Yesterday one of my friends had a doubt if his physical body was on Seventh Ray. In this post I am providing major hints (from Discipleship in New Age volumes 1 and 2) for him so that he will be able to intuit his ray if he ponders on them for days or weeks.
Let us recollect that on the The seventh Ray of Ceremonial Order or Magic are Masons. Financiers. Great businessmen and organisers of all kinds. Executives are found with these energies in their equipment. Here are the hints (Most of these I have kept in the first person as DKs words to his disciples)
1. If your physical body is on the seventh ray, it will give you a sense of the relationship between spirit and matter, between soul and body and enable you, if so you will, to be a constructive agent in magical work.
2. Even when the physical body is of the seventh ray type but if it is so controlled by your fourth ray personality that—in a most peculiar sense—it has little life of its own.
3. When your physical body is on the seventh ray - "Hence your Masonic opportunity and your ability to organise and to rule. I would remind you all that when the statement is made that the physical body is upon the seventh ray, it means that the atoms of the brain, in particular, are coloured and motivated by seventh ray energy. So it is with all the rays upon which a physical vehicle may be found. This provides a definite opportunity to those so constituted at this time in connection with the seventh ray, as it is coming into influence so rapidly. At the same time it provides a problem—that unending problem of the balancing of forces which is the major task of the initiate or of those in training for initiation."
4. The seventh ray gives to you, if you can but understand it and choose to use it rightly, the power to take the light which is in you and in the pupil, and apply it to the enlightening of physical plane living, for the seventh ray is the ray controlling spirit-matter relationships.
5. Where all lines of influences are related and similar, there will always be a tendency to negativity and a failure (except in moments of emergency) to assume a positive attitude—particularly towards the soul. What is needed in your case is more of the positive vibration of the first ray line of force, and to this line your seventh ray personality is the only open door. The inauguration of a regime of the power aspect of love would greatly help you. The understanding, identifying aspects of love are yours in great measure; much will come to you however if you use the will aspect of love through the medium of your seventh ray personality. I do not here refer to the will-to-love, my brother. That you have. I refer to the power-to-love and, through love intelligently and powerfully applied, to evoke right conditions in your environment. I would have you ponder on this and do the following first ray meditation....This meditation will aid in bringing in your seventh ray power or organised creativeness which is one of your real needs, is it not? All work to be done at this time must be planned to bring in the organising, synthesising, integrating action of the soul. The technique will differ in the varying cases, but the objective is the same.
6. Your physical body is controlled by the seventh ray, and this, as you will note, is also along the line of 1, 3, 5, 7. This is a point upon which you should ponder and reflect, for the aggregate of your ray tendencies constitutes for you a problem, and your sixth ray energy contributes the only balancing factor. And yet, my brother, you are in many respects well balanced. One hint I would here give to you in this connection and to all of you who study these instructions. The ray of the personality in a previous life leaves definite habits of thought and of activity; it has built into the life rhythm certain unalterable tendencies for which much gratitude can sometimes be felt. This is so in your own life. In a previous incarnation, your personality was on the second ray, thus leaving you with a deeply loving and understanding nature and a power to include, which is a major asset; it serves to offset the first ray tendencies which are so dominant in this particular life. It is hard for the disciple who sees not the picture whole, and who only knows the quality of the present life and its natural tendencies (due to ray influence) to think truly about himself.
7. This seventh ray personality enables you to work actively in many ways upon the physical plane, bringing together the subjective reality and the outer form. Your feeling that there is in you indication of a fifth ray activity is due to the fact that it was your personality ray in your last life and is, for you, the line of least resistance therefore.
8. I will now indicate to you the nature of the five rays which condition you at this time. Of two of them, you already have some knowledge—your second ray soul and your seventh ray personality. In many ways you know more about the soul ray which conditions you than you do about your seventh personality ray. Knowledge of this latter ray must come to you through the art of healing, and your soul has rightly led your personality into its right line of activity.
9. Your physical body is upon the seventh ray. This should give you facile expression of your personality purpose upon the physical plane. Therefore, in dealing with yourself, you have the following ray forces to consider:
The seventh ray in your personality and physical body gives you the desire to use your hands and it determines your life work, because the hands are the agents of the magician and you are most definitely upon the Path of the White Magician. Your sixth ray astral body has given you your idealism, and the one-pointedness of your fifth ray mind has determined the nature of your mental approach to problems and to people; but you lack certain qualities which would supplement your life expression and which would round out your nature. You need more skill in action, a more firmly focussed will to understand; thus you will bring more of your brain cells into activity through the exercise of the third ray qualities. Ponder on this, but become not over-serious about it.
10. Your physical body is on the seventh Ray of Ceremonial Order or Magic; here is to be found the source of much of your ill-health. The seventh plane is the plane upon which spirit must express itself. It is the receptacle of spiritual energy. Your physical vehicle and medium of expression is of such a sensitive and refined nature and so frail a receptacle that your life problem is to handle wisely the spiritual energy which seeks to pour through. This constitutes a very real problem which you have faced for years and must continue to face.
11. You have a seventh ray physical body. You will note, therefore, in your personality equipment two lines of force which are in the first ray field of vital effectiveness: The fifth Ray of Concrete Science and the seventh Ray of Ceremonial Order or Magic. The other energies which constitute your working material are all on the second ray line: 2-4-6. Along that line you have a full and adequate equipment. You have only one major ray energy working through you in this incarnation, and that is the second. It was the recognition of that which induced me to give you the word "interpretation" as your most important keyword, for it would evoke in you qualities along the line of the third Ray of Active Intelligence, which is closely allied to your fifth ray personality. Will you, during the coming months, take the theme of Interpretation as your most important meditation task?
12. To aid in the process of balancing and off-setting the danger, your soul chose a seventh ray physical body. This is of real assistance to you and helps in the synthesis of the two lines of energy. Your rays therefore are:
1. Your soul ray seeks expression through your astral body.
2. Your personality ray is focussed in your seventh ray brain.
13. Your whole problem is tied up with your ray qualities, for you are on the second ray where your soul is concerned, whilst you function through a first ray personality. You have, however, a strong seventh ray development because that was the ray upon which your personality was found in your last incarnation. Hence your capacity to organise (which is of the seventh ray) and the ease with which you handle detail (which is a second ray characteristic).
14. Your physical body is on the seventh Ray of Ceremonial Order or Magic, and hence your interest in spiritualism, for one thing, and hence also your choice of a life profession, for another. Hence also the facility with which you could establish and hold a steady contact between soul-mind-brain. You have much with which to work and for the remainder of your life should remember this. There is much you can do to increase your ability to unfold continuity of consciousness between the various planes. I would commend this thought to your close attention.
15. Your physical body is upon the seventh ray and this makes for integration and for efficiency. Your rays can, therefore, be stated to be:
This is due to two things: First, the fact that your personality ray is the seventh and you have likewise a seventh ray brain. Secondly, you brought this tendency over from a previous life; your task has been to transcend it all and free yourself from all magical work of every kind until you are established in soul consciousness. But at present you love this type of thing and believe that all you contact is a reality. As long as this is the case, your soul life is blocked at astral levels.
Another difficulty, growing out of this, is the fact that because of this astral impasse, your soul is focussed in the astral body. It can get no further into expression, i.e., on the physical plane, on account of the glamour which surrounds you. Your personality energy is focussed in the mental body. This brings the influence of the magical seventh ray to bear upon your mind, so that you are caught by glamour in two directions. Your brain being also an expression of seventh ray force facilitates this work of magic. Until, my brother, you are polarised in the soul, you are playing with fire and the magical work of the astral plane is full of danger for you. Even your intense interest in Masonry is for this life unwise, for the Masonic Work is magical work, being a reflection of the processes of initiation whereby the power of the spirit and the power of substance are brought together through the "magical work of the soul."
16. Your physical body is upon the seventh ray, and this will be easily apparent to you, accounting, as it does, for your interest in music, ritual, psycho-analysis. The goal of all these three methods of expression is to bring together and relate harmoniously the soul and the form, which is the major task of the seventh ray upon the seventh or physical plane. This I know will interest you.
17. It is right here that the fourth ray problem of your mind has its major difficulty and this for the following reason: In this life your major vibration runs along the line of 2-4-6, producing the intensification of your second ray qualities and indicating the need for some balancing factor. The difficulty is helped, however, and the problem aided towards solution by the fact that your physical body is on the seventh ray, which brings in the vibration of the first ray line of energy, 1-5-7. This is of great assistance to you. Upon the physical plane, therefore, you have the task of balancing this preponderance of second ray attributes, qualities and rhythm.
18. Your personality force is focussed in your seventh ray brain. This gives you the power to plan, to organise, and also the power to give form to ideas. Ponder also on this.
19. 1. The first Ray of Will or Power, expending its force.
2. The second Ray of Love-wisdom, reaching its meridian and holding the centre of the stage until 1957.
3. The seventh Ray of Ceremonial Order, coming into activity in combination with the other two—the will-to-love and the will-to-order—producing beauty out of the present chaos.
The disciples, therefore, of the Master Morya, of the Master Koot Hoomi and of the Master Rakoczi are reaching out towards a period of the intensest activity. The destiny of the world lies in the hands of Their three groups of initiated disciples; with Them, the accepted disciples of the three groups are asked to cooperate and this offers opportunity to many everywhere. As they seek to vision the Plan, to cooperate with the three Masters and Their initiate groups, their opportunity will emerge. This triangle of energy is held responsible by the great Leaders in Shamballa for the regularising of world affairs. More than this it is not necessary for humanity to know.
20. "When the light of the seven Rays is blended with that of the seventh Ray, then light supernal can be known." -
The implications attendant upon this fifth point are amazing at the first glance, and they demand an immediate recognition of the two factors of time and space. The significances which are implicit in this point may be clearer if I paraphrase the statement and thus give you a sense of significance which will give you understanding. When the energy of the light of all the rays can express itself through the medium of the seventh ray, then the highest aspect of the divine light can penetrate down into the physical plane. This must be obviously a most difficult statement for you to grasp, but it is also a statement of fundamental truth.
21. I wonder whether you have sufficiently realised that for you to bring through the love of your soul is the line of least resistance, owing to the fact that your personality ray is the seventh ray—the ray of consummation, the ray of expressing adequately on the physical plane the form through which the soul—whose nature is love—can express itself. This is particularly easy also in your case because the ray of your physical body is also the seventh. The line of descent, therefore, for the form building energy is direct. To this again you can add the fact that your personality vehicles are on the fifth, the sixth and the seventh rays; these follow each other in sequential order, producing again a direct channel. You should consequently (if you are truly to understand the mechanism through which your soul has to function) make a much closer study of the seventh ray. It is also the incoming ray for the next immediate cycle. A knowledge of the ray influences, techniques, mechanics and objectives will be ascertained by disciples in whom these rays are pronouncedly manifesting.
22. I give you this task because of your trained persistence and because of your seventh ray ability to link the world of form with the world of spiritual reality.
I have stated the above in order to help you to see and think clearly. Right down the years, my beloved brother, I have taught you that your major limitation is your physical body; that necessarily means that your physical brain is a centre of limitation. I have begged you for nearly fifteen years to discipline your body, to attempt to refine it and to endeavour to make it more sensitive to spiritual impression. It is on the seventh ray and therefore its task is to relate the inner to the outer. This it cannot yet do properly as you have taken few steps to refine it and change its quality. Your brain, therefore, responds easily to your first ray mind, and very little as yet to your second ray soul. Had it done so, truth and love would have distinguished you during this testing time, and little of these were seen. Your handling of this dual problem should make clear to you your limitations.
23. A closer study of your five rays (literally only four) will aid you to do this, particularly as your seventh ray physical vehicle will greatly facilitate the process. This seventh ray is a ray of a dual activity, because through its means the energy of the soul and of the personality can be brought consciously into relation, and this more easily than on the other rays, once the disciple is freed from glamour. Thus there can be built a true expression of the life content—from the angle of a long soul experience. This may sound to you somewhat ambiguous, but the statement is by no means as vague as it appears. It should provide you with ideas for reflection.
24. I am speaking thus frankly to you, my tried and loved disciple, because I see more effective service to be rendered by you if you can master a difficult lesson at this time. You are exceedingly well equipped to serve. Your second ray energy, coupled with your seventh ray force, makes for almost unique and unusual service; however—and here lies a hindrance—your fourth ray mind, constantly presenting fields of conflict which you must conquer, deflects the energy which, pouring through your soul, could lead to a planned and organised activity upon the physical plane. But it does not. The descending soul energy and the ascending personality aspiration meet upon the mental plane, and there both of them are arrested by your over-analytical mind. You need not infer from this that you are not of service to people; but it is an individual here and there that you assist, and there is no rhythm or organisation in your service, owing to the constant mental conflict.
25. Sample Meditation (Avoid it unless you have an idea of your rays)
1. Bring about focus in the soul of the potencies of the lower man by the power of the imagination and careful visualisation. This can be done by rapid, right alignment.
2. See the soul as a radiant sun within you (the personality hiding behind its rays). You, the real spiritual man, produce the veiling of the lower man.
3. See the rays of the sun extending first to the mind bringing illumination. Pause here and focus your consciousness in the mind. The work is done by projecting yourself along the ray of your personality and along your mental ray which is the fifth ray of concrete knowledge or science. This should be relatively easy for you.
4. Then see the rays of the soul (the sun of your life) extending and embracing your astral nature and irradiating the astral plane with which you are in contact, thus bringing an outpouring of love. This again should be relatively easy of accomplishment as your astral ray is the sixth ray of devotion and idealism.
5. Carry the radiation of the sun to the vital body and see it bringing (on the beam of the seventh ray of your physical nature) such a dynamic energising that you will have the power, figuratively speaking, to break through the wall which prevents the inner radiation extending into the outer physical world. 6.Then sound the OM softly seven times, concentrating upon the picture of this sun (which is you and your solar quality), thus irradiating the outer life.
AAB writes that present Mahachohan and Ray 7 master is Saint Germain. From the book "It Is What It Is Further Adventures of a Western Mystic" of Peter Mt. Shasta is attached image of Saint Germain.
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