The exoteric interpretation of the law of economy is neatly explained in today's article of JJ (Keys of Sharing) connecting it with "Parable of Virgin". There is an entire book of Cedercrans (Disciple and Economy) where Saint Germain explains this law and how it connects with the life of disciple as he faces crunch of money. The idea is -
1. The word of power, which manipulates the energies through the financial system, is "money" -- crystallized Third Ray energy. Money, then, is not the medium of exchange, as is supposed by many, for that medium is the system. Money is that form into which power has been directed or designated.
2. In the world of affairs, money is a reflection of the sacred word of the Soul, which moves the life of humanity through its etheric medium of exchange. Its power lies in its mantric form, for both the OM and money are essentially mantrams, i.e., words of magical power.
3. Consider now the disciple who brings a gift (something which he wishes to exchange) which has no monetary value (no real place yet) within the financial medium of exchange. His problem is very real, for if he would exchange that which he has, for life within the world of affairs, he must make a place for it within the economic system of the world. Yet, a gift of the Spirit has no monetary value, nor can it truly be given such, for to do so would limit it to the world of form. Thus, the young disciple moves in a no-man's land between the world of concrete facts and the world of so-called miracles.
Esoteric explanation as per DK - A Brief compilation of 3 (triad) major cosmic laws (correspond to triads in esotericism) (connect this with the attached HPBs diagram of involution, evolution, higher evolution arc of root races and contemplate):
1. The Law of Economy. This governs primarily the instinctual nature of man.
The Law of Economy - the law governing matter- The Activity Aspect - 3rd Aspect. (Involution)
The Law of Economy demonstrates as an urge.
Involution: The separation of matter, or the one becoming the many. The senses are developed, and the apparatus is perfected by the Self for the utilization of matter. This is under the Law of Economy.
2. The Law of Attraction, which governs the soul aspect in man and in all forms of life, from an atom to a solar system.
The Law of Attraction - The Love Aspect - 2nd Aspect. (Mid evolution upto probation) - the law governing soul.
The Law of Attraction demonstrates as a pull.
Evolution up to the time of the Probationary Path. The merging of Spirit and matter, and the utilization of the senses in a progressing identification of the Self with all forms from the lowest to those relatively refined. This is under the Law of Attraction.
3. The Law of Synthesis, which will govern man when he has arrived at the Path of Initiation
The Law of Synthesis - the law governing spirit, or the first aspect - The Will Aspect - 1st Aspect. (Higher Evolution of intiations)
The Law of Synthesis as a tendency to concentrate at a center, or to merge.
Evolution on the Path - The separation of spirit from matter, its identification with the One, and the ultimate rejection of form. The senses then are synthesized into acquired faculty, and the Self has no further use for the not-self. It blends with the All-Self. This is under the Law of Synthesis.
The subsidiary laws under the Law of Economy are four in number, dealing with the lower quaternary:
1. The Law of Vibration, dealing with the key note or measure of the matter of each plane. By knowledge of this law the material of any plane in its seven divisions can be controlled.
2. The Law of Adaptation, is the law governing the rotary movement of any atom on every plane and subplane.
3. The Law of Repulsion, governs that relationship between atoms, which results in their non-attachment and in their complete freedom from each other; it also keeps them rotating at fixed points from the globe or sphere of opposite polarity.
4. The Law of Friction, governs the heat aspect of any atom, the radiation of an atom, and the effect of that radiation on any other atom.
Also connect this with the Table showing connection of these laws with Quantum Physics (by Madonna-Megara Holloway). I will explain these in detail in future posts.
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