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Djwal Khul on Law of Synthesis

 The Laws influencing Molecular Relationships (Group Synthesis and Group Service) are majorly the Law of Synthesis (governing Monad/Spirit/Evolving Jiva) and Law of Attraction (governing Soul/Consciousness).   

"A man is governed by the Law of Attraction, is evolved through the Law of Economy, and is coming under the Law of Synthesis. Economy governs the material process with which he is not so much consciously concerned; attraction governs his connection with other units or groups, and synthesis is the law of his inner Self, of the life within the form." 

Since past couple of days we took a brief overview of the Law of Economy which deals with matter. Note that the Law of Economy has for one of its branches a subsidiary Law of marked development called the Law of Repulsion. As DK says - "The cosmic Laws of Attraction and Economy are therefore the raison d'être (viewed from one angle) of the eternal repulsion that goes on as Spirit seeks ever to liberate itself from form. The matter aspect always follows the line of least resistance, and repulses all tendency to group formation.

Under the Law of Economy man hears. Sound permeates matter and is the basis of its subsequent heterogeneity. Under the Law of Attraction, man touches and makes contact with that which is brought to his attention through sound waves of activity. This leads to a condition of mutual repulsion and attraction between the one who apprehends and that which is apprehended. Having apprehended and then contacted his eyes are opened and he recognizes his place in the whole order under the Law of Synthesis.

1. Hearing - Unity, The recognition of the fourfold word, the activity of matter, the third Logos.

2. Touch - Duality, The recognition of the sevenfold Form Builder, the gathering together of forms, their approximation and interrelation, the second Logos. The Law of Attraction between the Self and the not-self begins to work.

3. Sight - Triplicity, The recognition of totality, the synthesis of all, the realization of the One in Many, the first Logos. The Law of Synthesis, operating between all forms which the self occupies, and the recognition of the essential unity of all manifestation by the means of sight.

In these three senses the present is summed up for us. The work of evolution is to recognize, utilize, coordinate, and dominate the whole till the Self, by means of these three, becomes actively aware of every form, of every vibration, and of every pulsation of the not-self; then, through the arranging power of mind, the objective of the self will be to find the truth, or that center in the circle of manifestation which is, for the Self, the center of equilibrium, and the one point where the coordination is perfected; then the Self can dissociate itself from every veil, every contact, and every sense.

While we shall deal with law of attraction a little later today's post will be devoted mostly to concepts from AAB books on The Law of Synthesis. 

A. From viewpoint of Initiations :

Rule 13 (Rays and Initiations)

For Disciples and Initiates: Let the group get ready to reveal the hidden mystery. Let the group demonstrate the higher meaning of the lessons learnt, and these are four and yet are one. Let the group understand the Law of Synthesis, of unity and fusion; let the threefold mode of working with that which is dynamic carry the group together towards the Higher Three where the Will of God holds sway; let Transfiguration follow Transformation and may Transmutation disappear. Let the OM be heard right at the center of the group, proclaiming God is All.

Let the group understand the Law of Synthesis, of unity and fusion. The Law of Synthesis, as you know, is the law of spiritual existence, and one of the three major laws of our solar system, as well as of our planet. It is a basic cosmic law, applied from sources of which we know nothing, as are the Laws of Attraction and of Economy. I dealt with these somewhat at length in A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, and of these two other laws I have given much and hinted more. Of the Law of Synthesis, I can tell you but little. It is the law governing the activities of the Spiritual Triad, and the conditioning law of monadic living. It works neither through the use of the energy of love nor through the application of the principle of economy. The fulfilment of these laws is necessary and preparatory to an understanding of the Law of Synthesis, and under the Law of Synthesis the worlds of illusion and glamor are mastered and the control of maya is negated; under the Law of Attraction the nature of love is revealed, first of all through desire for form life, and then through attraction to the soul and a consequent resolution of the dualities of soul and personality. This brings about a unity which - in due time - serves to reveal a greater potential dualism - that of soul and spirit; this fundamental duality must also be resolved, leaving the essential, universal planetary duality, spirit-matter, present in time and space. The Law of Synthesis has reference to this relationship and to the factual nature of the tremendous assertion of H. P. Blavatsky that "Matter is spirit at its lowest point of manifestation and spirit is matter at its highest." It is of this synthesis that the group must learn; it is this relation which they must begin to comprehend, and the distinction (for there is a distinction) between synthesis, unity and fusion must in due time be mastered.

To you, it may seem that these three words connote the same thing, but that is not so; fusion is ever related to the conscious merging of soul and substance until a point of equilibrium is achieved; at this point, unity becomes possible and the point of balance - through the attainment of a point of tension - is disturbed. This takes place in three definitely defined stages when the fusion of personality and soul is brought about through the self-initiated effort of the disciple: first of all upon the Probationary Path, then upon the Path of Discipleship, and finally at the third initiation, upon the Path of Initiation. It is essential that you ever remember that this third initiation, the Transfiguration, is the first major initiation from the standpoint of the Hierarchy, though the third from the limited vision of the aspirant. The initiate then goes on to learn the significance of unity in its true sense; this is only possible when monadic influence can be consciously registered and when the antahkarana is in process of conscious construction. I emphasize the word "conscious" here; much of the work of fusion and of attainment proceeds unconsciously under the fundamental Law of Evolution, which is a Shamballic law, embodying as it does the working out of the inscrutable will of Deity. The work now being, done on the three stages of the Path has to be intentional and, therefore, consciously undertaken and intelligently planned; it must be backed, first of all by determination, then by the spiritual will, and finally as an implemented aspect of purpose.

Fusion might therefore be regarded as the individual process of spiritual integration, relating - in full waking consciousness - the three divine aspects in man. Unity might be regarded as the conscious adaptation of the initiated disciple to the greater whole, as his absorption into the group through his obedience to the laws of the soul, and as governing his attitude to that in which he lives and moves and has his being. This goes on until he sees no distinction, registers no differences and is aware of no separate reaction, and all this because the instinct to separation no longer exists in him. It refers to his oneness in the world of [266] energies in which he moves, making him an unimpeded channel for energy and, therefore, an integral and smoothly working part of his total environment and, above all, of the group to which, automatically and under the laws which govern his soul, he has been attracted. He has learnt all that he can learn through the processes of differentiation to which he has been subjected for aeons. The principle of intelligence controls him and the principle of love motivates him, and he has consequently attained unity. But, my brothers, it is the unity of his ray, of his Ashram and of the Plan; it is the unity of the Hierarchy which exists for purposes of service and active work in its seven major groups and its three main departments or divisions. It is indeed attainment and liberation. But more must still be learnt if the Way of the Higher Evolution is to be trodden and a choice between the seven cosmic Paths made - a choice which curiously enough is not dependent upon ray, for all rays are to be found on all these paths.

This can only be done through synthesis. This Law of Synthesis

"works through the Seven which yet are One; which points to the seven ways and yet those upon the seven ways are one; which initiates the universal into the many but preserves its integrity; which originates the plan but preserves intact the purpose; which sees the multiplicity needed under the Law of Sacrifice but subordinates that law unto the Law of Synthesis; which breathes forth the many Breaths and yet is Life Itself."

In this attempt to paraphrase an ancient definition of the Law of Synthesis, I have said all that I can upon the theme. Only as disciples build the antahkarana and function as the Spiritual Triad within the monadic Life will inspiration come, just as they learnt to make contact with the soul and to function as the threefold personality within the soul, and then revelation ensued. Naught is gained by further elucidation. Proceed with the work of building the antahkarana and light will shine upon your way and revelation will attend your steps.

B. From viewpoint of Ray I (Will or Purpose)

The first Aspect, or the will to exist, is governed by the Law of Synthesis, and the activities of the cosmic entities who are its embodiments are governed by the law of enforced unity, and of essential homogeneity. It is the law that eventually comes into play after spirit and matter are blending, and adapting themselves each to each; it governs the eventual synthesis of Self with Self, and finally with the All-Self, and also of essence with essence in contradistinction to the synthesis of matter and Spirit. It demonstrates as:

1. Abstraction,

2. Spiritual liberation,

3. Destruction of form through the withdrawal of Spirit (the Destroyer aspect),

4. Absolute homogeneity and absolute essential unity,

5. Progressive forward motion.

A Heavenly Man is governed by the Law of Attraction, has transcended the Law of Economy, and is rapidly coming under the Law of Synthesis. Note therefore the gradual stepping-up of the control and the fact that:

First. The Law of Economy is the primary law of the atom. The Law of Attraction is coming into control of the atom. The Law of Synthesis is but slightly felt by the life of the atom. It is the law of life.

Second. The Law of Attraction is the primary law of man. The Law of Economy is a secondary law for man. It governs the matter of his vehicles. The Law of Synthesis is steadily beginning to be felt.

Third. The Law of Synthesis is the primary law of a Heavenly Man. The Law of Attraction has full sway. The Law of Economy is transcended. The dense physical body is not a principle for a Heavenly Man, hence the Law of Economy is transcended. [254] The Law of Attraction governs the material process of form building. The Law of Synthesis is the law of His Being.

The first of the cosmic laws is the Law of Synthesis. It is almost impossible for those of us who have not the buddhic faculty in any way developed, to comprehend the scope of this law. It is the law that demonstrates the fact that all things - abstract and concrete - exist as one; it is the law governing the thought form of that One of the cosmic Logoi in Whose consciousness both our system, and our greater center, have a part. It is a unit of His thought, a thought form in its entirety, a concrete whole, and not the differentiated process that we feel our evolving system to be. It is the sumtotal, the center and the periphery, and the circle of manifestation regarded as a unit.

In manifestation the cosmic Law of Attraction controls all these subsidiary laws, just as the Law of Synthesis governs pralaya and obscuration, and the law of Economy deals with the general working out, along the line of least resistance, of the logoic scheme. During manifestation we have most to do with the Law of Attraction, and it will be found, on study, that each subsidiary law is but a differentiation of that law.

i. The Law of Synthesis, determining the future, certifying the goal, and concerned with the life or spirit aspect.

ii. The Law of Attraction, determining the present, and governing the immediate condition of the planetary types. It is concerned with the consciousness or the soul aspect.

iii. The Law of Economy. This law determines the past, conditions the planetary consciousness, and concerns itself with the form or matter aspect.

The processes of abstraction are (as you may thus see) connected with the life aspect, are set in motion by an act of the spiritual will, and constitute the "resurrection principle which lies hidden in the work of the Destroyer," as an old esoteric saying expresses it. The lowest manifestation of this principle is to be seen in the process of what we call death - which is in reality a means of abstracting the life principle, informed by consciousness, from the form of the bodies in the three worlds. Thus, the great synthesis emerges and destruction, death, and dissolution are, in reality, naught but life processes. Abstraction is indicative of process, progress and development. It is this aspect of the Law of Life (or the Law of Synthesis as it is called in certain larger connotations) with which the initiate specifically deals.

The law of attraction works within the consciousness of man and also within the forms in the service of the Hierarchy. This Law of Attraction is a major soul law. Later, after the fourth initiation, the disciple comes increasingly under the Law of Synthesis, which is the major Law of the Spirit in the universe. His capacity then to include rapidly develops and his sense of awareness can (after the sixth Initiation of Decision) begin to range in an extra-planetary fashion. The meaning of all this may be only theoretical, as far as your understanding may be.

All the phases, rightly understood, illustrate or demonstrate the unique potency of the Law of Attraction and its relation to the Law of Synthesis, which governs the first divine aspect. Integration eventually produces synthesis. The many cyclic integrations which are carried forward in the great life cycle of an incarnating soul lead to the final synthesis of spirit and soul, which is the goal of the evolutionary process where humanity is concerned. After the third initiation, this results in the complete liberation of the man from the "pull" of substance in the three worlds and in his consequent ability to wield, with full understanding, the Law of Attraction in its various phases, as far as the creative process is involved. Other phases will then be later mastered.

With this vision and suggested preamble let us now ascertain the seven techniques to be employed at the projection stage of the building process.

Ray One - Will or Power

To understand the first ray technique, the basic quality of the ray must be grasped. It is dynamic. The point at the center is the First Ray of Power, and its technique is never to move from the center but from that point to work dynamically. Perhaps the word that would best express its mode of work is Inspiration. The Father inspires response from the material aspect, or from the Mother if you like that symbolism, but it accomplishes this by remaining immovably itself. From the point where he is, the Builder (human or divine) works, not by the Law of Attraction, as does the second ray, but by the Law of Synthesis, by a fiat of the will, based on a clearly formulated purpose and program. You will see, therefore, that the first ray personality has to ascertain (as in fact do all disciples) which aspect he himself is of a particular ray. It is not possible for any disciple who has not taken the third initiation to ascertain his monadic ray, but any disciple building the antahkarana, and who has reached the stage of projection, should know his soul ray and his personality ray, and should remember that their fused or blended potency must perform the act of projection. The energy of the Monad can be evoked, but it results in a downpouring towards its [509] working agent and it is not an act of projection per se. The act of projection is the work of the "shadow and the reflection." 

The Mahadeva, aspect or the first Logos (who embodies cosmic will) is controlled by the Law of Synthesis, the cosmic law governing the tendency to unification; only in this case, it is not the unification of matter and Spirit, but the unification of the seven into the three, and into the one. These three figures primarily stand for Spirit, for quality, for principle, and not so primarily for matter, although matter, being inspired by spirit, conforms. The Law of Synthesis has a direct connection with One Who is still higher than our Logos, and is the law of control exercised by Him upon the Logos of our system. This is a spiritual relationship that tends to abstraction or to that synthesis of the spiritual elements that will result in their conscious return (the whole point lying in that word "conscious ") to their cosmic point of synthesis, or of unification with their source. Their source is the ONE ABOUT WHOM NAUGHT MAY BE SAID, as we have earlier seen.

The Personality:

1. The energy of mind. The force of manas. The reflection of divine will and purpose. Motivation. The impulse to plan, under the Law of Synthesis.

2. The energy of sentiency. The capacity to respond. Emotional feeling, astral energy. The reflection of love. The force of desire. The impulse to aspire. The divine evolutionary urge. The tendency to attract, to be magnetic, under the Law of Attraction.

3. The energy of life. The capacity to integrate, to coordinate. The force of the vital or etheric body. The reflection of intelligent activity or divine movement. The impulse to act, to be energetic, under the Law of Economy.

4. The energy of dense matter. Externalized activity. The automatic reactions of the outer sheath. The densest point of unity. The lowest aspect of synthesis.

The Soul:

5. The energy of buddhi. The force of divine, reasoning love. The intuition. This is part of the flower of attractive energy and focuses itself in the "love petals of the egoic lotus." Its reflection is found in the astral, emotional, sentient consciousness of the personality.

6. The energy of atma. The force of the divine will. The embodiment of divine purpose. This focuses itself in the "sacrifice petals of the egoic lotus." Its reflection is found in the mind nature of the personality. 

The Spirit:

7. The energy of life itself.

concentrated in the highest head center in the etheric body, in the area just above the physical head. Thus the analogy is complete. The processes of abstraction are (as you may thus see) connected with the life aspect, are set in motion by an act of the spiritual will, and constitute the "resurrection principle which lies hidden in the work of the Destroyer," as an old esoteric saying expresses it. The lowest manifestation of this principle is to be seen in the process of what we call Death - which is in reality a means of abstracting the life principle, informed by consciousness, from the form or the bodies in the three, worlds. Thus, the great synthesis emerges, and destruction, death, and dissolution are in reality naught but life processes. Abstraction is indicative of process, progress and development. It is this aspect of the Law of Life (or the Law of Synthesis as it is called in certain larger connotations) with which the initiate specifically deals when wielding the Law of the Supplementary Seven. The group angle of the matter can be seen if you remember

That the individual initiate, when wielding this law, draws upon the united energy of the Will as the group is expressing it in "unified rhythm." It is by the use of the "united breath" of the entire group (as much of it as his individual will can assimilate, focus, use and direct) that he augments his own will and its directed force. The breath, as we well know, is the life; this Law is the one wielded by the living or risen Christ, in perfect harmony with the will of Shamballa. Herein lies one of the mysteries of the resurrection initiation about which so little has been told, and it is the very heart of the mystery of the ascension initiation. In this latter initiation the living risen Christ withdraws or abstracts Himself and enters consciously and permanently into the great center, Shamballa. The resurrection and the ascension are the results of the death or destruction of the causal body. It can be seen, therefore, how true the Gospel story is to the purposes of Shamballa.

To conclude : Attached image of a group (taken from Kenneth Sorensen website whatever those copyrights mean this is only for illustration) who could achieve high degree of synthesis and serve on physical plane through Law of Synthesis and Attraction. From her unfinished autobiography I believe this image must be from Ascona Switzerland as the following words concur-

"The talks by Dr. Assagioli were outstanding features of the Ascona conferences. He would lecture in French, Italian and English and the spiritual power which poured through him was the means of stimulating many into renewed consecration in life. For the first two years he and I carried the bulk of the lecture work though there were other able and interesting speakers. The last year we were there the place was overrun by German professors and the whole tone and quality of the place altered. Some of them were most undesirable and the teaching given shifted from a relatively high spiritual plane to that of academic philosophy and a spurious esotericism. 1933 was the last year that we went there." - The Unfinished Autobiography.


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