A few days back, I wrote on the topic of glamour of the freedom trying to synthesize viewpoints of DK, Sri Aurobindo and Cyril Scott. That glamour I contemplate being due to imbalanced over-development of concrete mind which separates, repels, creates barrier in contrast to true surrender through love (of intuition) which attracts, heals, gathers all to itself, and carries all on with itself, welding separated units into a unified homogeneous whole. Today we try to take a synthetic view of the topics discussed by DK and AAB in their book "Glamour - A world problem". I put that into a synthetic table (combining with earlier one) for an overall picture as it evolves.
The major emphasis lies on the development of intuition (Buddhi) which is our dharma (obligation). They define it to be -
" Intuition is the synthetic understanding which is the prerogative of the soul and it only becomes possible when the soul, on its own level, is reaching in two directions: towards the Monad, and towards the integrated and, perhaps (even if only temporarily) coordinated and at-oned personality. It is the first indication of a deeply subjective unification which will find its consummation at the third initiation. "
Intuition brings with its appearance three qualities: Illumination, Understanding, Synthetic Universal Love.
It is the developed intuition that breaks illusion, which in turn breaks the glamour and maya (stepwise from higher to lower) invade the personality life. They define problems of glamour as -
"The Problem of Illusion lies in the fact that it is a soul activity, and the result of the mind aspect of all the souls in manifestation. It is the soul which is submerged in the illusion and the soul that fails to see with clarity until such time as it has learnt to pour the light of the soul through into the mind and the brain.
The Problem of Glamour is found when the mental illusion is intensified by desire. It is illusion on the astral plane.
The Problem of Maya is really the same as the above, plus the intense activity produced when both glamour and illusion are realized on etheric and physical levels. It is that vital unthinking emotional MESS in which the majority of human beings seem always to live.
The Dweller on the Threshold is illusion-glamour-maya, as realized by the physical brain and recognized as that which must be overcome. It is the bewildering thought-form with which the disciple is confronted, when he seeks to pierce through the accumulated glamour of the ages and find his true home in the place of light."
Then the glamour (more appropriately illusion of freedom as it is a glamour on the level of concrete mind) of freedom seems to be closely related to the glamour of personal wisdom (of Ray 2B Wisdom) and glamours of intellect, knowledge and definition (of Ray 5 of Scientific intellect). I will make more posts which will cover specific rules given by DK for identifying these glamours of our personalities bodies on planes (mental,astral,physical).
Image attached - Glamours synthesized with earlier tables. Ponder on this !
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