominion would re- store that security of Love to him.

3. The Principle of Democratic Participation in the affairs of the One Life, which is based upon the fact that God gave the individual man freedom of choice. 

It must be remembered that humanity still finds itself at that point of evolution where selfish interests, backed by economic strength and the force of arms, are the supreme power. Democracy is, as yet, an ideal and a word; while small but powerful groups, motivated by selfish interests, still rule the masses in greater or lesser degree throughout the world. These exert a powerful influence and a tremendous hold as they put up a last ditch opposition to the new impulse now coming in. When democracy is misused, it carries its own karmic consequences, the evidence of which can be seen in the world today. In the United States where the democratic concept is both an ideal and an excuse for separativeness, its wrong use has created many imprisoning forms within which the American people struggle for freedom. If man is to have freedom, he must make right use of such as he has. He must wield it toward the betterment of the total. One has only to look at the solidity of today's imprisoning forms, and the suffering of the human beings caught within them, to grasp the immensity of the task which lies ahead, Yet God gave man the freedom of choice. It has been through the use of such freedom that man has achieved his present growth and precipitated the present crisis in world affairs.


This law sets into motion the second phase of intelligent activity. It brings the consciousness aspect into right action and evolves within it that Divine Love-Wisdom which in its essence is the very Soul of all that is. It brings the following occult principles into active play in the three planes of human endeavor:

1. The occult Principle of Individuality which is based upon the fact that while all consciousness is of the One Life, each focus of consciousness is:

a. at a specific point of evolutionary develop- ment, and therefore individual in tone and color;

b. a differentiated expression of the One Life, and therefore individually expressive of the One Purpose; and

c. gifted with special talents and tendencies.

2. The occult Principle of Equality which is based upon the fact that each man, in his right and specific relationship with and within the One Life, is of vital importance to that Life. Thus, cach man carries within himself the seed and pattern of greatness. Each is endowed with a particular potential which is essential in the working out of The Divine Plan for humanity; thus the importance to the Whole of one, regard- less of outer appearances, is as great as is the importance of another. All men share equally in the beauty, the harmony, and the perfection of the One Life as that One Life manifests Its Plan via the evolution of the human brotherhood within itself

3. The occult Principle of Grace which is based upon the Love of God in the sacrificial act of the Christ. The sacrificial act of the Christ means simply that this aspect of the One Life, this higher consciousness of Deity, deliberately and at great sacrifice, identifies with every human being in every condition and circumstance.

Through the Principle of Grace, every man is assured of his divine place within the One Life. The principle is a recognition that all consciousness is rooted in both so-called good and evil and will evolve along either path according to:

a. the mass tendency;

b. the present opportunity; and

c. individual choice.


This is the third phase of intelligent activity, having to do with the controlled motion of substance, and the invocation of the Divine Mind or Holy Spirit into influence in the outer life and affairs. It brings the following occult principles into active play within the body of humanity

1. The principle of Divine Prototype which is based upon the Holy Ghost aspect and Its formulation by the Christ into:

a. the Angel of the Presence;

b. The Divine Plan for humanity:

c. the perfect form or pattern of manifestation for every Truth ideated by the Soul within the kingdom of God.

From another perspective this aspect is that Light within the Mind of God which we invoke into the minds of men. The disciple who, in meditation, receives the mental vision or impress of Light, can, if he proceeds properly, penetrate beyond it to the Divine Prototype producing it. In other words, the impress of Light in meditation is an announcement of, as well as a preliminary contact with:

a. the Soul;

b. the Angel of the Presence;

c. a Divine Prototype held in focus within the Mind of Christ

2. The Principle of Relative Appearance which is based upon the fact that every Divine Prototype has its relative appearance within the body of, humanity and its world of affairs. This is the meaning behind the occult statement, so often misunderstood and misinterpreted, “as above so below.” Here is a “fact in nature” of such a tre- mendous spiritual significance that the awakened and intuitive disciple who seizes it will im- mediately see beyond the illusion and the glam- our of appearance into the reality behind it

The disciple in meditation equates — ie., finds the relationship between — the Divine Prototype and Its relative appearance in the world of affairs, thus clarify- ing the evolutionary growth to be achieved by the idea and consciousness incarnate within the imperfect form Light is thrown upon the Path, and it is seen — no longer intuited, but seen — by the focused third eye. ‘This is an “experience” which takes place in meditation and makes it possible for the disciple to formulate his service in an activity of right planning.

3. The Principle of Sequential Change, which is based upon the fact that all growth is achieved through a series of sequential changes produced by the action of consciousness upon energy, force, and substance.

The Divine Plan for humanity in its economic aspect — ie., the forms which will carry both the evolving and the evolved consciousness into appearance in the light of day — is held in solution as a vast prototype within the Mind of Christ.

These nine occult principles, invoked into play by the application of the three basic laws of Economy, will bring rapid and sometimes drastic changes into the life and affairs of humanity. But each change will be a dynamic force for Spiritual growth and development. "


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