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Showing posts from January, 2024

Savitri Book 1, Canto 2: Savitri, Who Leads

 Page 17, Savitri (A Legend, Symbol, the Mantric Epic of Sri Aurobindo): For this she had accepted mortal breath; To wrestle with the Shadow she had come And must confront the riddle of man’s birth And life’s brief struggle in dumb Matter’s night. Whether to bear with Ignorance and death Or hew the ways of Immortality, To win or lose the godlike game for man, Was her soul’s issue thrown with Destiny’s dice. But not to submit and suffer was she born; To lead, to deliver was her glorious part. - (Book 1 Canto 2 Painting No. 9) Savitri is a missioned child. She has accepted a mortal birth in order to awaken Satyavan from his fallen state in soul-less materialism. To battle against his Doom she has accepted to become human. On the three lower planes of the terrestrial world she must face the mystery of man's birth and his struggle in the darkness of unconscious Matter. This is the central issue, as the very title of this canto, 'The issue' denotes. It is a choice she has to mak...

Savitri Book 1, Canto 2: Guardian Angel of Savitri

 Page 16, Savitri (A Legend, Symbol, the Mantric Epic of Sri Aurobindo): Almost they saw who lived within her light Her playmate in the sempiternal spheres Descended from its unattainable realms In her attracting advent’s luminous wake, The white-fire dragon-bird of endless bliss Drifting with burning wings above her days: Heaven’s tranquil shield guarded the missioned child. - (Book 1 Canto 2 Painting No. 8) Sri Aurobindo says: Those who lived near the radiant aura of Savitri could almost see that lovely creature 'white-fire dragon bird', her friend from the eternal immortal worlds. It went down along with Savitri when she came to earth. Just like the dolphins that love to be carried along the trail of waves behind a boat, this bird follows Savitri's being attracted by her shining wake (trail). This bird of unending bliss is like a safeguard of peace and calm guarding Savitri as a child and hovering above her days on its burning white-fire wings. Savitri being a child is b...

Gitanjali SET 1

 As we transition into the consciousness of new aquarian age, a few of my friends especially those who are piscean, fear to make the inner transition. Some song offerings of Rabindranth Tagore (on the Ray 6 of pure devotion) might console and give them the needed strength to trust the inner whispers of their soul and the hand of the ashram on their soul ray (especially the mystics 2-4-6). Hill Station in Himalayas (Photo Credit Shafeek), Woman Wearing Blue Jacket Standing on Grass Field, Switzerland (Photo Credit Kasuma)

Savitri Book 1, Canto 2: Aura of Savitri

  Page 15, Savitri (A Legend, Symbol, the Mantric Epic of Sri Aurobindo): As might a soul fly like a hunted bird, Escaping with tired wings from a world of storms, And a quiet reach like a remembered breast, In a haven of safety and splendid soft repose One could drink life back in streams of honey-fire, Recover the lost habit of happiness, Feel her bright nature’s glorious ambience, And preen joy in her warmth and colour’s rule. - (Book 1 Canto 2 Painting No. 7) In these lines Sri Aurobindo is referring to the soul as a bird in the vicinity of Savitri's aura. He says: Just like a poor tired bird that is being hunted, finally escaping from the earthly world of storms and troubles into a quiet place of safe sanctuary and splendid leisure as if having found its true home from where it came; a soul could find its home near Savitri. The natural state of a soul is joy yet in the dense material world it often loses this natural state. Savitri being a radiant centre of high vibrational sp...

Savitri Book 1, Canto Two: Qualities in Savitri

 Page 15, Savitri (A Legend, Symbol, the Mantric Epic of Sri Aurobindo): All in her pointed to a nobler kind. Near to earth’s wideness, intimate with heaven, Exalted and swift her young large-visioned spirit Voyaging through worlds of splendour and of calm Overflew the ways of Thought to unborn things. Ardent was her self-poised unstumbling will; Her mind, a sea of white sincerity, Passionate in flow, had not one turbid wave. - (Book 1 Canto 2 Painting No. 5) Earlier lines described the forest. Now Sri Aurobindo portrays Savitri saying: All in Savitri is pointing towards a nobler race (what he calls the supramental race). Her spirit is near to the vastness of the earth yet at the same time extremely close to heaven. It is lofty and broad-visioned with youthful energy. Swiftly flying through the higher worlds above the mind it left the mental thoughts and arguments far below unborn. Her fiery unwavering will is always sure-footed and synthesized. Her mind is highly pure, passionatel...

Savitri Book 1: Canto Two, Love hiding Death

Page 14, Savitri (A Legend, Symbol, the Mantric Epic of Sri Aurobindo):  A spot for the eternal’s tread on earth Set in the cloistral yearning of the woods And watched by the aspiration of the peaks Appeared through an aureate opening in Time, Where stillness listening felt the unspoken word And the hours forgot to pass towards grief and change. Here with the suddenness divine advents have, Repeating the marvel of the first descent, Changing to rapture the dull earthly round, Love came to her hiding the shadow, Death. Well might he find in her his perfect shrine. In these lines, Sri Aurobindo describes the spot in the forest where the prologue of Savitri's drama (or her meeting with Satyavan) was lived out. It is a spot of withdrawn longing of woods where the eternal can put his feet on pristine earth. The surrounding hills are staring with an earnest aspiration as if Time has opened up and revealed this golden spot. Here motionless calm and peace could perceive that Word announcin...

Savitri Book 1: Canto Two, Racket of Modern Life

  Page 14, Savitri (A Legend, Symbol, the Mantric Epic of Sri Aurobindo): A force of spare direct necessity Reduced the heavy framework of man’s days And his overburdening mass of outward needs To a first thin strip of simple animal wants, And the mighty wideness of the primitive earth And the brooding multitude of patient trees And the musing sapphire leisure of the sky And the solemn weight of the slowly passing months Had left in her deep room for thought and God. There was her drama’s radiant prologue lived. Sri Aurobindo continues portraying the wilderness of the forest where Savitri lived. A force of simplicity without any unneeded overload ensured only bare requirements were fulfilled. The daily bustle of a modern life of man, where much energy is spent in the burden of fulfilling outward needs was absent in that forest. The force reduced the requirements to bare needs of water, food and shelter. That left Savitri to absorb the peaceful aura of her natural surroundings. Pati...

Savitri Book 1: Canto Two, Solitude and Environment

 Page 13, Savitri (A Legend, Symbol, the Mantric Epic of Sri Aurobindo):  Around her were the austere sky-pointing hills, And the green murmurous broad deep-thoughted woods Muttered incessantly their muffled spell. A dense magnificent coloured self-wrapped life Draped in the leaves’ vivid emerald monotone And set with chequered sunbeams and blithe flowers Immured her destiny’s secluded scene. There had she grown to the stature of her spirit: The genius of titanic silences Steeping her soul in its wide loneliness Had shown to her her self’s bare reality And mated her with her environment. Sri Aurobindo conjures up such beautiful image of forests surrounding the hermitage where Savitri dwelled in her solitude reminding us of those secluded meadows in the Himalayan foothills. He says: Surrounding her were huge rigid and rocky hills pointing skywards. In the valleys are these soft, green, extensive woods which seem to be in deep contemplative thoughts casting their soothing magica...

Beginning of Canto Two and the lonely life of a 4th Degree Initiate

 At the end of the last canto, 'The symbol dawn' Savitri wakes up gathering the entire might of her soul to face that fateful doom of Satyavan when Lord Yama of death will claim his soul. Now begins Canto Two: The Issue  Page 11, Savitri (A Legend, Symbol, the Mantric Epic of Sri Aurobindo):  AWHILE, withdrawn in secret fields of thought, Her mind moved in a many-imaged past That lived again and saw its end approach: Dying, it lived imperishably in her; Transient and vanishing from transient eyes, Invisible, a fateful ghost of self, It bore the future on its phantom breast. Sri Aurobindo says: Silent for a little while thinking, Savitri's mind saw many images from the past. Experiencing that lasting past in her consciousness once more, She saw the end of Satyavan approaching. Short-lived and disappearing from her eyes, invisible like a fateful image of a ghost, yet carrying the doom of future on its breast.    An absolute supernatural darkness falls On man somet...

Will the Christ Intervene ? Some hints from Djwal Khul

 Previous post symbolically hinted at Savitri being a Saviour. Yet in these times can one expect Christ to intervene on behalf of humanity slumbering in soulless materialism ? From "The book Externalization of Hierarchy" we summarize some paragraphs: "DK hints (and briefly explains) at the following forms of divine intervention (and their combination) and conditions of their fulfillment:  1. Divine embodiments. 2. Natural cataclysms. 3. Evocation of slumbering Entities. 4. Emergence of inspired leadership. A: To the casual thinker and the untrained occult student, it might appear that - given an almighty Deity and planetary Logos - He could with little trouble and much usefulness and compassion intervene in this sad world-situation and bring to an end the warring of the nations through the medium of some spectacular happening, some dramatic cataclysm of natural process or some supreme appearing which would work much good. It might, it could be argued, conclusively convin...

Savitri, The Christ : End of The Symbol Dawn

 Today let us finish the first canto covering the last two paintings. Savitri will symbolically emerge as the Mediator, Messiah or Christ from the ancient scriptures of Vedas, Who will plead the cause of humanity with God (Lord Yama) and try to bring about a rescue of Satyavan (representing soul of humanity). She is the ageless symbol of Divine Intermediary and Word portrayed by Sri Aurobindo in his epic. Page 9, Savitri (A Legend, Symbol, the Mantric Epic of Sri Aurobindo), Lines 310 to 315:  At the summons of her body’s voiceless call Her strong far-winged spirit travelled back, Back to the yoke of ignorance and fate, Back to the labour and stress of mortal days, Lighting a pathway through strange symbol dreams Across the ebbing of the seas of sleep. In these lines Sri Aurobindo is portraying Savitri as she is beginning to wake up on that fateful day on which she will have to fulfill her divine mission all alone. Savitri has been asleep in the forest hermitage and her Spirit...

Savitri (A Legend, Symbol, the Mantric Epic of Sri Aurobindo), Lines 280 to 285

 Page 8, Savitri (A Legend, Symbol, the Mantric Epic of Sri Aurobindo), Lines 280 to 285: Apart, living within, all lives she bore; Aloof, she carried in herself the world: Her dread was one with the great cosmic dread, Her strength was founded on the cosmic mights; The universal Mother’s love was hers. Against the evil at life’s afflicted roots, Her own calamity its private sign, Of her pangs she made a mystic poignant sword. Sri Aurobindo says: Although alone by herself, Savitri is experiencing the collective consciousness of all other lives. Even if withdrawn, she is enduring the fear and grief of an entire ignorant world. She shares the worry, concern and suffering of the Whole world. Yet she also has a universal power and immortal strength. Above all, she is carrying the energy of Divine Mother's universal love to assist her.  Sri Aurobindo beautifully portrays creation as 'The great tree of life' which is being eaten away at its root by the worms of evil. The tree is ...

The Energy of Right Human Relations - Ray 2 of Love-Wisdom

 While reading the A at P document downloaded from a post of Duane Carpenter (so much gratitude to him), I suddenly intuitively sensed one of the best definitions of Love-Wisdom (Second Ray Energy) given by Djwal Khul to his disciples, I have read so far. This definition the essence of Ray 5 mathematical formula (or symbol) of Synthesis we had derived last year. This is because the energy of Love-Wisdom (more accurately Wisdom) is highly synthetic energy.  (Several examples of duality and conflicts quoted need to be worked out in detail) Few sentences from the document: It may be of interest here if one of the Tibetan’s definitions of Wisdom be given. For His purposes of high-lighting His exact meaning, He starts with a short explanation of intuition, then follows one on Love and ends with that of Wisdom. It is as follows: “In connection with the “seed-groups”, which are fusing and blending in humanity at this time and which – in their totality constitute the nucleus of the fi...

A few lines on Ordeal of Savitri: Helena P. Blavatsky , Lines 250 to 255.

 Page 7, Savitri (A Legend, Symbol, the Mantric Epic of Sri Aurobindo), Lines 250 to 255:  "Thus trapped in the gin of earthly destinies, Awaiting her ordeal’s hour abode, Outcast from her inborn felicity, Accepting life’s obscure terrestrial robe, Hiding herself even from those she loved, The godhead greater by a human fate." A gin trap was a horrible trap that was not only used to trap animals such as rabbits for food but even to catch poor men by the landlords in UK so they could break their leg in order to not let them move. In that way Sri Aurobindo says: Savitri is caught in a dreadful trap of her earthly mission (which we shall see later is to save Satyavan, a fallen soul of humanity lost in materialism). She cannot free herself, but only wait to face the torture of her trial when Satyavan will face his end. She is thrown away from that innate joy and bliss which is her inborn right, accepting life's uncertain material coat. By not fully revealing her true divine n...

Savitri (A Legend, Symbol, the Mantric Epic of Sri Aurobindo), Lines 234 to 238.

 Page 7, Savitri (A Legend, Symbol, the Mantric Epic of Sri Aurobindo), Lines 234 to 238:  A glory of lightnings traversing the earth-scene, Their sun-thoughts fading, darkened by ignorant minds, Their work betrayed, their good to evil turned, The cross their payment for the crown they gave, Only they leave behind a splendid Name. Sri Aurobindo continues portraying divine messengers: They arrive like glorious flashes of lightnings traveling across some age earthly age or yuga, illuminating the ignorant masses and then departing quickly. After their passing those thoughts from the supreme sun of Truth, grow faint because they get darkened by the ignorant minds who cannot understand them. Their good work is denounced and ill-spoken of; the message gets distorted and perverted for exactly the opposite of what they intended to share. They are crucified for the taj they offer (reminding us of master Jesus). Regarding the Cross, Sri Aurobindo and the Mother taught their disciples th...

Salutation from Rabindranath Tagore

 A Salute of Rabindranath Tagore to Sri Aurobindo -  Following his meeting with Sri Aurobindo in May 1928, Rabindranath Tagore wrote an essay (excerpts from that rich essay in images attached) and a poem in Salutation : SALUTATION RABINDRANATH, O Aurobindo, bows to thee ! O friend, my country’s friend, O voice incarnate, free, Of India’s soul ! No soft renown doth crown thy lot, Nor pelf or careless comfort is for thee; thou’st sought No petty bounty, petty dole; the beggar’s bowl Thou ne’er hast held aloft. In watchfulness thy soul Hast thou e’er held for bondless full perfection’s birth For which, all night and day, the god in man on earth Doth strive and strain austerely; which in solemn voice The poet sings in thund’rous poems ; for which rejoice Stout hearts to march on perilous paths; before whose flame Refulgent, ease bows down its head in humbled shame And death forgetteth fear;—that gift supreme To thee from Heaven’s own hand, that full-orb’d fadeless dream That’s thi...

A synthesis of Savitri and Theosophy - Painting No 18

 Page 7, Savitri (A Legend, Symbol, the Mantric Epic of Sri Aurobindo), Lines 215 to 233.  "In vain now seemed the splendid sacrifice. A prodigal of her rich divinity, Her self and all she was she had lent to men, Hoping her greater being to implant And in their body’s lives acclimatise That heaven might native grow on mortal soil." Sri Aurobindo says: The coming of Savitri in a human form on Earth was a splendid sacrifice. She came in immense generosity, leaving her blissful place to bestow all she was, her very self to humanity, hoping to implant all the divine possibilities of the higher planes here on earthly soil. She had hoped to accustom all her own divinity as a normal part of life on earth so that the higher qualities of nature could become a part of everyday lives of natives, born here, belonging here. "Hard is it to persuade earth-nature’s change; Mortality bears ill the eternal’s touch: It fears the pure divine intolerance Of that assault of ether and of fire...

The inner Ashram of Djwal Khul

 Some intuitive hints on the Yoga of Synthesis practiced as Brotherhood - leading to Right Human Relations. The work of the inner ashram (on Ray 2B Wisdom aspect) of our beloved Teacher Djwal Khul (DK); briefly summarized from the Applicants at the Portal document of Marian Walter as released by Duane Carpenter of Morya Federation.  A. Five Specialized Energies and their roles in the laying the foundations and bringing forth New Aquarian civilization and culture based on Synthesis. 1. The Energy of Love-Wisdom – transmitted by the Master KootHoomi and His Ashram. 2. The Energy of Will or Power – transmitted by the Master Morya and His Ashram. 3. The Energy of Active Intelligence – transmitted by the English Master who works under the direction of Master R (Saint Germain) in His office as Mahachohan. 4. The Energy, which produces Order – transmitted by the Master R and assisted by the 3rd , 5th and 7th ray Masters and Their Ashrams. 5. The Energy of Right Human Relations – tr...