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Mathematical Equation of Synthesis

 Today's post will be one of the most abstruse and can be enjoyed by those on Rays 3 and 5 with a scientific and mathematics background. Here I give a mathematical formula of those great trinities (some of which we have summarized in a table earlier) found in the books "The Secret Doctrine" by H. P. Blavatsky and "A Treatise on Cosmic Fires". The equation was interpreted as a functorial connection between an asbtract cause and concrete effect both modeled mathematically as categories (remember that Category Theory - the work of two great mathematicians of last century - Alexander Grothendieck and Saunders maclane is simply the synthesis of entire mathematics) at the end of my doctoral days. Yet a beauty-filled revelation of that equation being the equation of trinities and synthesis came to my intuition just a couple of days back. It is of most value to those on ray lines since souls with these rays have following qualities at their core (from the book Esoteric Pyschology I of DK/AAB) - (Ponder and contemplate on some of these ray purposes in the form of an ancient teaching preserved on leaves that were soold that the writing was slowly fading and DK translated it into modern English language though much was lost thereby he says).

"Let mind control. Let the clear shining of the sun of life reveal the mind of God, and set the shining one upon his way. Then lead him to the central point where all is lost within the light supernal."

Quality......mental illumination.

"God and His form are one. Reveal this fact, Oh sovereign Lord of form. God and His form are one. Negate the dual concept. Lend colour to the form. The life is one; the harmony complete. Prove thus the two are one."

Quality...... the power to produce synthesis on the physical plane.

"Produce the garment of the Lord; set forth the robe of many colours. Then separate that robe from That Which hides behind its many folds. Take off the veiling sheaths. Let God be seen. Take Christ from off the cross."

Quality......scientific investigation.

"God and His Angels now arise and touch. Bring forth the rod of power. Extend it outward toward the sons of men; touch them with fire, then bring them near. Bring forth."

Quality...... initiating activity.

"Take thy tools with thee, brother of the building light. Carve deep. Construct and shape the living stone."

Quality......power to create.

"Sit in the centre and the east as well. Move not from there.Send out thy force to do thy will and gather back thy forces. Use well the power of thought. Sit still."

Quality...... power to think.

"Watch well thy thought. Enter at will into the mind of God. Pluck thence the power, the plan, the part to play. Reveal the mind of God."

Quality......mental power.

You may ask why line will look for a mathematical expression ? DK answers as follows -

Rays 1. 3. 7 are the great rays connected with the form, with the evolutionary process, with the intelligent functioning of the system, and with the laws controlling the life in all forms in all the kingdoms in nature.

Rays 2. 4. 6 are the rays connected with the inner life, expanding through those forms,—the rays of motive, aspiration and sacrifice. Rays pre-eminently of quality.

Rays 1. 3. 7 deal with things concrete and with the functioning of matter and form from the lowest plane to the highest.

Rays 2. 4. 6 deal with things abstract, with spiritual expression through the medium of form.

Ray 5 . . . .forms the connecting link of the intelligence.

I end the post attaching the mathematics of yoga of synthesis. Enjoy !


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