Let us come back to synthesis, a central foundational principle that can save the race from complete destruction, and that is what I am trying to share and study through posts. DK also reminds us that it will sound like a redundancy to speak of Yoga or union through synthesis, but it is not so and it holds the secret of the next step for the personalities of the race.
You ask but how is synthesis experienced ? They answer:
1. As The Eternal Now: It is the synthesis of Past, Present and Future.
2. As Bliss (a gift of synthesis) : Bliss is the nature of the spiritual Being (Monad) and is, in its turn and in due time, imposed upon the rhythm of the soul.
The greatest mathematician of the last century, Alexander Grothendieck had always been excited about the (synthetic) structure of mathematical objects emphasizing the role of relativity of arrows and giving rise to a central branch of mathematics called "Category Theory" which I experienced in my doctoral years as simply "the synthesis of entire modern mathematics". Earlier, the entire mathematics was understood as analysis (mark the distinction) of mathematical objects which were simply sets (with separative elements) at their core. It was then that I had my first inner subjective encounter with synthesis (I was not conscious of that exact word).
To quote in the words of great initiates (these words must pierce our hardened hearts), and some of their thoughts (the flames of love which must kindle the dead ashes on the cold shrines of our souls) -
1. HPB:
"Theosophy is certainly not a philosophy, simply because it includes every philosophy as every science and religion...Let us try to give once more a clear and concise definition of Theosophy, and show it to be the very root and essence of all sciences and systems.
Theosophy is “divine” or “god-wisdom.” Therefore, it must be the life-blood of that system (philosophy) which is defined as “the science of things divine and human and the causes in which they are contained” (Sir W. Hamilton), Theosophy alone possessing the keys to those “causes.” Bearing in mind simply its most elementary division, we find that philosophy is the love of, and search after, wisdom, “the knowledge of phenomena as explained by, and resolved into, causes and reasons, powers and laws.” (Encyclopedia.) When applied to god or gods, it became in every country theology; when to material nature, it was called physics and natural history; concerned with man, it appeared as anthropology and psychology; and when raised to the higher regions it becomes known as metaphysics. Such is philosophy —“the science of effects by their causes”—the very spirit of the doctrine of Karma, the most important teaching under various names of every religious philosophy, and a theosophical tenet that belongs to no one religion but explains them all."
Theosophy is neither Buddhism, Christianity, Judaism, Mohammedanism, Hinduism, nor any other ism: it is the esoteric synthesis of the known religions and philosophies. - Blavatsky Collected Works.
2. DK and AAB:
"Synthesis is the method whereby comprehension is attained, and that, by blending the pairs of opposites, the middle path is gained.
Towards synthesis means, towards wholeness, towards the sense of the entire, towards totality, toward divinity itself.
In the coming cycle I emphatically tell you that the true work will be carried forward - the work of spiritually welding the world into a synthesis and the production of a recognised brotherhood of souls.
In the synthesis of the apparently contradictory complexities, there will come eventually enlightenment."
- 24 Books of DK and AAB
3. Sri Aurobindo:
“It would take a positive goose to deny that. But synthesis is the secret of Philosophy and not analysis, and we err widely when we work from without rather than from within. Let us rectify our methods or we shall arrive at incomplete results." - Sri Aurobindo.
4. The Roerichs:
"Picture to yourself how an ignoramus approaches a complicated machine. He does not think about the meaning of the apparatus but clutches at the first lever, not realizing the consequences. Exactly comparable is the case of a man who has remembered only one detail of the entire Teaching and is amazed that he does not see the whole effect. Just as careless handling of the machine threatens the ignoramus with ruin, so does a man who disregards the essence of the Teaching find himself in danger. One person is concerned only about the quality of food; another tries to avoid foul language; another attempts to avoid irritation; a fourth avoids fear; but such useful details are nevertheless separate levers—none by itself will lift the entire weight. One needs to delve by degrees into the synthesis of the Teaching; only the rainbow of the synthesis can bestow advancement. If someone notices that one aspect has taken possession of him, let him diligently repeat also the other parts of the given indications. We give much in a veiled form and gradually bring realization nearer to people. Let man not be afraid, but draw near until he assimilates the rhythm of the entire mosaic. Thus, an approach to the synthesis teaches one to make use of all the details.
Around the concept of synthesis are many misunderstandings. Though some admit its usefulness, they consider that synthesis is a little of everything. They vindicate themselves thus—that man cannot know everything in the present stage of development of knowledge. But, then, is synthesis knowing everything? Science with all its branches cannot be assimilated by one person, its meaning must be realized. It can thus be fully assimilated and affirmed in consciousness. Only an ignoramus can pretend that the meaning of synthesis is incomprehensible to him. The ignoramus easily accepts one mechanical branch and is ready to conceal his narrowness with prejudices about the impossibility of combination." - Agni Yoga.
5. Lucille Cedercrans:
"A Synthesis is achieved when two or more parts so perfectly complement one another that they merge into a total which gives to each of its parts something which it did not previously have. Grasp this thought, this idea, and your understanding of the concept and the actuality which includes, remember, the application of Synthesis, will expand greatly."
Therefore Truth, Synthesis, Inclusiveness and Divinity are akin - are one in fact and this is a progressive revelation incrementally realized with every initiation as one progresses on the path.
Image : The painting “The Banner of the Future” one of the most significant in the Maitreya series, where is seen the Lord of Shambhala. Who is he ? He is the One who leads the Department of Boddhisattva/Christ/World Teacher (See Chart of our Hierarchy in A Treatise on Cosmic Fire). He is the master of all the masters, the great synthesiser within the Hierarchy of all the rays who lies at the Heart of the Hierarchy !
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