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More Seeds of the Yoga of Synthesis

 Today I shall drop few more seeds of yoga of synthesis: The yoga practiced by the Supramental Man of Sri Aurobindo, Sixth Root race man of Blavatsky, New Age man of Alice Bailey, Wisdom of Synthesis man by Cedercarns, Agni Yogi with a fiery synthetic will of Roerichs and Molecular man of our Joseph Dewey. Those open shall notice that they are pointing to that same principle but in different terminologies and backgrounds.  

Synthesis is a deeply profound innermost experience and one of the obstacle to the daily practice of this yoga is the over-development of the concrete mind (ponder on those profound words of DK). I make a draft synthetic table which will combine the yoga practices with initiations in Christian terminology. 

A quick review (the fountain source of most of these yogas is taken here to be the yoga-Sutras of Patanjali) and role of yoga of synthesis - 

1. Hatha Yoga - the Yoga of the physical body, that Yoga which brings into conscious use and manipulation the various organs, muscles and parts of the physical frame.

2. Laya Yoga - the Yoga of the centres which produced a stabilizing of the etheric body and of the centres in man and the development of the astral and psychic nature.

3. Karma Yoga - the yoga of unselfish work and action.

4. Bhakti Yoga - the yoga of the heart or the devotee Bhakti Yoga is the yoga of the heart; it is the bringing into submission of all the feelings, desires and emotions, to the one beloved, seen and known in the heart. It is the sublimation of all the lower loves and the bringing captive of all longings and desire, to the one longing to know the God of love and the love of God.

5. Raja Yoga - the yoga of the scientific mind and purposeful will. It somewhat includes the other yogas and and synthesises the work of evolution and crowns man as king of personality (lower 3 sheaths).

6. Synthesis Yoga - highest union through identification with the whole (surpassing union through realisation or through vision). DK writes - "In the book Agni Yoga, some of the teaching to be given has filtered through but only from the angle of the will aspect. No book has as yet made its appearance which gives in any form whatsoever the 'yoga of synthesis'". I experience some ray 4/6 perspective is seen in "The Synthesis of Yoga" by Sri Aurobindo. It is not a coincidence that The Mother (Mira Alfassa) was doing the work of transformation of the cells for next 1000 years (which is mentioned in the Treatise of cosmic fire book while Alice Bailey or The Mother didnot know each other on physical plane yet had access to same information or the vision of Divine plan within!) 

Those who have studied Alice Bailey books in great depth (and there are many I find) but are not able to deeply love and get along with their brothers (who might be behind them in grasping those books) in that One Work are yet in the glamour of personal wisdom (of Ray 2B) as well as the glamour of knowledge and of definition (of Ray 5 and therefore a trap of scientific concrete mind on which western civilization today stands). This is an extremely delicate point since we ourselves who profess to follow in the footsteps of our teachers, have themselves (through glamours) handicapped the Hierarchy and the Avatar of synthesis from acting on the physical plane since the passing away of messengers of hierarchy such as HPB,AAB,Sri Aurobindo and The Mother,HR,LC and others. The problem of finance and Ray 3 supply is not directly in our hands I see. But Brotherhood is purely dependent on us and can be implemented by all aspirants isn't it ?  

We close enjoying few of lines from Savitri describing those forerunners (who will practice Yoga of synthesis and make forms ready) becoming the superman in "The Soul’s Choice and the Supreme Consummation: BOOK XI: The Book of Everlasting Day.


"But when the hour of the Divine draws near

The Mighty Mother shall take birth in Time

And God be born into the human clay

In forms made ready by your human lives.

Then shall the Truth supreme be given to men:

There is a being beyond the being of mind,

An Immeasurable cast into many forms,

A miracle of the multitudinous One,

There is a consciousness mind cannot touch,

Its speech cannot utter nor its thought reveal.

It has no home on earth, no centre in man,

Yet is the source of all things thought and done,

The fount of the creation and its works,

It is the origin of all truth here,

The sun-orb of mind’s fragmentary rays,

Infinity’s heaven that spills the rain of God,

The Immense that calls to man to expand the Spirit,

The wide Aim that justifies his narrow attempts,

A channel for the little he tastes of bliss.

Some shall be made the glory’s receptacles

And vehicles of the Eternal’s luminous power.

These are the high forerunners, the heads of Time,

The great deliverers of earth-bound mind,

The high transfigurers of human clay,

The first-born of a new supernal race.

The incarnate dual Power shall open God’s door,

Eternal supermind touch earthly Time.

The superman shall wake in mortal man

And manifest the hidden demigod

Or grow into the God-Light and God-Force

Revealing the secret deity in the cave.

Then shall the earth be touched by the Supreme,

His bright unveiled Transcendence shall illumine

The mind and heart and force the life and act

To interpret his inexpressible mystery

In a heavenly alphabet of Divinity’s signs." - Sri Aurobindo.

I am also attaching a chart taken from the book "Treatise on Cosmic fire" page 1238 along with my personal table to assist one of my friends who sometime back had asked me about the Avatar of Synthesis. Images might be subject to copyright so kindly respect the hard-work of the authors and keep those for your personal study only.


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