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Showing posts from August, 2023

Mathematical Equation of Synthesis

 Today's post will be one of the most abstruse and can be enjoyed by those on Rays 3 and 5 with a scientific and mathematics background. Here I give a mathematical formula of those great trinities (some of which we have summarized in a table earlier) found in the books "The Secret Doctrine" by H. P. Blavatsky and "A Treatise on Cosmic Fires". The equation was interpreted as a functorial connection between an asbtract cause and concrete effect both modeled mathematically as categories (remember that Category Theory - the work of two great mathematicians of last century - Alexander Grothendieck and Saunders maclane is simply the synthesis of entire mathematics) at the end of my doctoral days. Yet a beauty-filled revelation of that equation being the equation of trinities and synthesis came to my intuition just a couple of days back. It is of most value to those on ray lines since souls with these rays have following qualities at their core (from the book E...

Yoga of Synthesis through Trinities

 Today we will take a brief look at how Cosmos itself does the yoga of synthesis from microcosm (atom) to macrocosm (man, planetary logos, solar logos ...) as explained by Blavatsky and Djwal Khul/Bailey. I have prepared a Master Table of Triangles (this is a draft version) of Synthesis from The Secret Doctrine and Treatises of DK/AAB. The First, Second, Third aspects are themselves triads synthesized. This means every row of the table can be understood as three levels of synthesis. As an example highest apex is the synthesising point for the Logos from whence He abstracts the essence in manifestation; the other (next lower vextex) for the Monad, from whence the Monad abstracts and garners the fruits of objectivity which is still through the synthesis of Soul of the three-fold lower (at the third lower point).   The third aspect is often a Quaternary since many times the last aspect is split into two (such as etheric and physical separately) or else the combination of 3 leads ...

More Seeds of the Yoga of Synthesis

 Today I shall drop few more seeds of yoga of synthesis: The yoga practiced by the Supramental Man of Sri Aurobindo, Sixth Root race man of Blavatsky, New Age man of Alice Bailey, Wisdom of Synthesis man by Cedercarns, Agni Yogi with a fiery synthetic will of Roerichs and Molecular man of our Joseph Dewey. Those open shall notice that they are pointing to that same principle but in different terminologies and backgrounds.   Synthesis is a deeply profound innermost experience and one of the obstacle to the daily practice of this yoga is the over-development of the concrete mind (ponder on those profound words of DK). I make a draft synthetic table which will combine the yoga practices with initiations in Christian terminology.  A quick review (the fountain source of most of these yogas is taken here to be the yoga-Sutras of Patanjali) and role of yoga of synthesis -  1. Hatha Yoga - the Yoga of the physical body, that Yoga which brings into conscious use and mani...

More Words on Synthesis

 Let us come back to synthesis, a central foundational principle that can save the race from complete destruction, and that is what I am trying to share and study through posts. DK also reminds us that it will sound like a redundancy to speak of Yoga or union through synthesis, but it is not so and it holds the secret of the next step for the personalities of the race. You ask but how is synthesis experienced ? They answer: 1. As The Eternal Now: It is the synthesis of Past, Present and Future. 2. As Bliss (a gift of synthesis) : Bliss is the nature of the spiritual Being (Monad) and is, in its turn and in due time, imposed upon the rhythm of the soul.  The greatest mathematician of the last century, Alexander Grothendieck had always been excited about the (synthetic) structure of mathematical objects emphasizing the role of relativity of arrows and giving rise to a central branch of mathematics called "Category Theory" which I experienced in my doctoral years as simply ...

Introduction to The Descent into Night

 Yesterday was Sri Aurobindo's birthday - one of those four days when he used to give public darshan. In his Savitri, he describes vividly and mystically the darkness of our lower nature and the world in Canto 7 (The Descent into Night) and 8 (The World of Falsehood, the Mother of Evil and the Sons of Darkness) of the Book 2 (The Book of the Traveller of the Worlds). As I sat reading some of these lines I was shown to my gaze how humanity is blinded in those glamours, illusions and maya (which we saw in a table the other day) being driven as puppets by that dark lodge (forces of materialism) which DK describes extensively.     In “The Descent into Night”, Savitri's father, King Aswapati (which is symbolic of our inner intense spiritual endeavour), traveling the worlds (we the aspirers are these travellers symbolically), turns to find the cause of Life's failure to bring her (Divine Mother or Savitri or symbolically the Hierarchy as her messenger) own divinity into Ma...

A synthetic table of glamours

 A few days back, I wrote on the topic of glamour of the freedom trying to synthesize viewpoints of DK, Sri Aurobindo and Cyril Scott. That glamour I contemplate being due to imbalanced over-development of concrete mind which separates, repels, creates barrier in contrast to true surrender through love (of intuition) which attracts, heals, gathers all to itself, and carries all on with itself, welding separated units into a unified homogeneous whole. Today we try to take a synthetic view of the topics discussed by DK and AAB in their book "Glamour - A world problem". I put that into a synthetic table (combining with earlier one) for an overall picture as it evolves. The major emphasis lies on the development of intuition (Buddhi) which is our dharma (obligation). They define it to be  - " Intuition is the synthetic understanding which is the prerogative of the soul and it only becomes possible when the soul, on its own level, is reaching in two directions: towards the Mo...

The Lonely Path of an Initiate

 There have been times when loneliness has affected me (and invariably it affects all aspirants, disiciples and initiates). Some words of our beloved teacher DK comfort me along with the six rules of the path.  "Those who, with open eyes, enter on occult training need indeed to count the cost. The reward at the end is great, but the path is rough and the true occultist walks it alone. The capacity to stand alone, to assume responsibility, and then to carry all through single-handed, and to brave evil for the sake of the good achieved is the mark of a White Brother. Be prepared then for loneliness, for dangers of a dim and obscure character, and expect to see your life spent for no reward that touches the personality. It is only as the consciousness expands, and one finds one's true position in the cosmic whole that the reward becomes apparent; but cease from fear, and know that the personality is only temporary, and what matter if it suffer? Some good gained for the universal ...

Ashram and Auroville: One of Centres of Synthesis in Cedercrans writings

 The other day in the eastern molecular meeting of Joseph Dewey (Author of Immortal Series and his encounters with John Apostle), I brought up discussion on "Sri Aurobindo and The Mother". I read on the esoteric astrologer website a dialogue between Dr. Michael Robbins (Founder of University of Seven Rays) and Lyn Hebenstreit, where both agree Sri Aurobindo being a high degree initiate. Lyn goes further suggesting the Auroville to be one of the nine planetary “centers of synthesis” that Master R refers to in Lucille Cedercran's teachings. I felt sharing a few of my experiences which concur with Lyn's experiences. The "supramental man of Sri Aurobindo", "Sixth Root race man", "New Age intuitive man of Bailey" and "Man with Wisdom of Synthesis of Cedercarns" to me inwardly resonates to the same point where humanity is evolving !  H.P. Blavatsky wrote in the Secret Doctrine that there are seven branches of knowledge mentioned in th...

Active Surrender: J Krishnamurthy and Western Mind

 In the context of my last post on third initiation, today I will write about the key principle of "Active Surrender" (a term referred to by Sri Aurobindo and The Mother) connecting my personal experience. Having gone through a certain kind of surrender (subconsciously) during my challenging years of doctoral work, it is only after having contemplated on the words of Cyril Scott (and his master JMH), and more recently Alice Bailey (and teacher Djwal Khul) and now Sri Aurobindo and Mother Mirra Alfassa, I think they all have described this type of surrender in their own words. In that context I will try to connect it with what I feel can be seen as an example - "the complete rejection of Masters by J Krishnamurthy". Having been on the same path (which is called Jnana Yoga and Advaita Vedanta here in India) and is simply the Ray 2B Wisdom path of Buddha on which our beloved teacher Djwal Khul has been. I realize that there are times when simply our mind cannot get pas...