Page 16, Savitri (A Legend, Symbol, the Mantric Epic of Sri Aurobindo):
Almost they saw who lived within her light
Her playmate in the sempiternal spheres
Descended from its unattainable realms
In her attracting advent’s luminous wake,
The white-fire dragon-bird of endless bliss
Drifting with burning wings above her days:
Heaven’s tranquil shield guarded the missioned child.
- (Book 1 Canto 2 Painting No. 8)
Sri Aurobindo says: Those who lived near the radiant aura of Savitri could almost see that lovely creature 'white-fire dragon bird', her friend from the eternal immortal worlds. It went down along with Savitri when she came to earth. Just like the dolphins that love to be carried along the trail of waves behind a boat, this bird follows Savitri's being attracted by her shining wake (trail). This bird of unending bliss is like a safeguard of peace and calm guarding Savitri as a child and hovering above her days on its burning white-fire wings. Savitri being a child is being protected before she gets ready to fulfill her mission to save Satyavan from his doom.
A theosophical synthesis: We find a whole treatise on these Devas (Guardian Angels) in the collected works of Vicente Beltran Anglada. To quote some of his words (what Sri Aurobindo calls a white-fire dragon bird):
"The form of the familiar Devas or Guardian Angels, perceived through mental clairvoyant vision, presents us with a typical image of the Archetype of the Universe, that is, the human form, though with a uniqueness of luminous nuances and magnetic projection of love and benevolence impossible to be described in human words. They appear and disappear with the speed of light, leaving behind them a glorious trail of glittering colours that defines each one's evolution and type of spiritual ray to which they belong. Sometimes, some of them voluntarily adopt those very subtle and vaporous forms with which the divine Art of the Renaissance endowed them. However, despite their magnificent transcendence, these familiar Angels are the inseparable Friends of men, the ones who inspire them with the universal ideas of the cosmic Good and who help them in their moments of loneliness or sadness."
- Hidden forces of nature, Vicente Beltran Anglada.
"As we know esoterically, every human soul possesses its own Solar Angel, the higher Self, or spiritual director of its life. From the mystic depths of the heart men receive the subtle indications and warnings of the Solar Angel, the Voice of Consciousness, as we commonly know and interpret it, being the gentle admonitions of our Guardian Angel constantly advising, inspiring and exalting our life. The form of the Solar Angel is the human form - though perhaps it would be better to say that the human form is that of the Solar Angel - it is sexless and perceptible within an indescribable profusion of radiating hues within the Causal Body. He can be observed if one has the necessary evolution within the Causal Case, and His radiation is extraordinarily beautiful and inspiring, and the vision of His radiant Presence is one of the spiritual experiences of the Third Initiation."
- The Devic Structure of forms, Vicente Beltran Anglada.
Image: Flying Seagull, photo credit Engin Akyurt.
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