Today's post will be one of the most abstruse and can be enjoyed by those on Rays 3 and 5 with a scientific and mathematics background. Here I give a mathematical formula of those great trinities (some of which we have summarized in a table earlier) found in the books "The Secret Doctrine" by H. P. Blavatsky and "A Treatise on Cosmic Fires". The equation was interpreted as a functorial connection between an asbtract cause and concrete effect both modeled mathematically as categories (remember that Category Theory - the work of two great mathematicians of last century - Alexander Grothendieck and Saunders maclane is simply the synthesis of entire mathematics) at the end of my doctoral days. Yet a beauty-filled revelation of that equation being the equation of trinities and synthesis came to my intuition just a couple of days back. It is of most value to those on ray lines since souls with these rays have following qualities at their core (from the book E...